V1.1.9.2 Discussion

I’m feeling grumpy today, so sorry about that. Now, that change to Voidsteel Gauntlets (RF mod being swapped with Cadence mod) kinda punished chaos Sentinel for no good reason? I’m not even talking about conversion and +2 to Possession loss, but about resists swap. So basically, Voidrend Talons have elemental and aether res, which are more desirable on chaos builds, bud Voidsteel Gauntlets provide acid and chaos res? How’s that fair?

First reason is it’s strictly a Sentinel and Deceiver item now - and guess what - Occultist already has both resistances from skills. You also get chaos res from Inquisitor.

Second reason, we also get acid and chaos res from constellations: Fiend has chaos, Abomination has acid, Dying God - chaos.

I understand this logic comes back from Titan Quest where fire item = fire res, vitality item = vitality res, etc., but should this also apply to GD though?

So why am I going ape shit now? Because instead of useful resists chaos Sentinel received useless ones. To give more context to my rambling, I’m talking about this build of mine:

Plese note how acid has 85+% acid overcap, chaos has 60+% overcap. The only reason I’m doing alright on aether is I got lucky on my Conduit resistance roll, otherwise I would barely had it capped. Why is this a problem? Well, because there exist some rather dangerous aether enemies like Anasteria and Alexander (and I died to Alex on SR 75 because I failed to dodge his meteor - was frozen or petrified or something). Had a close call with Anasteria as well.

What’s my proposal? Change acid or chaos res on Voidsteel Gauntlets to aether res. Or some CC res because this build has to rely on affixes and crafting bonuses to get them. Stun, Slow, Freeze or maybe even Petrify will do.

Simply not fair ho Voidrend Talons got everything and Voidsteel Gauntlets got some useless Smite mod. This build is almost like a baby of mine and as such it’s very dear to me, so sorry if I said something wrong or unjust.

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