ComboMod Testversion

will check for it at the weekend whem i am back at home ;D adapting all basegame nemesis bosses to this will not happen at anytime soon as there is way too much already on my list. encountering them in low shards only seems odd and should be fixed for sure. will see what’s going on then.

cant complete quest. no boss here in both normal and ultimate mod. I think may killed in Totem or Shrine monster already. before have this bug for korvan quest.

strange, i do remember that i had already fixed this a year ago, maybe something reintroduced it, will check aswell.

alright, arrived home and was checking first for the missing boss, yes the script to spawn him seems to be broken due to my attempt to adjust the spawnfunction and got reverted to fix this and will be added in a hotfix today or tomorrow :slight_smile: Which Korvan Quest had this behaviour aswell?

On currency in the Shattered Realm, i was able to loot those Essences without any issues :smiley: EDIT1 on this: check your main inventory in the middle of it you have a SECOND stack of those essences, fifth row from the left :slight_smile:

About D3 bosses on low shards only, will take a bit longer to test that ;D

:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

Korvan fix before, also this quest bug last version not happened.

must have been introduced with version 0.9c where i was adjusting all the scripts to get enemies into the desired levelrange, some scripts obviously did not need it and i was simply overtuning it the way i did it xD by Korvan quest you mean the final boss of FG? check for him please again as he seems to be fine on my end in the last playthrough i did and also loaded up to yt, after that change was made. if anything else shows this behaviour simply post it here.

MOD build still not reach here yet.
before bug is dreeg quest here not open green rift door.

what you mean? that rift should be the normal Emissary Rift leading to the Conclave i guess. EDIT1: ah its the rift to the Edge ok ok i will check for what is going on, i guess also some scriptchange :smiley: EDIT2: still cant really replicate it mate, it’s the portal opening for the Dreeg’s quest to a different part of the Edge of Reality, that seems legit on my end so far :smiley:

A fix will be available in a few moments to solve some of the issues in the SR, looks promising on that :slight_smile:


  • CHANGE: UI → inventory and character statswindow got a small revamp to fit into the overall new hud theme a bit more now, furthermore to finally get rid of this annoying behaviour that loot is incoming into the “wrong bag” because they were located at the left side, now they have been placed at the right to solve this;
  • FIX: scripts → “areacquestnecros.lua” → reverted to basegame as the questboss was missing and it introduces an error in coordination with the “questhelper.lua” :frowning: nonetheless it is working and scaling as it should, as it seems ;D
  • FIX: DNBs → adjusted DNB spawnpools + SR Proxies + added SR pools to get a better controlled spawn of DNBs within the Shattered Realm, hopefully :wink: → still all DNBs except Diablo himself can spawn in shards, and now will also spawn in bossroom at high shards, which did not work unless putting them into their according pools, maybe some adjustment mistakes by me according to their weights; Diablo himself now spawns as a Shattered Boss in the according shards;
  • FIX: Grim Soul → Vision Bosses → have been reclassified as “HEROES” to stop gaining progress within the SR from them!

Happy weekend :slight_smile:

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Quest bug is solve .
one hit at last phase. haaaa :joy: very cool now.

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very nice, then i can maybe start to involve more classes today after breakfasting :slight_smile:

Howdy :slight_smile:

D2 classes by Denis (-> [Mod] D2 Classes aka Noble Paladin) has been integrated for the first time to increase class-diversity, still alot things to do like spreading items into random mastertables and adjusting initial resistances, hopefully i got everything correctly set up SO FAR, will be continued later this day. :slight_smile:
To check it out what i have so far, use the NIL-VERSION as usual, link below.

Cheers <3

EDIT1: the changed template for increased special animation refs is obviously NOT working, will be fixed later this day :smiley: would have been too easy for sure xD

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have any Equipment for D2 in NPC or boss drop now?

you can check the Cube from the Devils Crossing factionvendor (missing msh woops xD), i think runes in drop also missing but will see what i can do for the next nil-version upload later this day, atm fixing and optimizing the classes tagsfile which is nearly done, damn so much other stuff to do aswell XD but we will get there. at least you can see most items that you can grab up in a while :slight_smile: also need to merge the 3 available animation databases into one, a few overcapped animations to take care of :smiley: hopefully that gets extended at some point by Crate :))

None of the above summons can summon anything. Why? My GD version is PT

don’t use pt version with the mod, when its live i will see what can be done against whatever there comes xD

EDIT1: level 103? crazy xD

This is not the point. I can’t summon anything even with a level 100 character.

GD , Even if the character is level 90, he cannot summon anything.

the point is that i gave you the reason AND the solution in one, revert to live-version and you will be able to do what you initially wanted^^

Well, the cube can be summoned, but it’s not easy to find. Because it only has an icon and no body. Hahaha :slight_smile:

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yes i forgot to change the path for msh while flyby xD will be added lateron in a few hours with an update to the nil-version ;D