Is this time again, where I want to show you build focused on dealing huge amounts of damage, disregarding some stuff.
Ever since I saw Spark of Ultos weapon buff, wanted to use it in a build. So here we go. Trozan Scepter was stripped of Wind Devil mod, so this weapon is perfect fit. Lightning was nerfed, but if you can stack big % damage you can still do an impressive build.
Actually checked my idea and something similar has been done in the past. Credit to the author @x1x1x1x2
EDIT: and to @mad_lee I forgot about the Vindicator Cyclone, damn is so similar, WTF
- pic with perma buffs, DPS for Chain Lightning
- check the lightning % damage multiplier And spirit also gives more than 800%, so real numbers are close to 4K.
Full Cyclone set and Spark of Ultos are the core. Belt and Relic are classical Shaman items. Actually you can use Arcanist stuff like Iskandra and belt, still will be good. Cindertouch have nice proc. Fateweaver can offer substantial physical resistance and other perks.
Crafts are 1 item with stun and 1 with %physique.
How to build without the impossible boots? Actually any crafted boots, together with Arcanist Conduit can solve resistances problems. Conduit prefix is irrelevant, so should be easier to craft it.
The map I choose allows me to take Ultos+Spear as T3 devotions. Elemental Storm is here to reduce flat RR of monsters. I was able to fit Tsunami as well. 50% of cold is converted to lightning, so deals nice AoE damage.
For defense, the standard duo of Ghoul+Bat is present.
Build is skill dependent but far from complete glass canon. Still waves 169 and 170 can be dangerous. Grava offers the biggest threat. Reaper and Maiden are also hard hitters. Valdaran is usually the slowest enemy to be killed.
My times are all 6 minutes and below… with average of 5:35 - 5:40. With perfect conditions I think 5 or even sub 5 may be possible. Here’s video from my fastest run of 5:15
To prove is not completely dependent of Crucible buffs, took my build for a spin in SR. 75 is possible, mind not recommended, at least not with that setup. But with aggro abuse and fire room, not much trouble to beat 75. Here’s video from it: