[] Plasmo's & spanks' Spite PB Blademaster: Mortred the Phantom Assassin (3:55 buffed/beacon clear; 5:43 naked clear)

Congrats guys! Another job well done and a dream killed :rofl:


Play it yourself and get 3:50 :stuck_out_tongue:

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What the Void is THIS? :scream_cat:


It’s called putting lokarr in his place :stuck_out_tongue:

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2 hours after posting. Still no nerfs. PRAISE ZANTAI! :massage_man:t6:

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Seems in making this sword biased towards Blademaster to compete with Infiltrator, it just made it broken for Blademaster instead.

Because that Oleron’s Rage mod didn’t exist until pretty much before the patch that introduced Spite was released to the public.

oleron’s rage mod can go, agreed. but it isnt the primary issue imo

Zantai: 5 minute builds are outliers and will not be tolerated! nerfs the shit out Cyclone, Harra PB, Bloodsongs, etc.

Also Zantai:



Congrats on sub 4 min guys!

Yes, the issue is not the Oleron mod, of course. It’s the conversions, as always. 100% of chaos and vit into pierce (both are incredibly rare) on a single piece of gear make the PB flat, which is scattered across the dmg types by design, to be concentrated in the strongest dmg type in the game. Each PB cast has 3336 flat. This kind of dps isn’t available even to AAR.

Imo the target for nerfs should be weapon conversions and Nether Edge.

I’m not sure what the devs were thinking with this weapon. Probably they also wanted to see a sub4 min run :smile:

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I mean it also has a smaller total damage penalty than the transmutor has so :man_shrugging:

Yep. Not only this, this item bypasses Pierce to Vitality conversion of the skill transmutor and gets to keep all of its Pierce damage from the first nod. For comparison, Cold PB spam gets only half of PB’s Pierce damage converted to Cold, other half is lost to Vitality. And Spite’s damage penalty to PB is for some reason weaker than damage penalty of PB’s skill transmutor.

don’t forget that the base WD on spite is ~2x that of rancor

I agree. But my OCD gets triggered by imperfect conversion :rofl:

I would much rather see a harsher TDM penalty, but that’s just me being quirky

Not 100%, 40%. But that’s also minor. WD value isn’t high anyway and PB salvo has only 150% WD in it. I’d like to see WD ke[t the same, nerfs to conversion and some bonuses to another skill. 2H weapon exclusive to one skill is kinda meh.

my suggestion is to increase %WD nerf to -80%, and to increase TDM nerf to -70%.

but removing chaos/pierce conversion is viable too.

10% Cast Speed on a mastery combo with cast speed on both ends helps a lot. Allows you to cap cast speed much more easily, therefore you have more options for items and devotions.

I do agree it’s not the main issue here, but it doesn’t help.

Jeez, I look forward to playing the version of this. Cool build.

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So finally you posted it, I didn’t expect it will be not only fastest naked spec but either fastest buffed build in history. Congratulations!

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Agreed. But having done several hundred runs with the build, I can tell you that casting speed is inconsequential here past a certain point. Yes, it’ll nab you those few extra seconds, but that doesn’t matter if you’re able to 4-5 shot multiple Nems with buffs/banners.

I’d like to leave the mods to olerons rage alone as it might enable other pierce based spam casters

Spite adjustments were already on the table for v1.1.6.0.

The use of chains was unexpected, but it was also brought to my attention that the penalty is basically broken, and could use updating anyway with modern modifiers.

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thanks for the heads up, Z.

I think I speak for all the vets when I say that it’s not surprising in the least that spite was bound to get nerfed in, what was perhaps surprising to us was how it escaped unscathed in but that’s neither here nor there.

Hopefully I was able to bring to your attention more intimate details of the mechanics which makes Spite as powerful as it is so that it can be rebalanced fairly.