It is not. It can be semi-decent for Shards because of okay single target damage, but it’s slow in Crucible and overall behind most relevant 2h-builds. Unless you prove me wrong of course then I apologize in advance
yes, you can, it sucks
Most Ultos builds are pretty decent if done right. I recommend checking out one done by @John_Smith, I don’t have a guide, but here are the grimtools. John also did a super solid Physical Archon, a build that Avenger Warder should be but Avenger Warder just sucks.
The strongest 2h-build is @Firozo’s Pierce Blade Arc Blademaster.. It is a beast.
Also, if you like Physical flavoured builds, I can also recommend my own Blade Arc Witchblade. I polished it for the latest patch and it’s still a beast.
Those are the best pure 2-h melee builds, although Ultos doesn’t exactly feel like melee sometimes.