V1.1.9.8 Discussion

I’m not that into modding work lol. It’s a technique that some guy in this forum told me few weeks ago.
I’ll try to learn your new way next time.

I guess you can’t please everybody. There’s people who will go to their graves saying the same thing about the Crucible and how it ruined the game and its balance. :stuck_out_tongue:

As I’ve said, the only issue I see with the Octavius set is how generally applicable it is due to its generous Internal Trauma values. I do not think the set is overperforming in the general sense. So it’s not that nerfs are necessary but a shift in where its power comes from.

Crucible has modifiers for healers, but in the Crucible you have no choice but to kill every monster to proceed. Likewise, you have much less space to work with, so we disabled mechanics such as buff purging, and nerfed others, such as pool skills.

The Shattered Realm does not have either of those constraints, so we are much more forgiving of unfair combinations spawning. In fact, you almost always have the option of skipping a pack entirely because every shard has excess spawns, and which mobs you kill and skip becomes a part of the clear strategy.

We’ve hit the high resist humanoid monsters from every reasonable direction at this point. It’s an artifact of how the system works and would take some fundamental changes to monsters or tech to address further.


Exactly, it’s not in the general sense but only on some specific super SR runner who doesn’t use Aegis or FW at all but still makes the most of its global Internal Trauma.

This is what I’ve always claimed: move part of its global Internal Trauma onto mods to Aegis.

This can’t even be called a nerf in general sense, because if the trauma is global, it does not stack with FW and Aegis. But if it becomes a mod to Aegis, as long as what Aegis get is a bit more than what global trauma lose, the total damage will even go higher because damage from mods to Aegis can stack with global shield trauma.

There are exceptions. Those “nax” and “kinux” things (Tilkanax, Tilkinux, Akanax, Hallanax, Vlakinux, Arkinux, Halganux), they have Vire’s Might and thus can easily catch up with the character. Once you notice them, it is too late to choose skipping them. :unamused:
Plus sometimes another route has unfair combinations spawning too. :unamused:

If in your opinion there should not be any nerf to those healers themselves, then you could set a limit on maximum numbers of those spawning per map, making it really an option to skip them.

Does this mean that the way the last Grim League Mod did it does not work, is technical problematic (or causes too many potential problems) or involves to much work for a patch (in the current development phase)?

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I am not familiar with what Grim League did or did not do.

Iirc (and also got it correct), they gave the troublemakers an item to limit their max resistance. But this is likey better commented by @RektbyProtoss

and found this

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Am i back in FG release? Because that was the only time Octavius was legit busted.

Crucible ruined the game’s balance is what is going to be in my gravestone. Already ordered it and everything.


[9.7] Octavius SNB RF warlord (chinese setup) - Casual sr75-76 runs - YouTube

If think this pretty much sums it up.


As somebody who enjoys trying to make quirky cadence builds work, the thought of further spreading SR packs out is… unappealing to say the least.

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Can any bleed devotions get reflected damage reduction? Of all the DoT damage, Bleeding seems to struggle the most with reflected damage from personal experience. For more information, i have around 40% reflected damage reduction (from serenity relic and owl devotion) and i avoid attacking reflective heroes as hard as i can when they show up and that still doesn’t stop them from making my health drop incredibly fast when a single stray attack (most of the time from Blade Spirit) hits them.

Maybe Berserker or Nighttalon could have it.


This is simply wrong. They just follow you around.


Yeah, I think the assumption is the player is highly mobile and clear speed is fast. But if your just an average player with limited mobility skills, trying to ‘get away’ from them becomes a big problem quickly.


You called this “Casual”?
This is not casual. This is “slowed in purpose” or that you don’t know how to play it at all.
Amatok’s Breath is a perfect skill to fight crowds, but you don’t use it. The sky high trauma along with long duration can handle the bosses once they got 50% healthy, but you still fought them one by one till they died. And so does the doom relic and War Cry. You banned most techniques of the build and you claimed your run “pretty much sums it up”. How dare you?

Will you kill the enemies only one at a time and move to the next enemy only after the first one dies, when playing a bleeding trickster?

If you don’t know the playstyle, I would call it “don’t know how to play it at all”. If you’ve already known the playstyle before, then it’s definately a “slowed in purpose”, which is madly dishonest.

I can also perform 1000 “casual” 1 hour runs with your favorite top 20 and claim them being all trash.

The only persuasive way of proving your top 20 being better at SR is having runs faster than mine. I’ve guaranteed you with the “insane luck”. Go ahead and prove it.

BTW, here is another 4:16 run without any short room nor super good mutator set:

How will you explain these series of sub 5 or even sub 4:30? “Insane luck” again?
I can guarantee you this “insane luck” as well.

You sound more and more angry, how about you pipe it down?

He did play the build incorrectly. But he also died at 19:33 in bossroom vs Maiden with Magi bros support with pretty much no chance at survival. And he didn’t missplay it that much, he wasn’t even under Anguish proc, the Maul was active. Was he even affected by their strongest debuff? The muts were very mild as well. Based on this death alone i don’t really see how this build is 90% deathless runs, especially while speedrunning it.

Attacking a separate thread with entirely different benchmarks (not meant to speedrun SR) is just smth yours personal i don’t really understand nor do i want to. Let’s keep it civil and within topic.

I tried a few builds with high mobility. Avenger felt like it was more suited for SR speedrun, although it wasn’t built for it.

The ceiling for this fells like 4:10-15. It’s also absolutely more stable and easy to play than Octavius.

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This discussion is starting to get off-topic, guys. If you want to argue about SR timers and relative build performance, I’m not sure it belongs in this thread.

Points have been made about the Octavius set.


Nerfing based only on speedrunning doesn’t make sense imo. Mobility and dots will give the best results in SR while high damage and aoe will give fast CR timers. Strongest builds excel in all content, speedrunning, celestials, higher SR etc.

Thanks for the frozen SR rooms @anon94264551

(I don’t consider Vanquisher OP at all)


Can we get a Pet Freeze Res on a devotion, maybe Typhos? The reason being, we have so many pet stun and mind control resists in items and devotions but there are only a couple pet items (i saw personally) and one Rare Ring Affix as a source. Moosilauke near permanently freezes Briarthorns and Hellhounds which have 25% freeze res on their own and this is plus Throne devotion so a total of 47% freeze res on them ends up being more then 90% of the time, they are frozen. The difficulty between Moosilauke and other Bosses are simply insane with pets.


This is true in theory but not necessarily in practice. Quite often you’re offered two viable paths to take on a map and then you find out one’s chock full of Enchanted Armor heroes who Vire’s Might after you and heal everything. Those are next to impossible to shake once aggroed unless you run multiple mobility skills. Meanwhile the other path has Possessed Myrmidon heroes and an Arcane guy you won’t kill while the Myrmidons are around. You could charge through them, drag them along with you until you shake them, but then you’re rushing headfirst into uncharted territory, with possible Nemeses in there while you’re pulling healers and an Arcane behind you. At that point it stops being about clearing strategy and turns into the game just giving us the finger.

The game presents a variety of challenges and speedbumps in SR, some fair, some less so. Riggs’ Associates can be an utter pain, but they’re very rare, if anything they add a surprise factor and variety rather than pure frustration. The issue with healer packs isn’t so much the fact that they happen, it’s the frequency. You’re lucky to get a set of 3 chunks in a row where you don’t have to just turn away from the path you’ve been clearing cause you’ve been blocked by an unkillable pack. And often you chose that path to clear because the other path has something you’d rather avoid, like a bunch of heroes surrounding a nemesis you don’t want to risk dying to, or a narrow entrance surrounded by traps. Odds being heavily stacked against us every now and then, why not. But mathematically unkillable packs (for certain builds at least) every few chunks is a bit much. Doesn’t help that pretty much all the healer heroes are humanoid so they tend to screw over not just a handful of builds but three whole damage types (well, four cause Elemental exists).



Plus some healer heros with ridiculous damage absorption buffs.

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I feel like there’s something missing for Defilers to use with the Rage of Agrivix set. As a Spellbinder or Sorcerer, Callidor’s Tempest is a clear choice for main damage skill, you can easily find fitting gear for that and get enough skill points to max it and then some. But as a Defiler I always ended up asking, what do I actually cast at the enemies?

My best attempt was with the Hex Launcher faction weapon and Drain Essence as main damage skill. Then you have a main spell that does at least OK damage and helps with survival, and the extra periodic damage from Vindictive Flame and Siphon Souls does some work. As a player closer to casual than hardcore, I could usually, but not always, beat SR50 with this on Ultimate.

Giving Hex Launcher an additional Aether modifier for VF, or something else Aether-related for Demolitionists, would be a great boost for this build. Something for Flashbang could be fun, throwing a Flashbang at someone is sort of like Hexing them, right? Totally fits the theme!

Energy regen or energy leech would also be of great help as Drain Essence is so energy hungry.

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