The reason behind this build is to create a two handed melee aether Death Knight using the Krieg set and the Scion of the Screaming Veil. As main damage skills I rotate a couple of nukes - Blitz, Will of the Fallen Kings (Vire like skill from rune), Bone Harvest, Reaping Arc and Krieg’s Wrath. These nukes have all nice AoE and their cooldowns are OK for rotating them all the time. For life sustain the build has huge lifesteal, Siphon Souls and Scales (devotion). The build fully converts vitality damage to aether using the Scion and a monster infrequent belt. Build is easy to play and very strong. It kills things fast and you have to try very hard to get yourself killed. SR 80 is easy.
I have other aether melee builds here. All my builds are here.
Build uses one monster infrequent item for conversion. It doesn’t really matter what affixes you have. I have chosen the best so that they are not double rare. Crafting bonus on the amulet and one ring is to slow resistance and on the medal is to stun resistance.
Stats of the build
high base weapon damage
you have 5 nukes that deal a lot of single target and AoE damage
OK critical damage 39 %
OK OA - above 2900 OA base (up to 3200 OA with Fighting Spirit)
270 DA reduction to enemies from Blitz
nice aether resistance reduction from Spectral Wrath, Arcane Bomb, Mythical Band of the Eternal Haunt and Scales (or Krieg’s Wrath) - up to -97 %
damage from devotions - Spear of the Heavens, Arcane Bomb and Scales
huge life 20000 HP
OK DA - around 2950 DA
up to 322 OA reduction to enemies from Siphon Souls and Arcane Bomb
huge lifesteal 31 %
lifesteal from Siphon Souls and Scales
damage reduction to enemies from Ill Omen
aether and chaos damage absorption from component
high CC resistances with crafting bonuses
reasonable overcap of resistances
at least +3 to maximum all resistances
OK armor - close to 2500
OK physical resistance 23 %
Mark of Torment
Prismatic Rage
Menhir’s Will
image from the game with passive buffs only
image from the game with passive buffs + Fighting Spirit and Soul Harvest
I play SR with camera pointed away from enemies and I try my builds only in SR 65-66 and SR 80. I play around 10 SR runs per character.
This build does SR 80 easily. Only Reaper is quite tough but doable. I don’t push my characters higher but it can go higher if you are a skilled player.
I don’t play Crucible so I don’t have a time number for it.