Fashion Dawn

Pulva Karmos (Fire EoR Shieldbreaker)

Pulva Karmos

a.k.a. Shao Kahn on FAYA!!

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Bleeding Trickster


Garabren (Cold DE Reaper)


Normally I hate it when scythes are depicted as weapons (there’s a reason why war scythes look nothing like traditional scythes), but for a casting implement I’ll make an exception.


Ludrigan Tactitian Tactician (as a build - nothing special in, did not test it in though :grin:).


Against the silhouette of the rising dawn upon the village, a lone figure stood out. A curious and sinister sight; neither man nor beast: but a combination of the two. A foul smell of centuries-decayed flesh, and the acrid, iron-tinged, unmistakable odor of ancient (and oddly fresh) blood pervaded the atmosphere. A sense of dread unlike any other he had experienced overtook the sentry. His brain screamed directions: take the gun and shoot, yet his hands-long drilled in combat, seemed unable to move. Rooted to the spot, he heard the creature’s raspy breathing as it moved towards him, and soon smelled its foul breath as it stood before him, silent.

With great effort, he managed to get words out of his uncomplying mouth:

“What are you?”

The creature gave a smile, if it could be called such. To the man’s mind it seemed more the cruel glee of an apex predator, killing and maiming for fun. As it probably was. Funny how the brain can work so fast in literal milliseconds, the man reflected. And why am I thinking about this nonsense while something from the blackness of the void stands before me?

A sound like the cracking of branches, the roar of water, hooves upon the ground in a frantic chase, the feasting of wolves upon flesh, and of blood pulsing through veins and being spilled upon the earth interrupted his thoughts as the creature spoke.

“I am Ravager.”

This one got way longer than I intended, hope you enjoy it nevertheless!


Ceiran Guntir (Vitality Blade Arc Witchblade)

Being a devout follower of the Ravager (wields Howl of the Wendigo), the intended visual for the build was a skin-flayer warrior, carrying Maw of the Damned and dressing in the skins and flesh of those he has slain in hunger. The one thing that was decided beforehand was the weapon, as I wanted its vile radiance to shine from among the gristle and gore. It was to give the “hobo-Michael Myers” look an air of power and reference the character’s Witchblade nature. Plus it just went together way too well with the Vit Blade Arc visual.

But the look wasn’t coming together. The vast majority of fleshy or flesheater armor was far too castery. Also, the whole fleshy get-up didn’t evoke that feeling of pure, seething darkness and evil I wanted from the character Then I thought about coupling the sinister blade with similarly menacing Blood Knight shoulders (was an easy choice since the character’s working title in my builds file was “Blood Knight” before I even knew about the blood knight set way back then) and there was just no going back from there.





I’ve repeatedly struggled to make Warborn helm work in an illusion, so hats off to ya!

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Looks like Chaos/Vitality-themed Sauron to me :thinking:. Especially the helmet.



Fire Sent Tank


Solael pants, Infernal Knight armor, and Lokarr shoulder makes a nice looking ornate armor


Sylvenar (Fire Retal Commando)


“Did you really expect you could send him behind enemy lines for 2 years and he’d come back unchanged?”

This guy went through a journey. When GD first came out I immediately brewed builds for some of the classic ARPG archetypes. A ranged shooter (Anwar, fashion already posted here), a mage, a summoner (Faria Tel, also posted here), dual-wielder (Pquara), a two-handed brute… This was meant to by my sword and board build, mainly using Cadence. I usually play the game one difficulty at a time (beat Veteran with everyone I have planned, then Elite etc.). By the time I got around to doing Elite with this dude FG was out and there was a much more enticing option for a sword and board Cadence build in the form of the Warlord. So I overhauled this guy as best as I could to maintain the playstyle while still making some sense. The aesthetic definitely took a turn from the traditional “knight in heavy plate” (Siege Commander Barra, also posted here) but I’m glad I finally got to use the helm and shoulders combo on someone. And being retal, the build is appropriately disgusting in terms of performance as well.


GD desperately needs some rocky volcanic chest piece for fashion :roll_eyes:, Chaos and Fire variants.


Heavy chaos armors in general are kinda lacking, same with boots or pants (plenty of fire options though). Hell, the one chaos heavy armor aesthetic that’s in the game comes from a Vit piece of gear (Voidforged Battle Plate).


Iria Ealia (Discord Cadence Battlemage)




Belgo BM looking a little different



Spikey! :upside_down_face:

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