ComboMod Testversion

xDD some log tentacle i guess? :smiley:

was trying to replicate it and yes after i summoned the Spirit Guide, and continued into shard 2 it crashed while in fight with first hero (reflective)… :frowning: trying to find the issue here now… last picture →

what i am wondering, why are there Charging Shadowclones xD not seen a Charger heroarchetype, maybe there is an issue related to this pet… will be investigated aswell :slight_smile:

oh here, crazy, even in The Enclave, when spawning the Charger with Crazy Mike, after summoned the Spirit Guide, it also crashed… xDD here is definitly any issue going on, investigating.

fixed it pretty fast and was even easier then i though… xD wrong controller settings and was missing the teamvalue obviously xD

furthermore found some possible issues that could lead to random crashes, within hero archetypes aswell, tuning them all again now, also reworked the Innate Skill NPC’s “under the hood” to avoid this type of crash, finally found this strange reason which absolutly might crash your game :smiley: hopefully this was the only thing, but revisiting everything atm to check this! :)) i think we are on a good route to solve this issues finally, omg :smiley:


Harry Olsen, the portable exchange vendor1 had reset his store stock twice during the time I was shopping (~3min). How; Loaded a toon, teleported to Old Arkovia, walked to the camp, summoned the vendor.

yes this NPC has an intended faster restocking value :slight_smile:

Got a crash upon hovering on an item ‘decaying boneblade of alacrity’ although that might have been an other item dropping at the same time; Den of the Lost (that bonus zone with gollum+devotion shrine under the ant colony), killed a hero-rank enemy that dropped this blade->crash.

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Thank you for reporting your crash.
As usual it seems to crash on a weapon, I guess you have auto tooltip checked (are you in Ultimate difficulty)?
If I am not mistaken both of these affix are base game affixes that are not modified in this game.

However Boneblade (tagWeaponSwordB010) appear to be a modded sword existing in the database and having 2 skill modifiers.
The item doesn’t seem to crash the game when spawned with the console.
I can confirm I also crashed in the Den of the lost (Grim internal : Altar 3-5 The lost cavern) by kiling some random mobs in the area that dropped rare weapons with prefix/suffix.

I also have some issue with the summoning some npc (spirit guide for example), it works the first time I summoned him in an area, but if I change area and use the script again it doesn’t summon him.
I think you are not supposed to summon monsters so if you use skill_spawnpet (4_item_cratebox.dbr) you are supposed to summon a pet (4_transmogsmith_alive.dbr) so I suggest changing the template to pet with a life time of 1 (1= 1ms = 0.001s) to trigger the script.

By the way I didn’t verify your othe changes but you should also be aware that monsters can summon pets BUT pets should not summon pets (maybe it can trigger crashes).

You may also take a look at GDModSuite to help you track potential issues.

Also removing the features that doesn’t seem to have a lot of interest might help (why is there a suicide skill ?).

From your pdf :

ATTENTION: tried to make a new pfx
from a D3 pfx-file → the TEX file was missing and the pfx-editor could NOT gain any access on it EVEN IF IT WORKS in the
mod, so it showed a “glitchy” placeholder texture! TO FIX THIS → you HAVE TO copy this needed TEX file to the VANILLA-
RESOURCES and then you NEED to REBUILD ONLY THE VANILLA ARCHIVES!! THEN the pfx-editor will have access to
it! this is redicilous xD IF ANYONE KNOWS A BETTER WAY, or can tell me if my thinking is that confuse, PLEASE let me
know ;D → ADDED TO VANILLA RESOURCE AND REBUILD: "…/fx/textures/crusader_shield.tex

You can simply open the .tex file, export the texture into the source directory with same name and into .tga format (also you may need to flip it horizontally or vertically I don’t remembre there is an issue when exporting).Need to repeat it if it has an alpha channel and add the alpha channel if it has one.

ANyways I found the Diablo 3 mod has this texture

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It was on Normal difficulty. Games kicking my ass so hard I want to get stacked before progressing further.

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Thanks for checking it out and YES, i am already aware of this behaviour and have fixed it already on my end, also there is something borky with the grimmest script spawn on the devotionshrines “onAddToWorld” which has been deactivated temporary aswell to exclude this as a crashcause.

will check for this in a few.

Unfortunatly i have not that much time atm to mod GD, as i am pretty heavy involved in another small project, BUT i will try to push out an update with already working fixes today and will continue with bugfixing and finally adding some new stuff in 1-2 weeks :slight_smile: Till then, tracking down further bugs is priority :slight_smile:

Big THANKS to all who participate in this search for the crashes!! :slight_smile:

Maybe i was just too confused on that haha :smiley: but it was not about extracting the tex, it was because the pfx did not recognize the tex-file sitting in the pfx-file itself while trying to edit the pfx-file with the PFXeditor, so i took that as a workaround xD it is a while ago, so i am not 100% sure about it anymore yet :smiley: will recheck that again in a while.

yes, from the Crusader, also took that tex for Innate Skill: Block, which atm is completly removed.

Furthermore, why there is a suicide skill? because it was possible to do it xD and just as a funskill, do not take it too serious :smiley:

As said, trying to push out another bugfixing update today in the evening :slight_smile:


This is pretty good to know, then we can rule out the scriptspawn from ONB’s i suppose.

that issue must have been added by myself as i added this scripcommand to the according devotionPROXY aswell, which might cause issues and has been removed :smiley:

furthermore it even makes more sense as “most” crashreports came from a destination near any devotionshrine,… what i was wondering, why i could run all devotionshrines without any crash at all, 2 times now even xDD really strange but well :smiley:

another “maybe” fix for crashes: the given radius for picking up Grim Souls and the Bookworm Buff, both are set to 100… xD that might be a bit too much outside of the SR while trying to pick it up from a proxy, which maybe dropped it, this far away… unsure but changed that to be sure, still working with a radius of 18, which might be MORE then enough xD

I saw that some of your modded creatures have empty lootMisc3item records, usually you need to write loot in the order 1,2,3,4…without empty records, I think this may cause crash even if the empty loot records have 0 chances.

Moreover I think these are chance, not weights so the sum of all the loot chance should be 100%.

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this was a question that i asked myself a few times xD that could be absolutly possible and i will check for this aswell then from now on, thank you.

i do think the first value in light blue is a chance yes, but the following parameters should be weights as i saw this in basegame databases were this value can be 20k or so. will check again to be sure :slight_smile:

Nonetheless i will push this out in a few after 2-3 last testruns :slight_smile:

→ 0.5f:

  • FIX: removed VARIOUS unneeded files (for example: Grim Soul had 2 items, absolutly not needed…; hero/bosslootchests had been added without any change…)
  • FIX: optimized parameters for Grim Soul and its addonskills;
  • FIX: decreased pickupradius for Grim Souls Buffitem + Bookworm Buffitem from 100 to 18;
  • FIX: “records/proxies/devotion/” → removed grimmest scriptcommand as i added this by myself and i guess this is not working as i thought it would :smiley:
  • FIX: readjusted and optimized the 3 Innate Skill NPCs, simply forgot and was needed obviously, a few values i suspected to “maybe” also crash the game like “canBeAttracted”;
  • CHANGE + FIX: adjusted all currency-item + new craftingmaterial-item parameters to be equal “under the hood” → 13 currency-items available, 3 can be put into Shared Stash (Omega Infinity Orb, Combomod Orb, Blood Shards), adjusted classifications and removed levelreq as it is not needed for these items, crafting materials are “mostly” not soulbound and can be put into Shared Stash aswell;
  • CHANGE + FIX: Hero Archetypes: readjusted and new scaling, all skills should now scale correctly with up to playerlevel 100, could need further balancing for sure → here was a BIG ISSUE → after summoning the Spirit Guide and then spawning the Charger heroarchetype with Crazy Mike it instantly crashed while fighting the Shadowclones; → FIXED (optimized parameters for all generators, monsters and their addons → removed controller and adjusted teamsettings, this was mainly the crashcause (i think at least…), copied needed gear for the monster to its according folder to avoid crosslinking here;
  • CHANGE + FIX: minor changes to Lost Treasures Tyrael Ultimate Guardian → should now be more different to the SR exclusive D3 Tyrael, also optimized parameters for spawning and avoiding crosslinking;

this will resolve at least 1-2 crashes at 100% chance xD BUT if it resolves all crashes, as seen above, i doubt it, but we will get there :slight_smile:

yes that might absolutly be true, just checked, no basegame database has a “gap” in between, you must be right, and i have to adjust this for sure! thanks again :slight_smile:

and yes, the INT value should be the value for a weight, also checked this again, the first value should be the overall chance to drop it.

small update with mostly fixes only is up then, the plan is to resolve (most) issues till xmas comes, not so much time to mod hard atm ;D but will continue with that when xmas is through and we have resolved more issues, what clearly should be doable :slight_smile:

I record some boss fight now. check it, if 1 by 1 fight will too simple for this mod. when u finish crash bug, u can test it.