I’ve decided to give it a shot to Ember’s Calling again but with Chaos Saboteur this time;
https://www.grimtools.com/calc/4VxRMKvN here is the build.
The main problem is obviously defense. Damage is quite good, I get good amount of sustain with GG and Bat despite of %7 Adcth and Vindictive Flame also helps a bit but as long as your circuit breakers on CD you’re dead as good or run for your life. Which is a bit weird since this is a melee build, not a hit&run.
Low armor, low physical resist and even with my efforts low health is the biggest problem. I used Aleksander’s Chausses just for it’s health bonus and without that it’s just a bit higher than 10k. Resistance overcaps also a bit hard to get.
Possible Solutions?
DA is already high and build has good OA shred so I think third set bonus can be replaced with %10-15 health instead %6 DA. OA should stay though it can be fixed with cunning dump, problem is physique stats is needed to keep health high.
Increase the value of pierce and chaos resistance on the shoulder.
Some physical resist on the set. I’m aware all pieces are already filled up but it’s really needed.
What build can do? I did some 75-76, you die in the chunks if you play reckless. Hard to finish without dying especially with bad mutators. Boss rooms are easier since you can wait for your cooldowns till you move on to the next boss nevertheless it’s not likely to proceed further than 80 with these defenses.
My previous SR set Chaos Sabo was doing better than this despite the lower damage potential.
Saboteurs are skill point hungry, defenseless, healthless class and any set center upon this combination should provide these to become an end-game archetype.
PS: Not sure about it’s crucible potential. Afaik @afanasenkov26 was testing his own version of it and expressing it’s lack of sustain and health aswell.