V1.1.9.1 Discussion

But Dawnguard doesn’t.

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Agreed, this can work as well. Thanks for pointing it out! :smile:

I’d rather just take Energy regen devos if needed. Maybe you end up with better dps this way.
[I haven’t done the math, it’s a preference and it’s interesting that players come up with different solutions to Energy regen]

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Will be good to increase damage of Krieg’s Wrath from 70% of weapon damage to 100%. And decrease amount of spawned maggots from all sources - they don’t do nothing except burning CPU resources. Also check optimization of code - after implementation of 1.1.9 game became polluted by floating crushes without reasons and fps stuttering.




More Hellhounds please.

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I know it’s been mentioned in the past a few times; a lot of people are dissatisfied with the Devouring Swarm as RR applier.(don’t know who likes it or who uses it for another purposes in builds)

It’s Vitality RR is unusually high when you compare other sources and Bleeding RR is also a bit higher than Rend devotion skill. But it’s really hard to apply, the AoE is so narrow and it doesn’t spread, it’s not visible enough, doesn’t have an icon, no cooldown makes it useless as devotion proccer etc.

I don’t want a whole rework it to spread or something, we already late for that boat but I really like to have some QoL changes about it, in return diminishing RR ofc.

Reasonable suggestions : I definitely like it to have more visible effect(Maybe even a debuff icon on its own) + some extra radius like 4 meter or something.
It’s really hard to see if it’s applied or not. I’m sure people with Grim Internals has no issues likes this but there are a lot of player who doesn’t use those tools.
Thermite Mines have 2,4m radius and they stay on ground plus you can summon more than one, so it doesn’t require constant applying. It’s managable but DS is really hard to manage with a small radius and cast/gone concept.

More a wish than suggestion :

1)Make it like RE, with same CD etc, swarms come out from a whole(nest) on the ground and haunt the enemies within the radius, apply RR. Ofc such change probably means that it won’t have any adcth anymore aswell.

2)Make it spreadable with longer CD, like Omen but maybe 3 sec CD/3 sec duration so it can stay as PITA to cast :smiley: again remove the adcth ofc.

I’m sure a lot of people have different ideas about changing the DS but I’m also sure they will definitely need some change no matter the outcome. I’ll understand if it’s too much to change the whole skill concept but please atleast give some visibility to it with an icon or something and some more radius because it doesn’t stay on the ground like thermite mines. You cast it and it’s gone, same place new enemy, you cast it again, same enemy you cast it again…

Edit: Another idea; Maybe you can make it like mines? It can stay on that exact location for it’s duration when casted so even though the area is small, we can manage and can have some static combat without casting it in every 2 second. It doesn’t need to have 18 sec duration, even 5 is good enough.

Myth Pestilence of Dreeg

I’ve been close to slotting this necklace a few times until I remember it was base physical damage converted to acid. Is this getting used for acid? Can the base conversion be removed? Would love to slot the rust prefix (chaos -> phys) with gutsmasher on various dumb concepts but the phys->acid conversion is going to do more damage that the chaos I’d be gaining.


pretty sure the only acid build i use it on is an acid retal not using stoneguard :sweat_smile:

it’s part of the bunch of overall awesome necklace stuff/RR/Converson stuff that gets screwed over by conflicting conversions, 12% native on the amulet or as part of its affixes…
always bothered me - like conduit with double dmg type RR, but ex converting a desired dmg type into something undesired in order to get that RR…

Pestilence of Dreeg is probably the superb example of that

My chaos FoI Deceiver prior I change it to chaos AoM Sentinel.

My personal opinion FoI have it’s damage, but the problem is the application of the damage. I feel like the range of this skill is too short as the main problem that I face. So I think adding an extra 2 meter range at 12/12 and an extra 1 meter range at 17/12 Endless Flame can help with this problem. Adding 1 meter target area either to base skill or intensify should also help with the skill in melee range.

I also would like for a small buff for Hex Launcher to add an extra 1 point to Fabric of Reality (this one is more like an OCD problem actually). The build that I’ve been working on is this spellbinder https://www.grimtools.com/calc/lNkGlobN

When that pistol combined with the Uro set, there is no way I think to reach 22/12 Fabric of Reality, and there is no other option despite using +1 arcanist belt and relic, unless using the Mark of the Dreadblade medal which mean sacrificing the more useful Ilgorr medal on this build.

If not adding it to Hex Launcher, can the bonus to Mirror on the Arcane Currents pants be swapped for it? Mirror most of the time only for 1 pointer skill or 6/12, even for a build that dedicated to using that skill rarely go for 22/12 as 12/12 is enough like in Krieg + Aetherscorched Cleaver build.

Can you take a look to both MI Obsidian shields?
I’ve never seen anyone uses them.
Obsidian Bulwark: the mod to RoK is quite nice, but that’s all. A caster rarely uses shield, as shields tend to have zero energy reg, and skill mods are quite mediocre compare to offhands.
My suggestion: add energy reg, and +2 projects or fragments to RoK. Increase skill bonus from +2 -> +3 to both, as rune builds thirst for skill points.
-2 cd to Blast shield (for more proc to keep gaining +20% crit dmg).
Obsidian Defender: designed for chaos S&B Sentinel. But the bonus stats is inferior.
My suggestion: add -RR chaos to Shattering Smash, and buff attack speed to 15%.
+8-10% physic res or 12% armor (its for melee facetank).


I’m currently making a Trickster build that uses DS for its RR. The skill is doing around 10k dps according to the game due to flat damage modifiers from equipment (Lagoth’Ak’s Bloodbinding, bonespike and Korvan Casque for more RR). I do agree that the radius of the swarm can be quite small but i think the skill is fine as something that needs to be aimed to be effective. It forces the player to consider their positioning to maximize its efficiency instead of just being a set and forget skill like mines and storm totems. A small increase in its radius and a more clear visual effect would be pretty helpful but i don’t think it needs any other adjustments.

Try the repositioning with melee/static AA builds please. I understand it has some good qualities for vitality casters or caster bleeding builds but I examined the skill as a RR applier more than a damage/lifesteal source.

The ideas about changing the whole skill was just an imagination. The real suggestion I’m purposing is increasing the radius and making it more vsible/maybe a debuff icon on enemy for QoL.

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Lots of proc incoming…
Lets start simple:
Request for the proc “Elemental Seal” to get both its cooldown and duration reduced. I know its just for the meme’s, but it is the weakest proc in game due to its nonprojectile and stationary character. Especially if you are going for one of the actually reachable no green procbuilds ingame, wich uses Mythical Aldur’s Inquisition and pretty much every other item with “Elemental Seal”. Having to wait 4 seconds for a new Seal to proc, is increadibily long for a range/kite build. Reducing the cd and lenght of the skill would help the seals actually be where your enemys are, while keeping it balanced for melee-builds.
Other possible solutions might be adding dots, adding some sort off cc(though useless against bosses) or changing the behaviour of the skill to something like arcane currents (wich I expect would be way to much work).
Oh and please unify the proc on all the items that utiliese it to be cast on attack.

Now to something not entirely completely different…that might stirr up some debate…and might be too late to ask for…sigh…component-skills…talking primarily about the active ones with cooldowns

There are quite a few that are not used, because there are better alternatives (like permanent buffs, auto-attack-spamables, auto-attack modifiers) or are just cluttering your keys with their presence ,making them increadibly clunky to use:

Battered Shell
Chipped Claw
Blessed Whetstone
Aethersteel Bolts
Venom-Tipped Ammo
Void-Touched Ammo
Symbol of Solael

I suggest to change their skills to some kind of proc(on crit, when beeing hit, on attack, on block). That way they are way more attractive as complementary components and are somewhat useful aside from beeing resource for crafting.

The ones I didn’t mention, might be too strong as proc like Severed Claw, wich is in between Chipped Claw and Oleron’s Blood.
On the Other hand there could be an argument, that it doesnt really matter, for component skills with a cooldown, if they are an active or passive skills, since the only difference is hammering your head on the keyboard. Might as well be an 5-10% on attack proc? Should all CD-componentskills be proc-skills? Can/should component-proc-skills have manacost? Should defensive-skills remain active skills? Any thoughts?

The one edgecase of spammables:
Chilled Steel needs a cooldown
Is the only spamable skill that has 2 alternatives:
We have Deathchill Bolts and Seal of the Night sharing a similar yet better skill that can be used as spam. So the lowest version ( Chilled Steel ) might be better of beeing a proc?

Why not Flintcore Bolts too, you ask? Because it is an essential part of progression and is spammable. Unlike Chilled Steel it only has one similar skill: Seal of Destruction wich is only reachable later in the game.

EDIT: Well I forgot about Searing Ember…silly me. I guess it could/should be handeled similar to Chilled Steel

Let me know your thoughts…ist this reasonable? Did I overlooked something that would be gamebreaking or overly intrude someones build?
The discussion probably is a wasted effort anyways. If so, let me know too.^^

You forgot about https://www.grimtools.com/db/items/2869, equivalent to Chilled Steel

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Oh i did… well that would make it just like Chilled Steel then I guess.^^

Turning these into procs would gut their entire purpose of being powerful early game tools. In early game, you do not have the attack/cast speed necessary to utilize procs nearly as much as you could via casting these manually.

If you’re trying to find an endgame use for a level 5 item at level 100 I honestly don’t know what to tell you.


Alright, just before this party ends, I have one last ti-i-iny thing I want Crate to turn their gaze on.

This thing is Voidwhisper Band. I was looking on that ring for quite a while now, and it’s a pretty good item. But! It lacks one thing: skill bonus to non-pet skill.

Ring of Khonsar, Yugol’s Ichor, Spiritbinder Glyph, Glyph of Kelphat’Zoth - all have bonus(es) to non-pet skills, which makes them more usable on non-pet builds.

So how about adding +2/3 to Death Sentence or Agonizing Flames or something like that, hm? Death Sentence especially, because it’s kinda rare as it is, and on rings it can only be found on elemental side of things (Eternal Band, Signet of the Runefather).

Somehow I concur with you about buffing weapon components, as end game its all about seals, seals everywhere, I feel its quite limited. These components you listed are designed for early game, they shouldnt have too much power. But I think a little tuning like +4% ms/as/cs (like seals) wont hurt, more smoother gameplay for newbie.