Ok I apologize in advance if this is a dumb question. I did some searching and came up empty - am half wondering if all those x’s and numbers make searches go wonky or something
So at the risk of getting char-broiled alive for asking, can anyone give me the TL;DR for this? I see it a lot and can not for the life of me figure out what in the blazes it is referring to.
Oh, its a forum name? Guess I was over thinking it, thought it might refer to some sort of formula as in put 1 point here, 1 there, 1 over there and 2 in that spot. Or something. I keep seeing it referenced in guides and honestly had no idea that it refers to a handle.
No problems. But still you need to know the name of one of the GD legends-x1x1x1x2. And it’s recommended to have easier user names like hmmm Nery? Auto correction said Nerd again