Xbox one release

Progress is made… slowly - medea copied this from FB last month:

We are curious, too.

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I don’t presume there will be any pushback from them regarding a particular date.

To my knowledge, it is primarily backend stuff and console specific UI support, so it won’t be anything dramatic. There were some changes done long ago to the main menu to support a console release and I bet nobody even noticed the difference!

We are excited to see how it is received on consoles as well. And very eager to be through this process, haha.


This was said back in April on their FB page.

It’s up to MS to decide when it goes into their store so could be almost immediately or could be a while after it passes testing.

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I saw the Facebook post and the beginning of August, but I’m wondering if someone with Crate has any new information?

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Also heard rumors - can anyone confirm that?

I can confirm you heard rumors. :stuck_out_tongue:

No major updates at this time.

Not sure what rumors are going about, so can’t comment on that. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I heard a rumor that Zantai is just 3 grobles in a trenchcoat.

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When to appear the game on xbox, and whether it is worth waiting at all. I have been waiting for a very long time, please answer

We do not know. Crate posted this update last month:

Endless excuses. Such is the madness in the world we live in today.

Would you believe our dog ate it?


I’m not saying I am ungrateful for the efforts you guys have put into the game and the poor SOB porting it, but someone should have kept the shit secret till a confirmed release date was in sight. If certification was such a 4 year hurdle, hyping it for so long just reeks of incompetence. You ever see a kid in your class look in their backpack for 5 minutes for their homework when they know they didn’t do it? Analogy.

Wouldn’t say Crate have been hyping it at all. They announced it and expected it wouldn’t take long to be ported over. That hasn’t worked out, but apart from giving us the occasional update on progress (or lack of it) they’ve done nothing else.

Fair enough. I meant announcing it. Periodically looking for any news on the progress and I just see the same 5 posts about it that were all started more than a year ago.

Um, apart from the initial announcement of “by the way, community, we’re working on a port”, I’m not sure in what way we “hyped” this.

Virtually everything we posted on this topic has been in response to being asked for news/info.

I’ve said this before, and I guess it bears repeating again. At no point did we set a release date or take preorders. We’re not advertising the port, or setting public deadlines. We’ve been forthcoming with information about where things are and with the fact that virtually all of the port work has been handled by one programmer.

So if anyone is getting overhyped, I’m sorry it’s taken so long, but please don’t imply that we somehow lied or blew this off.


No. He is a good boy :dog2:

Endless outrage over a video game. Such is the madness in the world we live in today.
It’s not like there are more important things going on in the world.

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Nah, world has been a gigantic shit show for a long time now. Better to get outraged over a game.

I still don’t get it. I know nothing of programming. I am waiting patiently and I say take as long as needed.

Thing is, how does a Fallout 76 and Cyberpunk2077 are allowed to be on Xbox One. The standards don’t seem to be very high on Microsoft’s part.

Crate, please take the time to do it. Even if you pass certification, if the game is not ready, do not release please. I rather wait a year or two. I hate paying now and then having to wait to play in a good state as so many companies seem to be doing.

So glad I didn’t buy Fallout 76, Cyberpunk2077 and other games on Day One release. Grim Dawn on Xbox will be the exception, so please take your time and release an awesome port.

Still waiting patiently. :slight_smile:

P.S. Will buying more copies of Grim Dawn help to fund more developers to get the game ready? :stuck_out_tongue: