Component change discussion

I personally would gladly ditch the all the component leveling skills, if that means lightning melee builds and most ranged builds have a proper offensive component.

I can see the appeal of slinging fireballs, but I don’t think it should be come at that cost for other builds.
It should be on a dedicated item or another component, maybe Spellwoven Threads or Blazing Ruby, in my opinion.

Some of the others could just use a numerical adjustment or a buff to make them more appealing.
+15% slow res to Resonance for example.
Or turning Oleron’s Blood into an actual option for physical builds.

What do you mean by a proper component, like meaningless 50% more damage? Why is Seal of Skies not good enough already? Coldstone is a proper component to you?

I don’t mind these components being more meaningful but as it stands they are not and the changes you want wouldn’t be noticeable even and you’d want to sacrifice cool leveling skills for them :laughing:

Speaking of fireballs - I would love to see some type of Greater Fireblast skill added on an item that would be endgame viable… just love slinging fireballs all over the place

I think you and I just play very different builds, so we view GD through a very different lens.

Not sure why you bring Seal of Skies into this. It doesn’t compete with Coldstone.
And no, it’s not a replacement for builds that just want a lightning version of Coldstone.

Personally, I’d never use Fireblast or Lightning Nova for leveling. I don’t think that niche (yes, niche) should go away, but also not occupy that slot.

And when I hear “but this one build uses that skill with that item” and I’ve never seen or heard of it, I just can’t help but wonder how much you’d see the component if the skill was more usable.

Whetstone and Devil ammo would be better if their skill CD is reduced. Whetstone itself need their pierce ratio increased, since their main use is for those weapon with less than 50% armor piercing. Some piercing axe also only got like 30% pierce ratio that using dual whetstone still not enough to convert it.

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It not being mentioned in the Discord echo chamver

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As I said in the Seal of Mights thread those are great and have a lot of use. Agree about other components (unless they are used during leveling a lot).
Lack of coldstone-esque components for Lightning and Vitality is a bit sad, latter doesn’t really have good components after seal of might change.

You seem to take it very personal, that I don’t think Flintcore Bolts are the bees knees.

Using a component exclusively to level for 20-30 levels is niche in my book - that has nothing to do with a “discord echo chamber”. I never give much about conjecture and opinions on discord or the forum either way, I usually try things myself, to see if they have merit.

The last time I tried Greater Fireblast, it was quite the let-down.

The granted skill of Fireblast/Greater Fireblast will work better than softcapped Firestrike at this point

In my experience, they are roughly the same, once you cap FS and Explosive strike, which you can easily do by the time you could equip Flintcore.
Fire Strike with explo has more single target dps and more area coverage, while Fireblast has more area damage, but in a smaller area, in my experience.

I much prefer Fire Strike, but obviously I’d use BWC typically, if I want to be efficient.

So yeah, I think all the people you quoted (many of which are the same folks over and over, talk about echo chamber) are wrong, subjectively. But that doesn’t mean I want to take away your precious Fireblast, I would just move it to a different component.

But to put this to rest I’ll try Fireblast again, when I start my Shieldbreaker.

I wanted to remove “the Discord echo chamber” but I left it out by mistake because actually I found many mentions of Fireblast when I checked for it as seen in the screenshot and also I edit my posts when I find them too toxic. But since it has come out - it is indeed what I think of GD Discord :stuck_out_tongue:

Obviously you combo Fireblast with cooldown BWC in this scenario. In case you do some weird thing like using just Fireblast and nothing else. And of course it’s not only about Shieldbreaker or only about leveling Demolitionist. I regularly come across disingenuity in GD spaces that’s why I mention it.

It’s like 20 players many of which are very experienced builders / creators of guides.

I understand sth like Seal of Blight but with 4.5 flat and 50% Vit damage more yet 6% Crit damage removed would be ok for you?

this i feel is a “trap” component for beginners, straight up.
While it might not be widespread, so many times i’ve seen new players use this on fire gunners (famously firestrike purifier levelling), thinking the lifesteal granted skill will carry them/their survival
And yes this is just obviously a perception issue/mechanic and build misunderstanding and their builds always turn out to be easily fixed, but for whatever reason really seems like the wording or just having lifesteal on the skill seems to trick them :sweat_smile:
Personally only use if for greedy slightly high dmg than flintcore + phys fire conversion, otherwise i probably don’t bother during levelling

never understood the point of this, it feels like a trolly comp for lightning melees, unsure if because Primal Strike levelling is perceived so strong no better option was deemed necessary, but the granted skill then becomes an additional joke when we coast on fireblast or chillspike by comparison.

these are good, don’t understand your issue with them? - unsure what negative perception is there?

  • hell haunted steel is straight up used in end builds because lack of better choices for Vit sometimes, specially now with Seal of Might changes perhaps
  • Whetstone is straight up necessary for some pierce builds, it’s sad but the AP carries it when Nadaan is straight up not an option or Sinister either isn’t enough or likewise not available.
    Likewise for bleed or extra granted skill is actually good during levelling
  • Severed Claw stonks levelling phys dmg comp - my only beef is it’s single target where Shell is multi target (shield builds always gets the good stuff :pensive:) - heck the granted skill is better than Amber for melee lightning builds early game :laughing:
  • Oleron blood is expensive to craft but imo underrated if you’re rich, it’s really good during levelling, and i’ve even found use for it in end builds where DR was just not an option otherwise while still benefitting from the speed and small bonus dmg etc
  • Resonance CC res and health should be obviously speaking for itself on anything but phys builds… - how did this make the list?
  • considering how many “meta” builds or “toxic gang” builds slots Corruption i have 0 clue why this would be on the list, even remotely - heck even if i don’t appreciate the granted skill for the same reasons i’ve still used it for the greedy OA, it’s a solid Seal
  • Seal of Shadows might get the least use, but it can better than Seal of the Night for some pierce builds that must use a spamable, likewise the castspeed can have worth of Acid builds. - Dont underestimate a skill granting a build the ability to suddenly apply a bit of leech if the caster otherwise has no real option.

sole issue this has is it can’t be used in shields, so shield wearing fire/cold casters can’t benefit from fireblast/chillspike
Fireblast/Chillspike is good, so imo the component is good

i’ve not yet to actually do it since i’ve often found myself using the more expensive Blessed Steel, but i’ve looked at the flat RR like it might have decent utility early game. That’s the only consideration i’ve given to this comp since otherwise i don’t see the point of it

these are used to craft other stuff aren’t they? :sweat_smile:

alot of those are for leveling I thought? Like deathchill specifically?

yes, which is also imo why many of them are fine or even good as is

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flat from Chilling Weapons and from the component is not the same, one is global another one is only applied to the weapon that has it slotted in.

Also I am not advocating for removing or changing Seal of Blight, I just want a coldstone like component for Vitality (and Lightning, although lightning has one but for ranged weapons, ironically lightning pistols gameplay is the one that is least supported).

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maybe that’s why it gets the good lightning aura comp

I don’t think “I use it in leveling sometimes” makes a good case for a component.

So you exclusively use it for some low-level content, but you don’t want to see it’s utility expanded?

I think none of those components were originally designed to be “leveling only”, they just kinda fell into that niche, as the game moved from early access to launch to AoM.

I just want some pistol giving proper Fire/Physical/Chaos conversion to Fire Strike. For some reason despite Fire Strike being the ranged AA while also having Lightning part there is no support for ranged Lightning Fire Strike.

makes absolute perfect frickin sense :rofl:
this is how gear works, and have always worked…
“we have lvl 75 seals for end stuff where lower level stuff doesn’t offer better”
this is not a case of everything exists therefor it must be able to be used with good or equal value through 1-100, the very notion is silly
a singular argument to make is that it’s “unfair” there exists a disparity among certain types in terms of value low vs high, eg cold stone vs chill bolts, that’s the only half decent reasoning you can make; one which wont apply to many of the components listed…

searing ember and flincore bolts serving the same role is literally the very showcase of this…
basic linear upgrades…

so from flintcore bolts to gd dang seal of destruction you once again have the same linear upgrade, this is not some quantum entanglement concept…

15% dmg+conversion into 25%dmg +conversion into 50%dmg and conversion… basic stuff
whether or not the granted skill has or maintains use will vary hugely… which is, what type of argument if it doesnt’? - 90% of granted player activated skills are meaningless at certain points…
^because Crate doesn’t want us to have “too much” fun with freebie stuff, something they’ve directly addressed several times item granted skills was requested to be buffed, like Pyre? like it gets a ranking below conduits because “free”

maybe to dial it back to ultra basics
you want to change a lvl 15 component: which is already super duper strong “at level 15”, so you can use it as lvl 100;
any changes you make will have to factor in the darn level 15 use, or we lose it entirely…
and it should definitely not get buffed, because most of those listed are already plenty strong for more than 20 levels, some strong even at end…

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I am not the one not getting it.

If you don’t have a need for the fireballs, then you just get a worse version of Enchanted Flint.
That is a severe detriment to fire-pistols, lightning melee, vitality damage based attack builds.

I would like to see a change to that.

But since you have a habit of derailing threads into arguments, I’ll leave it at that.

Edit: This would be almost a non-topic, if there was a “Blightstone” and you could slap Enchanted Flint, Coldstone etc onto ranged weapons.

i’m literally addressing that point too, care to read before you derail your own thread further?

or maybe you need to remember something i already said: “some of those listed components are even used at end”, because SoM is not used to plug every component hole: it’s used to plug a defensive hole, builds without said need don’t use it

that’s it, and it only applies due to item restriction not because the buff doesn’t exist(aside from vitality as lee mentioned elsewhere)
plenty cold builds dont use seal of might, nor coldstone, so the bolts v SoM argument is tossed
plenty fire builds don’t use SoM, so the argument is utterly ridiculous - as once again you have fire builds following the linear upgrade to 50% dmg seals
etc etc for every single dmg type/comp you listed
heck i even pointed this out when i literally said most meta “toxic gang” lightning builds use a seal of corruption despite you somehow thinking it’s not quite there in utility…