Endgame balancing problem

Did I mention a paragon somewhere?
I said I wanted to be able to improve my character by looking for legendary items with affixes.

I don’t need endless constellations or 150 levels of character. I need the pharming and the visible result of that pharming.
We spend hundreds and thousands of hours looking for good MI double rare items.
Why not do the same for legendary items?
The core of the game is legendaries, I still won’t use even the best green items if I have legendary items. (except shoes and maybe pants). And certainly will not destroy the bonuses from the full set on the character, as no MI item will not give the same amount of bonuses.

All my words are about late game.

So you want to raise the limit, but there would still be a limit. But then, what is the point?

Instead of capping at “20 hours”, you cap at say 200 hrs, but what difference does that make other than waste time with more RNG?

That’s a bold statement, I really don’t understand the mindset behind this.

Really? Your self-imposed restriction is ruining the game for you? Then why not drop it and play the game like it’s supposed to be played. smh

edit: i mean you can play the game by your own rules, nothing wrong with that. But then you can’t complain how your rules affect the experience.

Some existing builds, especially those built around complete sets, consist of legendaries. There are two reasons. First, complete sets provide powerful bonuses. Second, (and it’s almost as important) when people share builds they try to use as few rare items as possible. That’s the point of sharing actually. Why share a build with 3 doublegreen items if no one would be able to replicate it?

But there is a lot of generic platforms without build enabling legendaries. Double green MIs, as generic options, can be VASTLY more powerful than legendaries. Not sure they’d break Crucible records because Crucible breaking builds usually consist of some tricky combinations of procs and skill modifiers which are usually found on legendaries. But as far as SR goes… A “green” build with overwhelming stats can push very high into shards. You just need to find a platform which doesn’t require specific modifiers to shine, and the sky is the limit.

Короче, это столкновение идеологий. Разрабы решили построить игру вокруг законченных билдов. Чтоб люди могли делиться ими, ну и письками мериться. С идеей бесконечного гринда это просто несовместимо. Во главу угла должно быть поставлено что-то одно. Разрабы выбрали первое, и ничего тут не сделаешь. Но гриндить все равно можно. Бери реалмный сет, любой автоатакерный билд вокруг него и начинай лепить на него дабл грины. Некоторые платформы можно бешено разогнать.

But why?

If you are going to introduce powerful affixes to legendaries then either the base items would have to be nerfed or enemies would need to be buffed.

That would mean a lot of work for the devs and a lot of angry players whose builds just got nerfed for no good reason.

You are essentially asking for a fix to something that is not broken, by breaking it so that it will take longer to fix. I don’t follow your logic.

If it is just so that you feel like the game has nothing more to offer once you get a few legendaries, then that is on you.

Does this include offhands? Cause offhand MIs are good. At least a good amount of it is good.

Dermapteran slicers too.

I like these suggestions. Better for gdstashers :stuck_out_tongue:

/10chars but also a meme:


Isn’t that too narcissistic? :stuck_out_tongue:

I didn’t write it. :stuck_out_tongue:

omg … Much of my time spent on feedback seems to have been wasted.
What about the performance gap between builds that definitely exceed SR60? If we don’t want a buff, do you nerf all the strong ones?

Nope, stats carry the majority of the build. Can player skill help get better results? Yes, but the impact is so minor compared to the stats of the build.

You can have a powerful build on the hands of an average player and a mediocre build on the hands of a pro player, and i bet good money the average player gets much better times because stats matter a lot more than player skill.

We also wouldn’t have people bitching about weak builds if player skill mattered that much. It’s like stats actually do the majority of the work and not player skill.

I have to disagree based on my personal experiences with pretty much every “Top Tier” build that gets posted in the forums.

Hell, I started making my own builds because I couldn’t even finish Crucible with Sigatrev’s Pet builds.

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I feel you fell into rabit hole somewhere.
Some of your argument is valid with a point, but SR65 isn’t the top limit of SR. There are a lot of people who can achieve higher.

Also as someone who’s played your time, I would recommend:

  • Build your own BD rather than just using someone else’s

  • pursue higher levels in SR, to push the limits of your builds

  • polish your BD to be more viable and adaptable to complicated mob/ boss groups and mutators, shard levels.

  • grind for proper MIs with superb affixes to replace your legendaries items. so Your build can evolve with better OA, DA, ARMORE, RESIS. DPS, AS, CS, ETC.

  • when all that’s done, seek out higher quality all of your gears,purple and green top numbers.

  • Make sure your BD is viable to keep all celestrials WITH TOP KILL SPEED, true high level of SR (90+).

  • Recycle with a different bd or different class.

Some time ago the Crucible doesn’t allow builds diversity - there were a lot of builds focused on DA and Armor stacking.

If that build is a glass cannon, as many top tier builds are, than the average player may not even be able to complete 170 crucible, or at least not consistently. And even the best players may even fail on occasion. These kinds of builds get nerfed, and it’s not that big of a deal for that build, but it hurts the more consistent builds that use some of the same gear and are not doing the glass cannon speed times.

Combination of both. But you can’t exclude player’s skills. I am behind John Smith for example in different builds between 25 seconds on fast builds to 1 minute or more on slower. At same time experienced players have gave me their builds and I have improve their times by 1 minute and sometimes even 2. So even slight mistakes how to control your AoE and which individual enemies to attack can lead to monster differences.

Sounds like Crucible high waves some time ago. BTW, I found the post about SR to be a test for build worth:

This only applies to tanky builds. I garauntee you that most players would have a hard time achieving consistent 170 clears with some of the specs I’ve played.

In terms of DPS and speed clears? You bet your ass that it’s the stats which IS carrying the build. However, that doesn’t mean that a player will be able to achieve consistent results with it.

At the end of the day Norzan, I keep offering you (and others) some of the glassy specs I personally play so that you can experience it firsthand for yourself.

Yes. But crucible’s difficulty was lowered. Just because this was true, doesn’t mean it still is true. Lots of other things have changed since then as well…e.g. mobility runes.

Regarding the second bit, mate…As long as aggro abuse remains a thing, SR will never be a good test for most builds (I say most because it IS an excellent test for tanky builds).

A good way to think of this is as such…

  • Glass cannons are designed to barely (but consistently) survive being one-shotted.
  • This means that how “glassy” a build can be is entirely dependent on the difficulty of the challenge being tackled.

In other words…the deeper you go into SR, the greater the enemy’s damage becomes. The greater the enemy’s damage becomes, the more resilient my spec needs to be

Since I can’t tweak my build to adjust for the increasing difficulty in the middle an SR run, I need to optimize my build based on how deep I’m planning on going.

In other words, a glass cannon optimized for efficient/quick 75-76 clears will not survive SR 85.

And a build optimized for sr 85 will be unable to clear 75-76 as quickly as the aforementioned glass cannon.

This is entirely different in crucible as there is more-or-less a limit to how difficult things get. Players can therefore design glass cannons accordingly

Norzan and I don’t see eye to eye often but we definitely do here. Word for word, as he said, character stats do the majority of the legwork and the comparison isn’t even funny. How much time do your “skills” shave off? 20 seconds? 30? 60? Now how much time does a less-strong build take in Crucible? 2 minutes? 3? 4?

Quit kidding yourselves. Player skills are an insignificant, unquantifiable metric and the argument hasn’t had any rationale behind it since it was first made.

It is less about the time and more about the consistency of the build itself. Give me some of the stuff that John Smith, Spanky, Fluff etc play and I would be lucky to complete 170 1/10 of the time.