[] Bleeding Glass Shards 2: The Laceration - 6:15m Crucible no greens Bleeding Trickster [cr+][sr][vid]

Difference between 12/8 Whilring Death and 18/8 Whirling Death is 325 flat Bleeding damage. Difference between 19/16 Blade Spirit and 10/16 is 222 flat Bleeding. Without Prismatic Diamond and double Sigils your Trickster is squishballs (I know that because I have tested very similiar setup that had green gdstashed cronley ring, 1 Sigil and no Diamond).

Again, everything you claim is irrelevant untill you show some videos and/or actual numbers that prove that your setup is better (and I just noticed it doesn’t even have Ghoul).

Without Prismatic Diamond and double Sigils your Trickster is squishballs

What the heck is a squishball? :confused:

Opposite of tanky

He means in pre-FG condition when bloodrager was truly glass-cannon

Does this really need saying again?

Why do we keep having to tell the same people the same thing over and over? :rolleyes:

To bring some math to the discussion:

Whirling Death: 6765 vs. 8910 DPS
Blade Spirits: 5494 vs. 7840 DPS

Loss of 2341 DPS (4100 % vs. 3200 % for calculation, higher without Gorefeast Procc).

I disagree with Prismatic Diamond after patch, but hey…it´s your party. :slight_smile:

Diamond gives you x1.1 multiplier if you don’t know)

Sure I know. But I don´t think that a Trickster without Diamond/Double Sigil is a “squishball” now.

Now,of course,not but even with this setup i rarely(but still) die from very aggresive playstyle

Sure, 18 % Dodge and/or another Circuit Breaker can be a Lifesaver. And if it is only for the fastest time, it will be better than other components.

I prefer 100 % AA, but I don´t play Crucible. I didn´t use it in SR.

I hope that it’s not aimed at me. But I agree I can be angry when people come into build guides and start teaching me how to make builds without providing any proof.

It is not. But Prismatic Diamond is just all around bis component in helmet from my experience. Like 1,1 damage modifier is pretty huge. I have tested Diamond vs. Skull in Crucible several times and Diamond provides same damage but much more consistency. And additional energy absorb is actually pretty valuable on this char.

But Shoot2033 sumed it up well: when you know that you have Prismatic proc + Ghoul proc as your back up you can choose more agressive positions and squeeze in much more damage without any real risk of dying.

Like 1,1 damage modifier is pretty huge.

13k DPS or roughly 100k during the duration (in my case).

Perhaps I should get a spare helmet, just in case there are no Undead/Cthonic Bosses in SR. For the other chunks I think Sanctified Bone could be better, but as always…it depends. :wink:

There is so much raw DPS already that your actual damage output on this build will depend more on your positioning and movement. We have had instances when sacrificing a tiny bit of dps (like giving up %Phys crafting bonus on helmet which allows you to invest more in cunning) but gaining more slow res gave better results overall. John Smith and Shoot2033 also tested new FG ring augment that gives you flat bleed and somehow it worked worse than with classical Ingenuity. So having a better more agressive position with Prismatic Diamond can result in better clearing times then having more racial damage.

Same with increasing already pretty long bleeding duration, it’s never needed in this build. There are no enemies outside of Celestials and higher Shards bosses that you could use it against, and fighting those with Bleeding Trickster is not something you would want to do anyway.

There are no enemies outside of Celestials and higher Shards bosses that you could use it against, and fighting those with Bleeding Trickster is not something you would want to do anyway.

Celestials? No. Or maybe, if you are KoK (King of Kiting). :stuck_out_tongue:
Higher Shards? Depends, what “high” means.

By high I mean 70s. Before Bloodrager buff I felt pretty uncomfortable with it on Shards 60+. Shoot2033 managed 75 with a lot of luck and all the best shrines collected (and a lot of kiting). Honestly I don’t know how good this build is now in SR, yet to check.

I will give you a small hint, what is possible (even more for an experienced pilot) ;):

But Yeah, before buff I made it to 65 and finished there because no fun at all. For now, I have “Game over”; I don´t need another round with Kaisan and Mad Queen. :furious:

I saw that in your thread. Nice achievement. I guess my Trickster can do that too then. I am really lazy to do that tho. I guess I will add Shard 75 video later.

Hi. Amazing build, my only (and a HUGE) problem with reflect mobs, should i just skip them, or maybe i do something wrong?

Don’t skip them. In Crucible reflect is toned down so it’s never a problem there. In campaign just try not to attack a hero when his reflect aura or mirror is on. If you are still finding yourself bleeding from your own attacks, you can sacrifice a bit of OA for an Augment from Kymon’s Chose that reduces reflect damage even further. Or there is always a Blade Barrier - use it when your bleed is reflected into you.

This is one of the builds that I actually play myself (the Grimtools link has the boots that I actually crafted) and I rarely have trouble with reflect mobs.

Went really well but Shard 77 was too much and I thought about resetting.
Had this sand arena with Mad Queen and Kaisan…well, now Mad Queen is my most hated Boss in SR.

Another nice combination is Aleks and Anasteria (?) raining shit on you while Benn´Jhar roots you and builds up his mine field. :rolleyes: