i wanted to try something like that (was thorn with WL for FW but Inq seems like a better choice). happy to see it’s really solid, congrats on the build !
Hey I have just over 45h in the game so I still have many things to figure out. One thing is priority in unlocking skills during the leveling process. What skills should be maxed first to have a smooth experience?
Thanks for the build and the videos.
I’ve forgotten how to leveling from the 1st without Lokarr’s Spoils and Potion of Clarity
But if you have this items and potions you choose OK and Aegis of Menhir skill. In Devotions you 1st take Bat and other like in final build
Than you go to OK’s Summon Guardian of Empyrion slill, take it by 1 point and that take Celestials Preset for max and a little bit DIvine Mandate
After than you choose 2nd mastery Inquisitor and go to Aura of Cencure also skip DIvine Mandate. If it will be difficult to play before Aura of Censure choose Inquisitoi Seal
Under effect of Potion of Clarity you maybe at the middle of Epic difficult approximately ~90 LVL
A little bit more time and you get 94 LVL
Now you can “dress up” for the final build items
45h into the game means this is probably his first char and thus lack all of the items you used in the build
@Diddite this build requires that you have the majority of those items used. For an easy to make paladin which is easy to level up and starting farming with I suggest that you look for my fire paladin guide here ☄ Collection of malawiglenn's Beginner Friendly builds