ComboMod Testversion

Good news, D3 updating nearly complete, faster then i thought, only need to search for leftover links in existing source files (mainly meshes) and then testrunning if everything is fine, the Shadowmends will help me out on this alot :smiley:
The plan for the Headhunter optimization is also setup already, will try to make it like this: at endgame you can grind for a new item called “Headhunter Essence” (name can change), which will only drop from ONBs and D3 Bosses, it has zero stats and is a questitem that you may stack up, this will be one of many incredients to craft a real “Headhunter” gearbelt. This belt will give all the stats and effects from the buffelixir how it is right now, the elixir will be toned down then and will get a new bitmap, to make a difference in powerincrease for this. The belt is an “open” blueprint that is available at Ashdim, Kadalor and Haedrig then and can be crafted as soon as you have the according materials collected (which will only happen at endgame xD), but you can already check it up without need to find a blueprint for it (may change…). This cool Headhunter gearbelt can then be upgraded at BOTH Shattering Blacksmiths for either basegame OR D3 classes to make it even more unique, with different affixes and modifiers, maybe even with new unique ones :slight_smile: i HOPE this will work, as i experienced crashes back in the day while trying to make this work on an item… but we will see :slight_smile:
About the “skillManaCostReductionModifier”, all statvalues have been fixed for balance (i hope at least xD), also decreased all statvalues “skillCooldownReductionModifier” a bit for better balancing, was still a bit too much i guess.

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Howdy :slight_smile:

Finished the updating process of the D3 classes mod, tested alot and i hope i did not forget anything. Very cool new effects, a big SHOUTOUT and THANKS to Grimer for making all this cool stuff possible!!!
Furthermore i have started to optimize the “Headhunter mechanic”, as i really knew this would crash… xD tested it even again and voila, welcome to crashland xD this, as initially thought, will not work at all on an item, no matter what i have tried, it will crash :frowning: BUT i found a way to make it possible, even better in the endoutput then i thought, works like a charm now on a new “Headhunter Leatherbelt” which we can then craft at several blacksmiths. The belt itself has a mechanical combination of the Rakoff necklace and the Grim Soul buffspawn, which allows the belt to spawn a buffitem that will grant the buffeffects of the Headhunter Elixir, which has now been toned down and degraded to a Weak Headhunter Elixir, which we also need for the craft of the belt :smiley: Fine tuning will be done in the next hours, also a small tonedown on fx will be appreciated i guess :slight_smile: I hope to get everything in line for an update tomorrow.

Preview of the Headhunter Leatherbelt: Grim Dawn 2022 11 10 13 45 - YouTube
Preview nonYT: Grim Dawn_2022.11.10-13.45

this Model size and speed look like really not suitable for GD engine. I mean this not POE, this function not good in GD. reduce effect maybe it will help,
BTW, now I play other lots of Pets builds (Necro + Witch doctor) also will blackscreen. I already closer Gore fuction. this is really big problems.

i’m really sorry you experience this, but i can not replicate it :frowning: have tested so much things without crashing for a long time, and also could not gather this informations by others :frowning:

about the headhunter, sure this is NOT Poe, but this item works and is an attempt to do something new, if you don’t like it, use 1 of hundreds of other belts :smiley: and as said above the fx will get an overhaul as it simply is too much overlapping by the 12 charges xD these charges have been created 2 years ago while starting with GD modding, clearly overtoned xD

and about modelsize, this template is in gd basegame available already so why not using it more? i always was wondering why Crate took it of from Possession. i really like it, maybe it is just a matter of taste.

about crashes again, MAYBE it will solve for you on next update as there were various files i simply missed to integrate last time from the D3 mod, which were mainly class based files… :smiley:

if you experience any crashes, give me something i can work with to replicate this issue, then i can take a look closer ;D

Im 90% sure is MOD problems. because other mod 3~4hours will no blackscreen.
should said almost no happen crash in other mods。

so my experience only can tell u reason is less pets builds blackscreen happen change very low. and lost of pets build will very easy to happen.

Please zip and post your savegame it’s the easiest way to test crashes.

For HH, I will test it later, the idea seems fun to have HH soul buff , if they are cast on the player they should always have them.
Because it’s an item proc cooldown there is no way to reduce it, neither cooldown reduction or reduced active cooldown won’t affect it so you should be able to balance it by increasing the cooldown.

Suggestion : Hero souls, boss souls, blood shards could be auto collected in a tiny radius around them.
About Grim soul why is there first a “Grim soul” then an “essence of Grim soul” that needs to be collected a second time to receive the buffs ?

About Omega item Hat in records\items\loottables\mastertables\omega\tdyn_omega_bossgear01.dbr
I think I made these in the same lootable because I was lazy, but it was a mistake because there are different item types that should have different affixes types.
For example the head om_bossmi_head should have prefix/suffix tables from records\combomod\xmod_shattered_affixes\lootaffixes\headaffixes and so on.
Thank you for your efforts.

yes this is the best way, i would check what is going on, bothers me aswell :slight_smile:

all currency should be autolooted, at least with GDinternals active, or do i get the question wrong? :smiley:

Could not make it work in any other way, it works with your omega script and endlessdungeon_oneshot template which is summoned by the script, which was not working without scriptspawn as i do remember.

all fine, the dbr “tdyn_omega_bossgear01.dbr” only contains the 4 ONB boss only gearitems to droponly with added affixtables, was revamping that long ago, could also seperate it into head/etc/etc but yes you name it, laziness xD well, alot of stuff can be seperated, not a biggi but good you remember :slight_smile:

Further, more optimizations have been done to the HH, looks ALOT better now, also reduced the size a bit, thx to Duskdeep :wink: Think will release it tomorrow, some more testing and cleaning up, shattering addition on the update after this :slight_smile:

Which file I should exact zip? Combo mod file or character file or other files?

agree. and can u design some superboss for Combo mod? u always have some crazy ideas like omega. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The save file of your character which is in :

C:\Users\ USERNAME \Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save\user\ _charactername

So you should zip and upload the directory _charactername

I recommend you post a link to GrimInternals on you first post at the end, it’ such an amazing QoL for this mod with everything that is auto pick up (souls, component, currency, Grim souls/essence soul buffs…) it’s much more smooth not having to stop to pick up all these buffs/currency. I completely forgot about it!

I also experienced some crash when killing monsters, maybe it could be that some affixes on some loot that have proc skills with autocasft features or maybe it’s because of some files missing/incorrect pah I don’t know, will test with next version.
Here some affixes that could have caused the crash when dropping, I don’t know if these affixes where changes in the mod :

Or it could be some missing pet bonuses, it happened in the D3 mod some time ago:

A fast way to test this mod is in Ultimate difficulty use GDSTash to uncheck the Devotion Shrine in Act 1 “Burial Hills” (Ultimate) then go to the waypoint and directly in the cave to spawn all these monsters, they drop a lot of loot and sometimes spawn Nemesis/Om boss so it often crashes there.

Use this test pls. this builds happen crash often. @okami29

I am not sure if it’s related to your build.
For me the fastest way to crash the game and investigate what is wrong is to spawn
“records/items/lootchests/d04_bosschest_dropped.dbr” until it spawn some Omega Nemesis boss, kill them and usually it crashes when some of them drop loot.
Now I don’t know if it’s because of some random affixes on gear.
I spawned a hundreds rings or royal grandeur with affixes without any crashes so it seems to be something else.

Also I recommend you use GDSTash and import mods, it gives a lot of “Errors” that are usefull when some tags are missing or some missing references (click open image to see the missing references).


I think the reason for the crash is that you have opened “cloud storage”. Close it, and try again in native archive mode.

After closing, you can copy your archive to the following path, for example:
Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save\user\ _Combo 1

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Griminternals also seems to point to some issue with

Before rings of royal version update already happen crash often.


