[Feedback] Fire DEE had it long way coming

Without Proliferation

With Proliferation


Mathematically, these numbers check out as well. That green Proliferation shard is not converting but the 2964 damage on the base PRM does count it as converting (to Vitality in this case).

I may have missed or misunderstood some conversion mechanics, but iirc Vile Eruption needs global conversion too? So this may make Blazeheart more essential, even with the offhand.


i think so. i’ve heard several times that VE is a secondary modifier. But it’s not so much about VE than it’s about GG and bat’s proc.

I’m pointing it out so the initial PRM vs DEE numbers I summed up are right. For another source, Stupid_Dragon also proved this with Fire Strike and Brimstone by modding:

Thank you for providing the character download link. Using proper casting speed improved damage and sustain. Sustain is further improved with better Devotion binding, Seal of Blades and either Ronaprax’s Sting or Rotgheist Emblem. I’ll assume this was an oversight on your end:

Looking at the videos, sustain wasn’t a problem in the first place, even with the very few procs on Guardian’s Gaze and Bat. Two of the deaths were the result of eating Alexander’s meteor, and the other one was from facetanking two Reapers with a resistance debuff.

The real defensive problems on the build stem from poor armor absorption, poor damage reduction, low DA and miscellaneous things like a missing ring augment.


Good to know, Baka. Thanks for the quick test!

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i did overlook rotgheist eye for sure, yet ronaprax’s sting doesn’t give %adcth and %wd increase there is mininal.

still doubt that it’s going to change much damage wise, but maybe sustain will get better.

This is theory-craft, ofc, but you might try a more conservative devo with some cast speed and with some acid gears that give a few skill boosts while maintaining >2K% fire.

Such as : variation on gear example - Fire DEE spam.

As Relinfearous suggested, this might up your overall DEE damage and also sustain. You probably can get away with just GG and the ammy leech. It has 75% acid and chaos conversion for GG and Vile Burst.

Just some ideas for you, as I am having fun with GT after not using it for a while. :yum:

Edit: I stuck Dreeg’s Affliction in there for some gimmick fun, as this set has nice convert and Affliction has speed, but ymmv for personal preference…

I have literally never used DEE, am not overly interested in it, and thus have no horse in this race. The hard details of the feedback look great, thanks for putting the time into it Grey. The soft parts are toxic, I really don’t understand the need to add disparaging qualifiers every other sentence and shade at unpaid play testers as well. It does nothing to help the argument and makes it harder for others to take the message seriously. However it does generate drama, which I spose is sadly also an endgame activity, but I don’t think it’s actually what you are aiming for here.


The projectile itself is definitely slower than PRM, but the casting animation is the same between the two spells.


I honestly wouldn’t have an issue if medals/amulet of the new sets got - physique requirements for armor. Only Goredrinker is somewhat excuseable cause it supports Soldier that has Veterancy and Military Conditioning, but even then, the set supports 2 other classes aswell ( which unironically, I believe are better paired with Nightblade, at least for bleed).

i honestly tested fire DEE purely out of spite (although, when i firstly looked at tome of atonement i got some hope) and i don’t care if it’s going to be buffed or not, at this point it becomes evident that DEE is intended to be bad. Well, not a big deal, game has enough content w/o it and apparently some people really like it like defending this skil, so good for them.

the reason of my spite (which is irrelevant) comes from praets and zantai defending fire DEE, because “you haven’t seen all the changes”. well-p, now that all the changes are visible and smbd actually has tested it, it’s really bad, as was expected. Applies to DEE in general as well, with the silly buffs it received. It’s still the skill of one build with very defined itemization.

i believe if one wanted to have more active playtesters, they would just ask some active players to join their numbers, which would not only decrease the pressure on the remaining one (if a word “pressure” can be applied for something one is voluntarely doing). And i’m not trying to teach Zantai how to do his job, yet again i believe that DEE is meant to be bad. I’m mad on them just because the nonsence they were talking about.

i’m not sure how many times and how much evidence one should gather in order to finally deliver the simple message “DEE is much worse than every single skill in the game”. Toxicity and spite surely doesn’t help as well, but i’m only a human and sometimes get tired of repeating the very same over and over again to brick walls.

it does and it is. (wouldn’t call it “drama” though)

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So what DEE lacks, exactly? Damage? How about raising WD on Blood Burst to, say, 100% at rank 22 then?

I know you people can mod it and then test it. That would be a start at least.

Passthru should be part of its 585 skill nodes, Cooldown transmutor should remove passthru but the cooldown itself needs adjusted badly 1 possibly even 2secs dropped off of it.

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This is needed for generic spam imho, yes.

Transmutor has a variety of ways it could be adjusted. Bigger nuke (higher % than current) could also do.

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That is what I meant, when your using DEE without transmutor then your spamming it

Nah cooldown DEE does a fuck ton of dmg when paired with DoT’s but its cooldown is just way to harsh, doom bolt still does triple DEE’s damage though with a lower cooldown and only being 1 node.
I love DEE because its hated so much but that hate is warranted.

Try this one: Pyromancer Testbuild
100%Chaos => Fire
100% Vitality => Fire
~50% Acid => Fire
DEE aside from ontop Acid is completely Fire.
-200% Castspeed possible
sustain is ok…ish…due to vit-devotion-procs

Not great…not awful…complicated to build since greens are essential to make it work…
It beats the game with ease, aside from that its not competitive at all. If you like kiting-builds, this is on the low end of the fun ones.

It beats SR 75. (witch for me is benchmarking acceptable builds, no matter how efficient they perform in achieving it)
If you catch bad modifieres, especially -20 castspeed , don’t even try. Oh and also forget about bossmobs with high fireres. You can have all the RR you want you won’t do any damage to them. Like literally no damage…
Lots of variables, that can make this build a frustrating experience…can’t recommend.
DEE in any context is pretty Meh. This build is just another proof…

Can’t contribute to Crucible experience since I don’t care about it.
Oh and a question…I thought rr isn’t adding up, but just uses the highest applied to the target? Am I wrong?

I remember back in pre AoM days when I saw DEE and thought it would be a DnD Beholder like Pet and was tremendously disappointed when it turned out to be not a pet.

I wish it would be changed into a pet :neutral_face:

Something like -



Hm, so DEE needs to be redesigned into a Lovecraftian tentacle monster with passthrough projectiles as its main attack to really shine? Sounds good to me.