This is the sequel to my first build (and a new one for Archon), which can be found here. The build there is still viable, you just have to tweak some things for the Forgotten Gods expansion.
After the new content was uploaded in Grimtools, there was a little disappointment because there aren´t many new things for bleeding builds (especially my Trickster), so I decided to change a few things with augments, skills, etc. These are the results.

(take the DPS Screenshot with a grain of salt; lucky shot vs. Fabius when he was nearly down…)
Although her father was a fighter in his time (till he was crippled in combat), she never thought she would be like him. But then the Grim Dawn come…and everything changed. She had to fight, seeing her people killed by monstrous creatures.
First she was afraid and the nightmares came to her…all this blood…everywhere. But then the shadows came, too, and she willingly embraced them, dived into them. She became a shadow herself, waiting unseen for her enemies, killing them before they even knew she was there. She wasn´t afraid of the blood anymore…it never was hers.
After freeing Malmouth, she hoped for peace and came back to her family. But looking at the horizon, she knows she will need her trusty swords again…to cause fear in the heart of those who will fight her. A storm is coming…and she will give it a red tinge…with blood.
With FG, even with nearly no changes to gear or devotions for bleeding builds, Cunning got a really nice boost. So the new “magic number” is 1035…this we need as minimum to use our pants. If we have enough DA, then put the rest into Cunning for nice OA and bleeding damage boost.
Now for Grimtools-Links. I made different setups (and tried them all). The changes between are minor, take what you like most.
Update for
Grimtools (still
Some changes will be seen when Grimtools is updated, new skills and devotion path is up-to-date.
Made it to SR 80 this morning, timer ran out because of deaths in non-boss-shards.
It was already tested in Crucible by @romanN1, thank you very much. 6:37, 4 Buffs, 1 Banner.
Slight changes to setup, Wendigo Totem instead of Vines.
Old Stuff
Current Setup (including Mouse/Keyboard-Setup) (
No-MI Setup:
Old Stuff
Update to
Let´s not talk about damage on Bloodrager´s Set, the nerf was deserved. Let´s talk about new Nightblade support, which is really nice and worth a lot more than the loss of some skill points to Tenacity of the Boar and Savagery. And, not to forget, Physical Resistance and new resistances which makes capping them a lot easier, especially with new Aether Resistance for Oak Skin.
I chose to skip Wendigo Totem; it´s no longer needed. The addition of Stun Resistance to Chariot and a little Bleeding to Huntress is good, but most important: NO MORE MANTICORE!
Revenant has better nodes and the “Little Buggers” (aka Skeletons) do as I want (unlike Blade Spirits…). I put “Pet Attack” on Thumb Button, works well.
Some changes in skills, components, augments; just to fun to play it. With the new defense, I made it to SR 76.
Old Setups:
Setups with Owl (and no Wolverine):
(one with capped Stun Resist, second with more raw damage)
Setups with Wolverine (and no Owl):
(one with capped Stun Resist, second with more raw damage)
• High Mobility (Shadow Strike, Movement Speed, Rune)
• A lot of HP, Physical Resistance and 16 % Damage Absorption
• 100 RR
• Crowd Control against nearly everything
• High Damage Output
• Fast Kill Speed
• Circuit Breaker with Blade Barrier
• Healing with Pneumatic Burst and Chariot of the Death Devotion
While you can see the itemization including augments/components and the devotions including bindings, I will only add a short Q&A.
1. Why Grasping/Entangling Vines?
Simple: Crowd Control. With Rend bound to Grasping Vines we can split up whole groups and soften them up or kill them right away. Very useful in Shattered Realms, even in Boss fights with kiting (using Devouring Swarm, too).
2. Why this Epic Gloves?
Well, I think they are great. Nice stats, nice skill modifiers…and a lifesaving procc in Shattered Realms which will also affect Heroes.
3. How good is this build against bosses?
What do you want hear? You can kill every Boss in campaign minus the Super Bosses without any greater problems. Didn´t try Callagadra; perhaps I can kite her to Vael´s room (;)), maybe I will try her sometime.
As for Crucible and Shattered Realms:
I don´t play Crucible. I am an old man with not-so-fast reactions and a bad pilot. Just for fun I played it once to 150 with no problems.
In Shattered Realms I completed everything to Shard 75. Everything is fine except strange combinations or this awful small Chaos boss room (charging bosses with Benn´Jhar rooting the toon and everything full with his traps…nice one).
Many, many thanks to SirSpankalot. I asked him to test this build in (new) Crucible and these are the results; his specc was this.
There will be no videos from Shattered Realms (currently at 60); if I beat 65, there will be a screenshot and I will ask Veretragna to add this to Build Compendium.
Shattered Realms Shard 76 (updated: Shard 80)