Dawn of Masteries

Dawn of Masteries 1.2.7 released

Diablo 3 updated to 4.0u1
Mis from GrimLeague Season 3 added


you added MiS from GL s3?? that’s so cool!!! thanks Mamba :blush:

All tags of ‘text_en folder files’ for translation isn’t working. Could you check this file?
text_ko.zip (830.5 KB)
text_en.zip (389.8 KB)


You need move all apropriate tags into “\dom” subfolder inside your translation archive.

Thank you so much. I solved it. I moved all translation files of DoM to new dom folder.

Didn’t know there was a Korean translation. With 1.2.7 I followed Denis’ request to use subfolders, as described here

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Updated the Rainbow File for DoM v1.2.7.

At first, I didn’t know what had happened.
With this change in the file structure, the previous opening screen will be gone and will become a normal screen. In addition, it is no longer possible to switch between the color version and the normal version in the language selection.

Farewell, colorful opening screen.

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Sorry but I’m having trouble getting the rainbow file to work now. Do we extract the zip or place it somewhere else or something?

hellow guys. if anyone could help me i would be very happy. i love this mod, so many masteries but problem is when i try to remove mastery while playing this mod with gd defiler it does not save removal. gd defiler works with vanilla game and with grimarillion mod but with dawn of masteries it works when removing only vanila grim dawn masteries not others. can anyone help me so i can remove other masteries too so i can enjoy this mod in fullest. thanks

Defiler development is pretty dead these days. You are better off switching to GD Stash for such tasks.

how can i do it with stash. last time i tried to change mastery i could not do it. it seems more complicated than defiler

You only need to drop the zip file into the game’s localization folder.
Then select it from the language drop down option in-game.

What is an “MiS”?

Monster Infrequents. Items that only drop from specific monsters.

Ooh; new toys.

I can see the fun in that.

So just to be clear, if I wanna say, go back to Grim-UI and regular Rainbow filter, I have to delete your DoM zip file??

Thanks in advance and great work as always sir!

Why does a shield strike require a weapon and not a shield?

You will have to ask Crate that, this is a vanilla component.

May be because it requires melee weapon and it granted from component applied to shields, doesn’t it? Other words you ever don’t get access to this skill without shield.

Quite simple, just means you can’t use it with a ranged one, i.e. gun and shield combo. :stuck_out_tongue: