ComboMod Testversion

Went through all Omega Skill Gems and renewed missing basegame skillmodifiers, was not much but at least 4 mods were missing, which was leading to this :slight_smile: will be fixed for next update. Cheers

suggestion: make it more clear in documentation to:
1.disable item tooltip on hover
2.on fresh start, buy body armor and augment it with merc

also the FG scarab boss’ drops little scarabs on death, which have their own loottable. Effect; 10-20 grim souls on the floor after it’s killed-very dangerous, instantly down to 20% HP, bypassing any kind of defenses

(I think I’ve read it’s intended, but just for fks sake I’ll note it) SR’s aether crystal/cluster rate is super big, swimming in all the aether mats

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Thank you ver much for your feedback :slight_smile:

absolutly a fine idea, will put that into the Notes on top.

yes i know xD but you can avoid it, that should not be a problem ;D it is like it is called xD

yes i noticed this too, it is a bit too much and nearly makes it obsolete to grind for Shadow Essences :smiley: i think i will adjust this so that there is way less chance to get the Cluster itself from the Aetherials, but will add a chance to drop Shadow Dust from these aswell, as this goes hand in hand :slight_smile:

btw, it “seems” that disabling item tooltip also solved the crashing for you, which is great! :slight_smile:

UPDATED innitial post :slight_smile: Thanks again, was really about time :smiley:

before going elite, did SR from 15 to 51, all good

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absolutly great to hear this :slight_smile:

This description is not very clear. GrimCam.ini has to rely on GrimCam.dll to be effective. However, the attachment you provided does not contain it. :slightly_smiling_face:

it clearly says “with the provided” INI-file :smiley: but yes i think i will add a link to both Grim Cam and GDinternals, i just thought ppl are clever enough to get it ;D

Haha, it may not be difficult for English players, but it is undoubtedly quite difficult for non English players like me.

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yes normal, just did not want to copy that “owned” file, just the config file ;D anyways, updated the inital post again to make it more clear :smiley: thanks for feedback :wink:

me also is not english perfect :smiley: see ;D but well we will get to what we want haha :wink:

btw, is this Helliquary you standing in? xD still on my list for a roundup at last place in my list, tending to integrate it at 1.0… :smiley: always was greatly afraid something still coming up by Crate that would destroy it but it seems it could work now, as i doubt there will be any additions to the mainmap in the future… but WHO knows :smiley:

Yes, I added it to the main line map long ago (about :clown_face: I remember the map source sent to you.

The entrance is located here:

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yes you did :smiley: not touched it, still archived this, because i do not want to mess with the map editor at this point as it is pretty wonky to me as i remember, but yes at the end of all that will be something that will be very interesting! is there a chance that you might show how to make a portal in that Helliquary area that leads to a brand new 4x4 tileset? that could be a very cool start to expand all this we already have in here, i was imagin the Helliquary as some Hub Zone inhabited by the Omega Immortals Faction, and they “could maybe” give the player the option to travel via a portal inside this area to various other areas (or maybe even some new “mapping” system)… i remember i was trying to make such a portal to a new area but gave up after a few hours trial and error because i just did not get it what i had to do to make it work correctly, it had something to do with linking different objects (the portal object i think) somehow,… maybe you can give an insight on this :slight_smile:

Sorry, I don’t quite understand its meaning. :face_with_monocle:

Is it a portal like this?

If you are talking about this kind of portal, I won’t, but I extracted it from [Mod] Grim League S03.

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yeah something like this i would say :smiley: ah yeah you right i might take a look at that when the time for this has come :slight_smile: thank you

oh damn :smiley: i was just noticing something → i NEED to seperate 1h and 2h affixes into 1h_melee + 1h_ranged and 2h_melee + 2h_ranged :DDD will be done for the next update :slight_smile: woops xD best is, i already divided this in the Gambling-Mechanic itself and then simply added to both the same affixtables… Sorry for this inconvenience :smiley: example → Cluster Arrow + 4 on a 2 handed Sword simply looks a bit strange xD

(elite) activating broken hills devotion shrine cleansed it immediately, without any fight. Was it a quickfix? asking, because it was that shrine to get me a crash before.

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Shrine/totem (idk which) dropped epic(blue) Ravager Gaze (drop from killing Ravager boss from jungle city-not sure if intended to be a possibility?

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