Does Necromancer not have good synergies with other classes?

Well, BwC builds, especially Commando used to be the tanky rich kid of GD, pampered, untouchable, killing things while taking a stroll so it should be right up your alley:p

For masterfully derailing this thread credit goes to Sir Spanksalot and yours truly.

I almost regret saying what I said.


I was about to try a demolitionist tanky build at some point, but then I’ve always lacked OA and my only source of healing was health regen or potions, so I said “maybe next time” and never built any similar build after that. Instead I made a random commando few months ago (or even over half a year ago) and never bothered to make such build in the game. :stuck_out_tongue:

The whole discussion is basically arguing whether Pizza is really good or not, no matter what you put on it:), it is, and has been, since pre AoM, Pizza.

I think we are just spoiled with too much of it cause with a couple of exceptions that need some work, things are balanced in GD at the moment and in some cases overpowered.:wink:

I almost sympasize with you here :rolleyes:

Let’s not go off topic more than we can help folks. Otherwise I’ll have to split the thread off.

And that’s tri-beer. Not allowed to drink any other type of beers if you’re part of the GD community. :wink:

What even IS a tri-beer

Down the hatch. :smiley:

And split. It’s definitely Friday.

Medierra in action

Too bad I wasn’t around back then. I want to playtest that. :rolleyes:

It’s all in the…grip, I think