*I really don’t have time to do those
Blitz Warlord is a staple of strong budget builds. It can (and frankly should) be your first endgame farmer build. You can start with very little and slowly upgrade your Blitzer into an endgame beast and an all content conqueror. I usually try and limit my guide posts to specs that I find exceptional (or unique enough) and Blitz Warlord has been done to death - it’s not really that unique. However this spec that I found after testing a lot of gear and devotion options is definitely worth sharing with GD’s community. So without further ado…
The build Update!
I wasn’t really happy with how the this one’s tank felt in the latest patch. Game was moving forward and build was somewhat stagnating. So I tried re-inventing it a bit with Oleron’s Blood and four point Empyrion instead of Ulzaad. As a result, noticably better tank and better aoe damage (due to Oleron’s Blood additional dots and wps coverage). Update!
With Physical resist/incoming Physical damage rework and Chains of Anguish nerf this build went thru a bit of overhaul: belt has to be dropped and devotions reworked a little bit. Overall it’s the same tanky beast but now without the belt’s debuff! Update!
Since @modal joined our top20 testing as a droprate odds expert we have learned few things about loot tables for certain monster infrequents. I adjusted the spec accordingly with the most common rare and magical affixes for the amulet and the medal (that both had pretty rare prefix “Imposing” before). And amulet got “Warrior’s” prefix which grants the build cdr and three extra skill points and has an almost 10% chance to roll (if amulet rolls rare prefix). As a result, build became a bit stronger than before.
<<<< GRIMTOOLS >>>>*
*Craft everything for freeze resistance
**Bind Ulzaad’s Decree to Shattering Smash, not to Smite and Shifting Sands to Guardians
Blitz round of questions
Chains of Anguish? Wouldn’t they make the build vulernable during its proc?
Not if you counter their proc with extra defensive cushions. Build has a surplus of physical resist, elemental resist and movement speed and extra healing proc that is not tied to adtch (so -tdm% doesn’t affect it). And temporary damage dips are compensated by belt’s exceptional stats.
So Deathstalker is not a meta relic anymore? Isn’t Doom’s skill just an extra button?
Deathstalker relic is still a staple of many strong physical builds, however here Doom relic fits better. Build is starved on skill points and relic’s proc is a great support for extra aoe and crowd control.
You say budget but look at all those green items! There are guides that say that getting a particular green item is like once in a million chance!
All those greens have interchangeable biased affixes with the exception of helmet, but Overseer’s is in the helmet’s biased pool here. Weapon is single rare and can be vendor farmed. So strap in and get to farming those monster infrequents, it won’t take too long.
Core items are shield, helmet and the amulet. You must get physical resist on shield. Thankfully it can be done thru a large number of affix combinations. Overseer’s helmet would be the best, but if you don’t get it at first, try to compensate for the phys res by getting formidable somewhere and for stun res by using leathery hide. Weapon should be easy enough to get thru refreshing the vendor in Ugdenbog roguelike dungeon. Tyrant prefix is a must have here, but build won’t fall apart without it. If you don’t have Azragor chest yet, use Restless Remains component in gloves. For boots and shoulder slot alternative options would be Dreadnought Footpads and Korvan Spaulders. Getting “Warrior’s” on the amulet should be fairly easy since it’s one of the most popular prefixes. You need to get at least one of alacrity between amulet and the ring.
Skill distribution is standard, devotions is where it takes an interesting turn. Dryad has great nods and its proc is a good healing crutch that acts like a cushion when our adtch fails us.
This is the endgame build. It works as advertised once you equip required gear at character level 100 and repeat my grimtools as close as possible. For levelling/beginner guides search this forum.
In Crucible and SR 75-76 everything is facetankable. You can take up to 4 bosses in boss chunks at the same time sometimes, but obviously be mindful of who you are grouping up. Learn how to play the build by watching videos below.
Against Ravager use buff potions. Preferred fight would be Ravager of Flesh. Use Soul Shard instead of Frozen Heart against him. Also one extra 15% Bleeding resist armor augment.
Callagadra is easy if you evade her sunder. Can use couple of 15% Pierce resist armor augment agaisnt her too.
General with all the damage auras
Videos Blitz Warlord vs. SR 75-76 4:28 run Blitz Warlord vs. Ravager 1:23 kill Blitz Warlord vs. Callagadra 1:38 kill Blitz Warlord vs. Crucible Gladiator 150-170 “naked” ex 5:20 run Blitz Warlord vs. SR 75-76 5:07 run Blitz Warlord vs. Ravager 1:22 kill Blitz Warlord vs. Callagadra 1:37 kill Blitz Warlord vs. SR 75-76 4:29 run (more realistic affixes spec) Blitz Warlord vs. Ravager 1:15 kill (more realistic affixes spec) Blitz Warlord vs. Ravager 1:32 kill (no pharma/no cluster, more realistic affixes spec) Blitz Warlord vs. Callagadra 1:37 kill (no pharma/no cluster, more realistic affixes spec) Blitz Warlord vs. SR 75-76 5:01 run Blitz Warlord vs. Ravager of Flesh 1:16 kill Blitz Warlord vs. SR 90 (one death) Blitz Warlord vs. Callagadra 1:25 kill Blitz Warlord vs. Crucible Gladiator 150-170 “naked” extra spawn 4:59 run Blitz Warlord vs. Ravager of Flesh 1:36 kill no pharma/no health pots Blitz Warlord vs. Callagadra 1:34 kill no pharma/no health pots
In Conclusion
Stay tuned for our new top20 builds post. It’s coming soon…
EDIT: It’s here!