What's the strongest Shadow Strike build I can play?


The funniest build I played in this game was a SS Infiltrator with those 2 one-handed swords from that champion (Olexmere or somehing like that). I followed the guide from bananapeel at the time.

Now a couple of years later, I’m still to find something as fun to play as that, so I wanted to play an up-to-date build, but I’m unsure which build to do. I want the best possible outcome, is Infiltrator still the go-to class? Or Spellbreaker can be good too?

Any recommendations? Thanks :slight_smile:

Here’s a recent one (cold Spellbreaker) by @fordprefect. Haven’t played a SS build but this one is up to date.


Have you tried a Blitz Warlord ?

I’m a big fan of SS too, but Blitz gives the same feel with much better survivability.


I have yeah, it’s quite fun, but the teleport of Shadow Strike is flashier and feels better to me :smiley:

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I think Dunefiend Dervish might be the best allround SS build although i haven’t tried it myself. Banana peel should have a video on his youtube channel.

Acid Dervish with rift scourge slicers is pretty good, a bit squishy but great damage.

I’ve also tried Spellbreaker with spectral longswords and it’s OK, a bit weaker than Dervish. Cold Infiltrator idk but i might try some pierce SS infil later this weekend


That infiltrator build is still viable or are you just bored of it so want to switch?

I haven’t played that in a long time, so I don’t know if it’s still viable, and I wanted to try something other than Infiltrator


Thanks for posting that, I hadn’t seen it before.

This thread made me want to try to build a Dunefiend Witch hunter, but my result was probably too glassy to work.
( Witch Hunter, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator )

Now I get to compare with yours and learn where I made mistakes :slight_smile:

Well in the new patch Blade Barrier Conduit will be Chaos SS so I need to change that with Veil of Shadow one since that one has no conversion on it. Ofc Pestilence of Dreeg is a better option for damage but I chosed for tankiness and Nightblade Skill points. And I think Lethal Assault is worth it since you have cold>acid mod on SS but it makes the build very skill point hungry. Which means you gotta give up from Yugol and you have very bad CC resists for a spinner and no global cold conversion. Also Widow’s Rings is BiS here since you have not much point to utilize vit>acid conversion but atleast Widow’s’ provides %30 pierce>acid which is 162 flat acid on SS.

Edit: My more damage setup would be like this Witch Hunter, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator


All that makes a lot of sense, thanks !

I went for Yugol because I felt the build was very points-hungry, but I forgot I didn’t have conversion there…

Thanks for the advice :slight_smile:

This is mine, a mixed based on Superfluff and Grey builds

Putrid is the best option, so you can convert more cold dmg from Lethal assault. Belt for fully Second rite conversion → Nightfall. Relic is flexible, I chose Bel carnage for single target dmg. Build is glassy and doesnt have any poison stack skill, so Manticore is a good choice.

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The title of the strongest will depend on your needs. If you take average “score” between clear times, resilience and ease of play, it’s still probably cold Morgo Infiltrator (/Reaper/Spellbreaker) with Loxmeres, just because of how much dots you can stack on a skill with low cd.

Morgo set as a base for SS fell out of grace a little bit and it has competition if form of no set cold whatever and acid Dervish.

Dunefiend is very strong but it’s stongest as Dervish which has SS as more of a support to EoR.

I share your liking towards SS. Unfortunately the skill is not nearly as strong as it was. Endgame punishes it much harder than it’s used to. But for the campaign and early stages of SR the old build will work just as well as 2 years ago.