[]Belgothian's Sands of Slaughter - 105 Cunning DW Blademaster

End is never the end.

I am sure you kissed for goodbye your Belgo build quite a few times in these past years. But maybe will come back strong again. :slightly_smiling_face:

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well after I just posted a full purple Calla vid yesterday, I guess iā€™ll do SR full purp as far as possible and then defy the nerfs and to a naked run with purple. Tough it would take 7 min at least probably

So i guess you are right :heart:

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Hi Fluff! Thanks for your builds mate - amazing! Iā€™ll be rocking with this asap! Love your BM builds - incredible!!

have you tried the build with a servitor slicer? the sheet dps will be a tiny bit lower compared to dermapteran slicer but you get nice ele resist, and it makes debuffing groups of enemies with RoS much smoother.

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Not a bad idea. I actually experimented with Fire Ros +1m on night whispers for more aoe rr and a tanky ammy on full purple Naked runs testing. But in the end Avenger was better.

But servitor can be very interesting. Makes it spammier as well :+1: cool idea

Edit: i compared gtā€™s and actually damage loss is negligible due to Servitorā€™s higher max base dmg. Worth it for the extra resistance alone if not for better RoS. The only real loss is health, which green version can take it or remitigate elemental res ā€¦oh and, you get like 60 OA tooā€¦noice

Ty. I will post a couple more vids soon :grinning:

I respeced my build to use something very close to what you have and it definitely works well. No issues in Crucible or SR. The only thing I donā€™t understand is how you are able to beat Callagadra so easily? I tried and was dead in about 30 seconds. The amount of damage was just overwhelming I was rapidly 2-shotted. Not sure what you do to stay alive.

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You have to keep a very close watch on your heals and how you use them. Throughout the entire fight, my eyes are at the skill bar, not calla. I only saw the fight after recording :smiley:

Always cast War Cry and Circle of slaughter. Use rune of Dark desires to lower OA on Calla. PB at 50% HP, and ros with dryad if available. If you get burst again then health pot. If it happens yet again and you are out of heals then blade barrier and restart the cycle (Starting with War Cry and Ros )

Try Salvation Relic with DA. itā€™s good training wheels especially for the first part. Then in second half it falls off a bit because you canā€™t have War cry on as often was you can with belgo relic, or tree of life. But itā€™s worth trying it, to get used to how you time your casting

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Thanks. I think that gives me some fidelity on how to do this. I will have to give it another shot. Toughest boss in the game for me.

Once you get the rhythm of the 1st part you will get it. Then donā€™t be surprised if you die when whe reaches 50% HP. Her attack speed and CDR are increased, it gets harder. Donā€™t stress. It gets easy after a while

I will give some effort to get the rhythm down and see if I canā€™t finally beat this boss. All that being said is this an all in facetank or do you kite at all?

I only like pure purple builds, I did my best to adapt this.
Any suggestions

hurts my soul to see serenity but whatever works. you can take a point form scars and war cry

Will this wonderful build be updated to or is the impact from update to this build too small/miniscule to make a build update?

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No update need really. Iā€™ll just post a new video of Purple version doing Naked run. After the fun Green run i thought a purple one should be done as well


Ok so as promised here is the Purple version of Naked crucible. Everyhting explained at the bottom of the build post

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mnqhqe-TmQw - Managed to at 170 to eat aleks meteor and Valdarn bolt one after the other due to failed Rune casting :sweat_smile: At least it shows that the build can take it

GT: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/4ZD9DxBN

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Firs of all: thx for share the build. Iā€™m new on GD and still learning. Can you tell me if with this build is possible beat Crate boss?
Edit: sorry, but can anyone tell me what is ā€œNakedā€ Crucible?

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I donā€™t understand this game. I copy almost 100%, but Calagadra one shots me. How you able to facetank her?

my gt https://www.grimtools.com/calc/a2dmlWdV

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ENeoAVGZ1M look grim tools in video: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/JVl1LdlZ more then 6.5k armor

Here is an update to green Belgo I had since last year but never really got to test it properly becasuseā€¦other games :slight_smile:

Build : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/wV19m8MV - setup with lots of cunning great for Crucible. You can redistribute the Cunning devos to Ulcama if you want but in crucible you can do without

@romanN1 great run: - 4:05

My run 4:09 - Had to do a pirouette at 2x Zantarin shotgun so time was lost there. For now, thatā€™s how it is.


Since I been following a lot of your stuff from my start of GD, Iā€™m curios about witch other games that make your garden growā€¦
Might even be a good question for a pollā€¦? @medea_fleecestealer