For leveling you should follow a leveling/beginner guide, mate, this is the endgame build guide - it can’t help you on your leveling/grinding/collecting necessary gear journey. Check out these forums for those dedicated beginner/leveling guides, I am sure you will find the right one easily.
if you have a level 100 Warlord and most of the required gear of course, but I guess you mean if it’s possible to switch to it at level 67? Well you need the hat, the amulet and the shield to make it kinda work, I guess you could cobble together something blitzy at low levels, but I have no idea how viable it is gonna be for leveling.
My first (serious) Blitz character. I happened to already have a lvl 100 EoR Warlord. Fun to play but due to lack of gear, he couldn’t kill the celestial bosses. This one, on the other hand, performs as advertised and I was just able to kill the Ravager for the first time ever, on 1.2, no less
And the “all content destroyer” actually helped me to choose your specific build.
Lee’s builds often min / max, which is usually most effective when the build is ready to bake (i.e. level 100). Until then, I’d invest in some Phys, depending on how you’re choosing to level.
leveled as a blitz. going straight cunning dosn’t work unless you have gear already set aside. be prepared to invest in phys and spirit for gear requirements at levels 60+ or replace some items with of the boar prefix
Since @modal joined our top20 testing as a droprate odds expert we have learned few things about loot tables for certain monster infrequents. I adjusted the spec accordingly with the most common rare and magical affixes for the amulet and the medal (that both had pretty rare prefix “Imposing” before). And amulet got “Warrior’s” prefix which grants the build cdr and three extra skill points and has an almost 10% chance to roll (if amulet rolls rare prefix). As a result, build became a bit stronger than before.
Here is a snippet of loot tables for Bloodbriar for example:
Tbf any leveling build never does cunning/spirit dump, especially with greens, since you never know how good/bad rolls would be in the end.
In this particular case 400 Spirit is an absolute maximum (for jewelry and that’s it; might be lower like we see in grimools), Cunning won’t be needed at all until 94 reached and all the stuff collected. So the stats should be dumped in Phys up to 1050, and the rest might be your pool to waggle - some caster armor for leveling might roll with resistances to cover the holes, and putting a few points in Spirit might be ok. You’ll respec stats with potion when you’ll put your stuff together for the endgame anyway.
@mad_lee First, thanks for the build.
I’m playing GD for the first time. Leveled to 78 (elite) using your endgame template as a rough guide. Was easy with using mostly phys/itd gear. I have now collected the 55 devotion points but seem to be unable to use them like in your template without having to put an extra point in crossroads (order) and had to leave Azraaka incomplete. Is this noob missing something obvious how to distribute points without 2 in crossroads?
you didn’t fill in Dryad, Turtle, Assassin’s Blade fully?
^this results in 7 gold (order) more than enough for any devo with order requirement (highest gold requirement is Azrakaa with 6)
*or maybe you missed that you can refund devo points at the spirit and reinvest the gold/order crossroad point?
Thanks for the suggestions, but no, I don’t get that far.
1 point (primordial) in Crossroads to get to Sailor’s Guide (complete = 5 Primordial). Next Eel (complete = 5 primordial). 11 primordial in total.
I can’t move to Dryad, Tortoise or Assassin’s Mark, all require 1 order, which i don’t have.
i don’t understand? do you have 55 devo points or not?
there is no way you can’t have points to move to turtle/assassin/dryad if so
you fill in tier 1s, inner devos first, using crossroad as a filler
fill in tier 2s, “middle” devos, again use fillers if necessary, then reinvest
lastly you fill in tier 3s/out devos, Azrakaa and Vire when all other points are invested and fillers refunded, this way you will always have enough
^go to devo page then click the yellow slider at the bottom
The problem was that I didn’t know how to remove the single order point in Crossroads when finished with filling Dryad. You had said that ‘you can refund devo points at the spirit and reinvest the gold/order crossroad point?’ I really didn’t get that at first. I was using potions to reset (all) points.
Thank you!
Hey, sorry for the late reply, was away from GD for a good month.
I am going to update this Blitz Warlord as soon as the patch hits. New version won’t have Anguish belt but is going to be as good overall - there were some quiet good changes too after all, not just nerfs.