V1.1.9.2 Discussion

Hey I run…(to the beer vendor)

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iirc you can increase game speed with GI, unsure about just move speed
i think it’s been requested before, more than once, unsure what Z’s stance is on it still, but those might be options to look into for the time being at least

personally i wouldn’t mind if increased 150% move speed, tho i often have sluggish casters not even reaching 130 :rofl:

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I used to play a game called Fate, an rpg/ dungeon crawler. Anyhow, the movement speed bonus was unlimited, so on my char I stacked movement speed until I was like supersonic (without being unplayable). Brings back memories lol.

Its been locked at what it is for many years now. Considering that there are those who come along from time-to-time requesting higher cap and then further considering there has been no increase of said cap you can likewise surmise that the “possibility” of them doing so is exceedingly low at this juncture and if Z were to say anything on it I’d be willing to lay money down that he’d say to use GI if that’s what you’re after.


I’ve always wondered what is the reason behind M. Stormreaver having less damage base than non-mythical.
If this is intentional, then maaaaaaybe ok though it’s still very odd.
If not, I suggest increasing the base damage of mythical version.

Also, +1 to Storm Totem bonus looks like sth from AoM era so increase it to +2/+4 or remove at all.


Nice finding there, if it’s to balance out the savagery bonus and increased speed, it only yield an extra 5 lightning damage, other mythical lightning weapons have the previous version max damage as the min damage which is weird for that item mythical version.

Another mythical version that has questionable improvement is Mythical Massacre which have 10% armor piercing, that is weird as it’s a 2h axe.

I like it if this bonus is replaced to +8-10s Storm Totem live.


how does +1 = +3 or 0? like, it might be tiny, but +1 skill is still better than 0 :dizzy_face:


Hi Zantai

One feedback regarding skills
It is great to have variety of wep/armors to have pierce/bleeding supports to IN/OK these days.
From skill perspective however, both exclusive skills lack bleeding support. I think adding bleeding buffs to Aura of Conviction is good option.

Let me add another feedback as m not sure how to add new post here.
It is about Spiritbinder Glyph, legendary ring.
Personally i love this ring a lot because it adds more diversity to pet build variation, specifically one not based on set item. The points to mention is, this ring lacks consistency to player and pet stats. For player, it gives aether/elemental damage, while adding vitality damage/conv to pet. I think adding vitality stat instead of elemental work fine. Also, please kindly consider adding call of the grave bonus as it has synagy with player/pet hybrid design.


Such bonuses come from AoM, like back in time Sharzul’s Worldeater had +1 to FT and +1 to Soldier. Since those bonuses were increased in FG, I see 0 reason for not doing the same here :slight_smile:

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wasn’t my point, more the wording
“all or nothing”, seems so silly to have included that little bit at the end "if we don’t get ice cream for dinner we starve" :triumph:
+i’m not sure why you it was overall necessary at all to “demand” more +skill when it already has +3 totem (+2shaman)

There is some balance standarts for all items. 2H weapons usualy have +2 to mastery and +4 to direct skills, excluding when skill from same mastery, then it +2. Some exceptions exist, but almost all 84+lvl items was changet to this line.

Back to mistakes in items. I noted non Mythical Turrion’s reprisal have both physical and elemental base weapon damage. I’ll havn’t access to game till evening, so someone check it right in game, please.

Turrion’s Reprisal have highest weapon damage among shields


what i mean by the +2 shammy was it was almost as if afanasenkov had missed its existence the way his demand was worded
like i said, “all or nothing”, seems like weird phrasing and place to apply it instead of just being happy for the +3, seems odd to almost be “insulted” and ask for it/+1 to be “removed”

I also noted that electrocute is the only DoT-damage that doesn’t have any flat sources in devo path. Is it intentional too or I missed sth or it was removed in the past?

In before that +1 to Storm Totem on Stormreaver is just one of those “Zantai bonuses” and it gets removed in the next hotfix because of the complaint that it’s too small. :rofl:

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so, I finally decided to test the lightning part of Veilkeeper set, as aether one proved itself being a garbage.
this is the build I tested https://www.grimtools.com/calc/qNYre8J2

it has relatively high OA for a regular build and a considerable amount of electrocute but this is actually all. what problems I faced and what problems does the set have?

  • the OA is not enough for constantly proccing Upheaval or at least proccing it very often. Moreover, as it is a melee build, Upheaval could only proc from the current target or may not proc at all.
  • set has very low flat which is really crucial for lightning that relies mostly on converted to it other damage types.
  • Arcanist part is awful. The mod to AW is like a bandaid over open wound and helps very little. Even with GB on itm I still died and it didn’t help at all.
  • and the main problem is Grava. Despite I liked the build in general, this boss destroys ny desire to play lightning 2H. Lots of things were said about him, so I won’t say it again. But Grava deserves a nerf.

so, what could be done with the set?

  • rework the Arcanist part. Move %OA and AS to, say, IEE, add some flat, crit, I dunno. Ritualist has bonuses to a permanent aura, so why can’t Arcanist have it too?
  • add flat damage (lightning or aether) to medal and chest. I doubt it will break any records as ranged Upheaval doesn’t use this set at all and melee Upheaval is not that strong.
  • improve Upheaval mods, increase WD to 50-60%, increase radius to 4-5 meters.
  • add more %OA so chance to proc Upheaval would be a bit more.

after 2 days of testing, I died more than 100 times in crucible in SR. this is a huge amount of deaths, so it speaks for itself.

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Shaman is a weird class with a huge varsatility disadvantage because it has two skills that only really work with very specific items and mods: Vines with Wildblood and Upheaval with ranged Veilkeeper. Outside of these two options Vines is just a procer and Upheaval is a 1pointer, small dps gain.

I really hate the mechanic of Upheaval that counts it as WPS pool. When the skill is one of the main dmg sources it just adds another huge layer of inconsistency. What i’d really like if the skill was an AA proc and could work with all WPS (with skill numbers adjusted accordingly). That way if you have at least two multitarget WPS it could proc much more often and serve as at least a semi-reliable dmg buff.


Some of the temporary pets (eldritch hound for example) still leave a body behind when their time runs out. Please fix this just make them unsummon like before.

Mechanics of flat absorption damage from devos Crab, Turtle Shell, and similar mechanics from items ( Runeguard, Voidwalker, Deathwalker etc.) working in crucible very bad.The main reason is that they work BEFORE of the sources flat absortion like devos Phoenix Fire, Stone Form and similar skills mastery (Overguard, Inquisitor Seal and Ascension, also component Diamond).

Suggest: change the order of work flat absorption.

so, I wanna say some more words about Veilkeeper set, as it seems to be the overall worst set of the three released in previous patch. And it is bad bor both damage types and classes it supports.

I tested both lightning and aether variants on Druid (also both melee and ranged) and the results were really bad. So, what problems did I faced?

  • the set lacks flat. This is crucial for lightning that almost doesn’t have own flat so relies on converted damage types. Adding some aether and/or lightning flat to set pieces would help a bit.
  • set lacks stats. Druid is better with OA (the lightning version), Ritualist had sth like 2600 OA and similar DA, which is crap. As Upheaval needs a ridiculously high amount of OA to proc more consistent, it can be increased furthermore. Funny thing that ranged lightning Upheaval doesn’t use the dedicated set at all. Should say sth, shouldn’t it? Melee Upheaval is not that strong as procs only from one current target or doesn’t proc at all.
  • skill bonuses are very meh and the whole concept of the set is very arguable. We already have some “bi-damage” sets like Allagast, LD etc but in Veilkeeper’s case this went a bit too far. It’s not possible to gather equal % and flat damage bonuses to both types. Also, the health regen support is very weak, as I said multiple times. Even with GB binded to AW, I still died. If Grava/IM want to kill you, they’ll kill you by any means and no regen would save you. Also, Arcanist part has bonuses to a temp buff and Ritualist - for a permanent aura, which is kinda strange and unfair as aether has access to 2 Exclusive skills with %AS and lightning doesn’t. It would be fair to move the mods from AW to any permanent buff, IEE or MSoP.
  • defensive part is also bad, as i mentioned: health regen doesn’t help and DA bonuses are absent here. In Crucible it still may be OK, though you get all incoming damage. In SR (especially HIGH) IM and Fabius are impassable. So some DA/armor/phys res bonuses are highly welcomed here too.
  • Grava is a bane for lightning variant. This was said multiple times but he absolutely destroys lightning melee and any desire to play them. Li is the most inconsistent damage type so you can proc several upheavals in a row and probably deal with Grava or you can miss all your swings and go to respawn point. He’s awful both in Crucible and SR. So, imo, it’s time to finally tone him down. Make his fumble pools static, reduce fumble chances and %DR he applies.

I dunno what to say more, actually. Maybe someone who also played this set would give his feedback too.

EDIT: one of the main problems (at least with Lightning version) is the balance between damage and sustain. Going for Upheaval means going all-in offense, and you just can’t get enough defences with set/supporting items ti justify all these investments. Otherwise, if you try to pull out some defences like increasing DA by putting another augs, your offensive potential falls considerably while the defense gain is almost equal to 0.

Going to revisit some over the next day. Looks like I didn’t record an SR video of the hybrid ritualist but roman has a crucible run that I felt was within standards, especially for split damage types

Iirc when I started looking at doing mono damage type the build started to look worse. Will play around with options

@Crittrain has a melee version that looked pretty close to what you were trying that he felt was stable

I wanted to try something without upheaval and using the other buffed WPS in the set next, since as mentioned upheaval tends to be all or nothing and requires some excessive OA stacking to really shine