Virtue set offers you great support for Aegis fire/burn build.For second class obvious choice is Inquisitor,but I select Demo.My first idea was to try full burn,but failed with surviving biggest challenges.Especially in SR absorb,healing,circuit breakers,health,CC,physical resistances and overcaping crucial res are more important than burn damage and procs.So goodbye wyrmborne gloves,blazing inferno ring,crimson lotus belt,magi devotion(so sad to drop it) and hello to our new friends:D.Before continue I want to express my gratitude to sir spanksalot,he helps me figuring SR and I took ideas about healing devotions from his build.
Updated Build-
- DPS for RF
Grim Tools-
Decided to give this one update. Now it’s no green guy. Also Aeon to ensure almost perma Ascension. RF is now filler since Aegis have CD. Build is safe, but slow in Crucible-times are 9 minutes and above. In SR build can no longer consistent in SR 75+, but can still do SR 65 with ease.
Original Build
pic with permanent buffs and Ascension,almost perma
Grim tools to current build
Pic was takenon previous patch,on new one 2k extra health from Haven buff,thanks Crate!Note that I tweak versions constatly so…
I tried it up to level 75.I had to play some waves multiple times due to crashes.Most of the time is facetanking mode,unless small boss room force you to kite.Other than room toughest opponent is Grava Null the fool.His orbs has to be avoided at all cost.Kuba is PITA,dodge Alex meteors,Maiden has innate high fire res,but she posses no threat.Benni or Valdaran in combo with hard hitters are nasty as well.
video from last chunk of 75
I have tendency to record just one video,cause it creates extra lag on my old laptop.Mine is with some subpar version
Also I never played naked Crucible before,but wanted to try.Use some consumaiteves,but nothing too fancy
On my second try,was able to shave almost 2 minutes,too bad wasn’t recording.With buffs and banners better players/specs going full offense can achieve probably around 7 minutes time.Frankly even in new tougher Crucible this build is little overkill.
Updated version
I tried more offensive version for Crucible Using Magi,Absolution result in one minute decrease of time!Build version is still stable enough to warrant almost 100% clear rate and do SR 75.Incoming nerfs!
I wanted to finish naked Crucible and SR 75 and this build help me.Virtue set is in very good state right now.This was my first try using GD stash.After trying some many combinations of items I tested dozen of version that I like.I hope more class combos are gonna be created around this set.Enjoy!