Xbox one release

I’m patiently waiting for Grim Dawn while playing TQ on xbox one…
My notebook only runs GD base on low graphics settings, the version with DLC keeps crashing.

So, I consider that I still wait for another 3 years at least for Grim Dawn.

However, I must confess that I search for Xbox One version news at least once a month. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Console is inexpensive than notebook to play games.

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How is the certification process progressing? Getting any closer to official release? Thanks in advance! …and thank you for porting the game to Xbox for those of us who have teenager children that claim their parents’ gaming rigs as their own, and for taking your time to ensure a quality build! Super pumped to play the game!


Any update on certification?

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I am pretty sure that if there is something to say, Crate will let us know without waiting for someone to ask first

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I do not understand the process behind it. Relesing on console means money for devs so why don’t they just work hard to get it done. I would understand game making progress for years but not porting completed game from pc. Anyway I hope game is still coming to xbox.

Yes, it’s still coming, but there is only one person working on this. Also MS changed some requirements for the new Xbox so that probably didn’t help. Hopefully it won’t be long now. I’m sure Crate will breath a sigh of relief when it’s finally done too; they never expected it to take this long.

One person!? Is that how crate I teractive makes priorities ? I guess we just have to be angry and wait.

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No, it’s simply that they’re still a team of 13-15 people working supporting GD, porting it to Xbox and developing 3 other projects at the same time.

Looks like they are have to many thing to do for such a small studio. Oh well I guess I will have to play Diablo 2 first.

As a new user you might not have seen the above responses by Crate:

CEAndrew goes a bit more into detail in his response.

In the meantime enjoy D2.

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Thanks for answers and explanation. Me and other just wish to play the game already. Hope it will not take long from now on. And I hioe I will enjoy D2 but it is such a waste of a good time slot for GD. Anyway thank you guys for answers.

Hi guys!
I just wanna thank you for all the work you did so far. Titan Quest was and is one of my favorite games from the release. I don’t have a PC, only Mac, Xbox and Switch, so I’m looking forward to play Grim Dawn on Series X.
I don’t know why so many people seems toxic and very impatient in this thread. I only can suggest that the game is so good that they can’t wait any longer and lose their minds.
Anyway, your team is so talented, you did a great job, did a great game which stands on the top of the genre. I wish you smooth Xbox release, big sales and I will be one who grab one copy in the first line.
Thanks guys! :yum:

P.S. I’m frontend developer, so I know that aggressive and impatient feedback can demoralize, but believe, there are a lot of people who enjoys the result of your work. Just ignore the negative feedback that can’t help you to improve your product :wink:


Without negativity, there can’t be positive.

More news, sort of from the GD Facebook page.

" Grim Dawn on Xbox One is… not out yet.

It’s been a while, as we so painfully are aware and so I thought I’d just post an update on the non-progress. Not much new to convey other than we are again in testing and hope to re-attempt certification soon™. The remaining issues all revolve around multiplayer connections between Xbox One and Series X console versions (I have no idea why that’s even a thing). This is difficult to test because MS has not been able to provide us with any Series X dev kits and don’t even provide any detailed data on what the connection issues are… so we are stuck blindly trying trial-and-error fixes to see if they resolve the issue and then sending it out to a testing company. Such is the madness of the world we live in now."


Just curious. Is GD releasing under ID@Xbox program (which have much simpler procedure) or Crate goes all the hard way as big publishers do?

It’s strange to see porting Grim Dawn such a painful process, while seeing other indie developers raining new game titles on the Game Pass. I can’t even find time to finish one game before another new indie title drops on the Game Pass. I wonder if there are communication issues between Crate and Microsoft? Because from other indie developer’s interview like this one, they got a lot of help from Microsoft, and pushed their games out on schedule. Maybe contact someone at Microsoft to help sorting things out, is easier than blindly testing everything by yourself?

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

Well, a difference I can see straight away is that game was made to be Xbox right from the word go; it wasn’t ported from another platform.

Looks like that game is a single player game. That could be the difference right there. )No worries about multiplayer connections between the two generations)

Sorry to sound like a nagging fan. Just wanted to ask since there hasn’t been a post in a couple weeks if there’s been any updates on the port and its certification? Also, pertaining to that, would it be released right after going through certification or would it be a while after to fit into a schedule for Microsoft?

As far as UI involved, I know there was some updates made to the main menu due to the certification process (I believe I remember reading), were there any other changes or have any screenshots been posted pertaining to this?

Again, not trying to nag or sound entitled, but also just very excited for the port. I have played GD since before the release, back prior to beta, but just very excited to put in a few hundred more hours on my console.