V1.1.9.1 Discussion

I also wanna say some words about cataclysm set after some testing.
It takes up 3(!) slots, 2 of which can give you +1 to two masteries (off-hand and amulet) and belt which can also give you +1 to mastery.
The whole bonus for Cata set is, though, +1 to all skills, which is underwhelming compared to other gear with mastery bonuses.
I also haven’t seen this set been used partly. So, imo, it deserves some love but I actually don’t know, what.
Maybe increase the bonus to +2 to all skills/increase %damage value/increase proc’s damage and radius etc.


Templar builds:
I wanted to fill the templar emptiness in grey-maybe’s sheet:

  1. Virtue templar. I have a limited skills to proc devotions, so the devo map is rather strange. The build is fine except damage output. Even with -6 elen res mod I spent like 50% more time on common 75-76 run than usually. After that I checked the Shieldbreaker variant. Pretty much the same. Seems like it’s a consequence after nerfing both mastery and the set.
  1. Fire Iskandra. Sadly, there aren’t items to support unorthodox setups for tss. Another example: even after adding an Occ support to Trozan set there are no items both for tss and sigils or cold/lightning items with + to sigils at all. Though, in theory, Iskandra might work with any class having -elem res, the set can’t outside of Sorc.

Conversion would be welcome here (like belt has 60% piercing dmg -> elemental, or full set for 100% acid/physical -> elemental), as this set is designed for elemental builds, such as Inquisitor/Arcanist/Demo/Occultist… these masteries have acid/piercing-related skills, like Grenado, CB, Runes…And I agree on +2 to all skills, as set has no properly direct skill bonus, and belt/amulet/offhand often grant +1 mastery skill.

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I’d like to ask for the Mythical version of Hellion Greaves. The reasoning:


These boots could be fine for Fire Sigils, +1 from me. And yes, they look cool.

P.S. Oblivion, again :laughing:

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I wanted to try my vindicative flame auramancer build with that set but, as you said, the set cant compare to the better alternative.
I would like an improvement of that set too

can you show your work so far with the build? :slight_smile:

Maybe support for a melee (dual wield) aether based firestriker? For example giving Mindwarp firestrike support?

Always felt that this should be a thing… but maybe thats just me :).

Edit: Or support for a melee elemental based fire striker.

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I know that Arkanar is a powerful sword, but can it get a cd reduction to Inquisitor Seal ? :smiley:
Decree of the circle of five and Inashkor Head…These items are greated for BattleMage but
but the most powerful build is Temlar by @grey-maybe. Suggest: strengthen Soldiers parts (increase duration to Fighting Spirit or/and crit damage to Olerons Rage)
Devotion…many fire/chaos build have problems with pierce resistion. Is it possible to add pierce resistance for Solaels Witchblade ?

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Not to open up a can of worms, but I have a questions/concerns about Clairvoyant Set (and if this has been addressed over the years please forgive my idiocy.)

  1. What does it have Reap Spirit on it? And the additional Set 4 ability? There are no Pet bonuses on it.
  2. Could this be swapped out for something like Sigil of Consumption. And the Set 4 ability could be +2 seconds to Sigil of Consumption or something of that sort?
  3. If not that can pet bonuses be added?
  4. Are there builds that use it as is and actually USE Reap Spirit (couldn’t find anything in searching.)

The skill itself is player based and the set turns it into a nuke.

What Norzan said, Reap Spirit is one of the few if only skills that can be used on player damage builds for the nuke or pet builds for the Spirit, there’s 2 sides to the coin.

Diviner also does Aether Reap Spirit too and I don’t think most people would complain at leaving it to it but Clairvoyant has a different playstyle I suppose :man_shrugging:

Ah, I see. I just know that it scales with PET stats not PLAYER stats. So it’s essentially like Doom Bolt except a pet in the case of something like Clairvoyant. :smiley:

Do the Spirits last very long given you don’t really get to add any health to them with no pet stats? So maybe a bit more like an extended Doom Bolt without as much punch?

They are virtually unkillable:

RR from enemies should still effect them but even on non-pet builds, those natural base resistances make them pretty sturdy. Damage isn’t massively impressive but still helps, especially with finishing off stragglers in a crowd.

2 Likes suggests Reap Spirit pet"proc" being able to proc effects/devotions on its attacks, because Reap Spirit feels kinda not strong in that regard :woozy_face:

That set has simply been forgotten just like Iskandra/Clairvoyant/Ulzuin in the past

Huh. Okay cool. That actually gives me an idea. I’ll be back in a week after play test. :laughing:.

It would be nice to have physical to fire conversion on Desolator plus maybe
some RR modifier for markovian’s advantage or zolhan’s technique to give 2h rannged commandos a fighting chance against iron maiden. Not sure if the physical to fire conversion would make purifier’s OP but there should be an incentive to play 2H ranged fire commando instead of purifier.

I did try to use Reap Spirit before the patch : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/DV9EJkWV
It’s not that bad, but kinda mediocre. It nukes about as much as Doom Bolt but without the double hit on the main target and with no aoe. Still, a decent single target dps boost so I’d say it’s worth it. I can’t say if the spirits are useful though.

On a side note, you can already add aether sigils to a Clairvoyant build if you really want : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/w26rnRA2 and they’re fantastic.

Anyway, to stay in topic, attempt number 3 to get the warlock side of clairvoyant buffed, it’s still seriously inferior to spellbinders in every regard.


Nothing special. I made my own version from the banana_peel build, last post

i tried the cataclysm set mostly for the procs ( amy+set procs) because i want to only use BWC, and stormfire if i need to sustain, as spell. The other damage come from aura of censure, vindicative flame and proc.
I should continue these tests but i would be surprise that the loss of %damage, vindicative flame cd reduc and +skill would be compensate by cataclysm set and his proc. Especially with the set proc from critical hit and not normal hit

i didnt try the build with ember calling set which has VF reduc cd as a set bonus. That might replace the VF reduc cd from agrivix off-hand/MI shield. When i think about it, that could be worth it !