V1.1.9.1 Discussion


ill post this one again, have no problems repeating same things

You can post a problem that’s unspecific to the build all you want.

As much as I also greatly dislike the concept of giving everything ADCTH, it’s also true that it’s really difficult to balance getting enough damage with the following for defenses:

  • Covering for 9 Resistances
  • Covering for secondary resistances as well (not 80%, but still enough to have your gameplay not slow to a crawl)
  • Getting enough Armor + Physical resistance to cover for Physical hits (which could go up to 15,000 DPS all by itself)
  • Sustaining Mana to cast without having to be interrupted all the time
  • Sustaining enough regen to counter DoT’s at the very least, much less direct hits.
  • Covering for OA (for offense) and DA (for Crit Avoidance)

Case in point: I made a DEE Sentinel after grey-maybe made his DEE Sentinel with 4,500% Acid damage. Between an average of 18K Weapon Damage, 2 mobility skills, two direct healing skills (with Blood of Dreeg at 26/16), Ascension providing a whole bunch of damage absorption, and Apothecary and Abominable Might providing a whole bunch of Health Regen, all with 40% CDR (impossible for all but a few Oathkeeper or Arcanist builds) it still struggles against basic enemies at SR 75, even getting 2HKO by regular Shambler rocks.

SR also tends to throw roughly 50 Heroes at the player at once, often combined with ground crystals, tornados, and often placing a Nemesis with a larger aggro radius smack dab in the middle for good taste.

When that’s the case, having a huge source of passive damage, massive AoE attacks and leech are really your only option. Not that it takes away from GD being a great game, but it does make it a hard time for characters who don’t have things like Mirror. Things like 22/12 Inquisitor Seal used to be good enough to handle the most AoM had to throw at the player, but FG really took things up a notch where you can’t reasonably be expected to win using defense measures alone.


Please nerf Fabius! He must be the cause of almost half my deaths in SR75-76.
He is beyond all the others nemesis and the victories/failures against him are down to luck generally… And you meet him at least once every run. It’s taking the fun out of it.
Fabius, Kaisan & Mad Queen are too strong in my opinion with the new patch.

Not a big fan of the new changes on the timer. It’s almost useless now. You don’t die : you have the full treasure; you die : you are certain to lose the 2 chests. It’s binary now, no need for timer.

Also, could you put the node “30% stun reduction…” a bit closer to the first node in the Obelisk devotion? With the new changes, you have to take 2 useless nodes (retaliation, shield) if you don’t play a sword&board character. That’s almost the only node that gives armor absorption in the all devotions.

With the nerf on “Scales”, the yellow path is really terrible with devotions that are just bad (Lion, Stag, Lotus, Scarab, tortoise) and don’t give much nodes.

I would suggest switching some mods to make rimetongue more viable. Like, moving pierce to cold to grenado to moon crescent and getting the phys from it moved to the set. This way we can use northern wyrm with the set for a bit more damage which rimetongue sabo totally lacks. Not to mention the set is kind of in a bad spot in terms of OA and DA.
Another aspect would be cyclone. Despite it being very powerful on a full squish setup it has big issues with survivability due to not having decent sources of sustain. I would suggest replacing aether to lightning on storm witch rings with pierce to lightning so we can get some more leech from bat and lowering a tad the damage on wind devils for crucible runs balancing. For SR it probably needs some cc res from devo nodes, so i guess adding some trap, freeze, petrify here and there wouldn’t hurt


Idk why you can’t complete CR half of the time of fire Blade Arc Commando. My version has 100% success rate (HC), but it’s also slower (due to HC).

Does your build have viper?
If anything this is a damage problem imo. Defensively Blade Arc Commando is totally fine; damage wise it’s still a little mediocre.

Not sure what this would accomplish for grenado since rimetongue has fire to pierce to grenado anyway and you can’t double convert. If you wanna play pure cold grenado there are ways to do that, but they don’t include rimetongue set. Pure cold grenado does however rely on the phys to cold on crescent moon, so this would destroy pure cold grenado.
I do agree that rimetongue is pretty meh for cold grenado since it splits the damage between cold/pierce.

These suggestions I agree with.

@grey-maybe same argument must hold also for any fire FW or lightning FW build. But at least fire FW commando is considered (afaik) a decent build type.

Even with viper sergius is kinda immortal. His initial fire res before your debuffs must be like 200% or something

I would like to see the trap resist reduction from the rimetongue amulet proc rolled into the blade trap mod on the four piece. This would be a nice QoL buff to rimetongue builds. Mageslayer doesn’t have to rely on chance to make Flash freeze useful. Make blade trap great :wink:


Please, more love to Aether PRM. I mean it’s one of the core damage types of this particular skill but has only one not so easy to farm medal ( Slathsar crest) for support. May be it’s too late for adding dedicated new set, but somehow improve at least Myth. Paragon ( add flat aether to PRM and % aether damage ) or/and add PRM support for Myth Wrath of Accended scepter.

Although not a pure aether PRM support, it can also be combined with Arcanum Sigillis and Spellgaze making it deal 78% WD and 6% ADCtH for sustainability.

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Yes, you are right. I missed the other conversion. I guess it simply just needs that fire to pierce conversion removed. I tried the hybrid setup too and i cried.

By that logic if a build can’t kill callagadra then it is a bad build since calla " is the hardest boss in the game" You do understand that CR is not the only place to determine whether a build is good or not right ?

epic items do not have skill modifiers

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Fair point.

I suppose there is enough supporting itemization now that the conversion on the set is a bit redundant and perhaps stifling.

Crescent Moon and the Conduit together cover the Cold variant, though perhaps we can add another option in there. Gildor’s Pulverizer already does complete Pierce conversion on its own.

I think the best course of action though might be the following…

  • Mythical Chilling Grip of Hagarrad: added 100% of Physical dealt as Cold modifier for Grenado
  • Rimetongue Set: increased % Trap Resist Reduction modifier for Blade Trap to -55% and removed % Conversion modifier for Grenado
  • Rimetongue Mask: removed % Conversion modifier for Grenado
  • Rimetongue Pendant: removed % Trap Resist Reduction from the skill proc

I’m not sure if it’s technically possible, but it would be really sweet to somehow make Wind Devils permanent on Cyclone set. Or maybe make it summon 2 devils at once. Nerfs of the set aside, unending interruptions of EoR to cast the devils are the lamest thing ever. Completely kills any fun of an otherwise awesome concept.


oh jeepers if this became a “Cyclone only” feature i’d break down and cry :sob:

All three Mythical Demo relics are fire based, and while Annihilation and Korvaak’s Deception provide good and diverse stats, Ulzuin’s Pyroclasm is just… well, kinda bad? Proc is okay, but other than that it doesn’t bring anything to the table. 50% fire res? We have enough of that on other items and constellations (if you combine all of them, you can get like 400% overcap without elemental res, wow).

So how about replacing it with some acid res instead? Acid is probably the most difficult resistance to cap on elemental builds: it’s existance on elemental items is practically nil. Some freeze res wouldn’t be a bad thing to see as well. And adding % electrocute damage with improved duration will make this relic a good alternative on lightning Demo builds like lightning Grenado, Canister Bomb or, hell, maybe even BWC since we have a conduit for that.


apparently because no matter how many defenses one stacks, it`s all not much of a help upon encountering grava/kaisan under shattered/resistant mut while being fire commando with mediocre damage output.

it is indeed. personally i feel like claymore could use -rr to mines instead of blast shield mod.

i don’t remember seeing any lightning FW (mainly because there’s no 2H weapon for it). My point was no matter your defenses, for elemental builds it always comes down to amount of RR you stacked.
(and yet again pointing out the infamous human-heroes-have-to-many-slots-for-greens-with-resistant-affixes problem)

and you do understand that CR was used as a measuring stick for a couple of years, right? there were dedicated buffs and nerfs to its difficulty. and even here Zantai talks about CR timings in the very beggining.
as for Calla - trust me, every single build in the game can kill it on SC, by just kitting it to death. Will take a while though.

I had to do some digging to find this :stuck_out_tongue: Not updated one, but in principle it seems to “work”.

But yes that is kinda BS, I think there at least should be some maximum overcap human heroes and bosses can get on resitances. On the other hand, we have arcanist builds doing elemental damages type too which works fine

Also yes PS warders

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