I decided to make chaos Oblivion build with different classes. I got the idea from @tqFan and his aether Oblivion Apostate. When trying them Witchblade and Warlock looked the best. I was using as a weapon Obsidian Juggernaut and noticed that Obsidian Tremor skill it has is actually better offensively than Oblivion. So these builds then became Obsidian Tremor or Oblivion builds. You can pick which skill you want to use - both work. Obsidian Tremor kills faster yet Oblivion seems to lifeleech a little better. Core of the builds is Rah’Zin’s set with Obsidian Juggernaut. I went for full offensive chaos devotions. Both builds are defensively good (Witchblade especially is quite tanky). Warlock is a little better offensively. Only problem is weaker energy regen. Actually the regen numbers itself are fine in game (GT link for Warlock shows low numbers but in game it is fine). Warlock is better in energy regen but even it can go down with energy quick in SR boss rooms. Oblivion drains energy more than Obsidian Tremor. On Witchblade using Oblivion means constantly using energy potions in boss rooms. I decided to also use two MI’s that give bonuses to War Cry on Witchblade and it is nice to damage the entire screen every 5.5 s and you also have almost permanent damage reduction and RR from it. Both builds with both skills can do SR 80 easily. Using Oblivion is slower in SR 80 though.
I have other chaos melee builds here. All my builds are here.
GRIMTOOLS Witchblade Warlock
Warlock has crafting bonuses on chest and medal to stun resistance. Witchblade has crafting bonuses on chest and boots to slow resistance. You want affixes on items in both builds to fix OA and DA. On Witchblade you also need affix for energy regen.
Stats of the build for Witchblade
high DPS from 60k to 90k on Obsidian Tremor (120k - 180k using Oblivion)
high base weapon damage
high casting speed 192 % (200 % with Hungering Void)
low critical damage - 15 % (33 % with Hungering Void)
OK OA - base below 2900 OA (with Fighting Spirit around 3150 OA)
55 DA reduction to enemies from Annihilation
good chaos resistance reduction - from Curse of Frailty, both Rings, Eldritch Fire and Revenant (War Cry) - up to - 117 % + + Touch of Chaos
damage from devotions - Eldritch Fire
big life around 17500 HP
OK base DA around 2900 DA
55 OA reduction to enemies from Annihilation
good lifesteal 20 % (44 % with Bloodthirster)
high CC resistances
reasonably overcapped resistances
good armor - around 2400
good physical resistance 28 %
damage reduction from War Cry
% damage absorption from Possession
Giant’s Blood
Menhir’s Will
Prismatic Rage from component
Stats of the build for Warlock
high DPS from 70k to 90k on Obsidian Tremor (130k - 180k using Oblivion)
high base weapon damage
high casting speed 193 % (200 % with Hungering Void)
low critical damage - 19 % (37 % with Hungering Void)
OK OA - base around 2900 OA
55 DA reduction to enemies from Annihilation
good chaos resistance reduction - from Curse of Frailty, both Rings, Eldritch Fire and Revenant - up to - 117 % + Touch of Chaos
damage from devotions - Eldritch Fire
good life around 14500 HP
OK base DA around 2900 DA
55 OA reduction to enemies from Annihilation
OK lifesteal 17 %
high CC resistances
reasonably overcapped resistances
OK armor - around 2050
good physical resistance 29 %
damage reduction from War Cry
% damage absorption from Possession and Maiven’s Sphere
possible % damage reduction against single targets from Touch of Chaos
Giant’s Blood on Arcane Will
Prismatic Rage from component
Images for Witchblade
Witchblade Obsidian Tremor - image for from the game with passive buffs only
Witchblade Obsidian Tremor - image for from the game with passive buffs + Hungering Void, Abomination and Fighting Spirit
Witchblade Oblivion - image for from the game with passive buffs only
Witchblade Oblivion - image for from the game with passive buffs + Hungering Void, Abomination and Fighting Spirit
Images for Warlock
Warlock Obsidian Tremor - image for from the game with passive buffs only
Warlock Obsidian Tremor - image for from the game with passive buffs + Hungering Void and Abomination
Warlock Oblivion - image for from the game with passive buffs only
Warlock Oblivion - image for from the game with passive buffs + Hungering Void and Abomination
I play SR with camera pointed away from enemies and I try my builds only in SR 65-66 and SR 80. I play around 10 SR runs per character.
Both builds do SR 80 easily. No boss is a problem. It can go higher if you are a skilled player. Witchblade is better defensively and Warlock is a little better offensively. Obsidian Tremor is better offensively than Oblivion. I facetanked with Oblivion Witchblade Reaper and Fabius at the same time and it was relatively easy but killing Kuba or Mad Queen is painfully slow with it. Warlock has better energy regen in boss rooms.
I don’t play Crucible so I don’t have a time number for it.