Grim Dawn Version

Take a read on Zantai’s comment again and really think about what he means.

It sounds like their intent when adding RATA to skills like Savagery or Righteous Fervor was for them to serve as ways of supporting your core Retaliation damage and a way of dealing with ranged enemies but it’s blown up for these cases to the point where it’s more than just support damage and the build’s are seemingly no different to standard flat damage stackers. Something that doesn’t fit their vision of what they want the Retaliation playstyle to be when they conceived RATA in FG.

It looks like Hellborne got it’s Retaliation damage on Righteous Fervor toned down and shifted into Bursting Round/Grenado as well as another example.


I know what he meant and of course respect his vision how GD skills should work and interact after all it is his game. I just provided the feedback about this particular nerf of the patch which had a negative impact on one of my builds. I provided the screenshot, explanation, GT link. What else I can do? If Zantai decides leave it all as is I can live with it. I’m not mad about the nerf I just don’t like it. Because that build was not strong in my book to justify the nerf. It uses endgame gear / relic / components and I’ve worked hard towards it of course I expect a better performance of it. And it was doing pretty good before 1.1.6.x then it was nerfed. ok . But now came another nerf and I really think it was unnecessary and overkill.

Actually play the build and report how it feels in practice? Too slow? Let him know with examples, like x Boss feels sluggish to kill with your character whereas it was fine before. Don’t just look at numbers in a vacuum and draw conclusions from that.

Many pieces make up your character, for example, the Dawnbreaker Sledge proc got RATA on it.

but any boss and any elite now feel sluggish to kill. And yes it was fine before. How can I convey the feeling of sluggishness :smiley: should I use a stopwatch?

Don’t need exact times :stuck_out_tongue:. But we’re starting to get somewhere. If Dawnbreaker feels slow for you, where would you want it to be stronger that isn’t returning the RATA damage to Savagery? (respecting Zantai’s wish for it).

I honestly don’t know. I’m not a game designer. But the DPS drop from 75k down to 32k is hard to brush away and forget. I didn’t even see the numbers at first I went to Ugdenbog and started farming only to find out that elite became much slower to kill. Only then did I notice the DPS drop in the stats window. If Zantai wanted us to not use savagery for damage (only for buffs) why give it RatA ? I don’t see much sense there.

simple then. Like with the other rata builds some of the rata must be compensated somewhere else. WPS, and a bit CS maybe

It’s what happened to hellborne in testing and it worked

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Hellborne and stoneguard RaTa are nerfed to half of its previous value.

Haven’t tested my hellborne paladin again but I have little hope.

Maybe they could add another source of rata dmg like a proc on block chance doing rata dmg? Fits the theme

Then you missed the part about hellborne getting massive flat to it, then rata to BR and the added smite mod to Olkaroth :stuck_out_tongue:. It does pretty well.

Or if you didn’t miss it, you have to try it. Was pretty into this build in testing. Only downside is massive skill investment with new wps

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Thing is, hellborne can’t get high retal value being 2H and not much retal damage in mastery. My previous concept is mixing Rta + ordinary auto attack damage, but it was obvious RtA contribute far more.

But yeah, I should test it before jumping into more conclusion. I still expect it to clear slower, hopefully can find something to compensate.

It clears roughly the same. And it’s still ordinary attack + rata on my part. The build greatly encourages hybrid play. I’m just glad it’s not so reliant on jaxx ring any more and you can do mroe interesting stuff with those slots

Why? All the items giving +PRM level give either aether or elemental damage bonus, same with Supercharged, same with Proilferation, and for Distortion there is one pair of boots… :sob:

en fait le jeu vérifie le numéro de version, le hack simple pour continuer à jouer en français : faut aller dans le dossier localization, ouvrir le fichier zip, trouver le fichier txt contenant le numero de version, copier le fichier en dehors du zip, modifier le numéro, et remplacer l’ancien txt du zip avec le nouveau, tout ça surtout sans dezipper… quand tu relances le jeu rechoisit french et ça doit marcher… of course tu auras peut-être des bugs sur les items modifiés non traduits…

lien version actuelle trad : [French Translation]

tu peux donc aussi DL, le nouveau zip, mais perso changer le num soi-même est aussi simple. new visual effects
Correct me if something is missing or was already in the game

And this sexy Vitality Devastation from Gaze of Ungoliax has support in the form of Diviner’s Vision set. Waiting for someone to make a proper build with this combo. The set off-hand does not change the color of Devastation assuming I tested it correctly.


What’s missing is chaos bone harvest, chaos WoP, chaos Ill Omen (?), and I’m not sure if fire Callidor’s existed. Also War Cry looks new, and the transmuter changes its color. No idea about items that add damage to War Cry.

Thanks! Things missed are not that important/spectacular so I’ll leave them out

  • Chaos Bone Harvest: skipped because it looks like Vitality Bone Harvest from Blood Knight. Also just lightning on top of bones.

  • Chaos Word of Pain: I may have missed it by accident but I’ll leave it out

  • Chaos Ill Omen: I must have missed by accident but I’ll leave it out since it’s not like you’re going to play it for FX.

  • Fire Callidor - existed:

As I can see Acid Devastation existed already as well but I have included it by accident. I’ll leave it for the nice pic.

Are you sure? What Item changes War Cry color? I’ve never seen items that add damage to change FX so for now I assume they don’t. Well if you can change War Cry color then I’ll include it for sure.

Instead of +3 to both Upheaval and Shattering Smash, the (3x) Brawler’s Gloves that I had stashed (infinite stash via GD Item Assistant) were getting +6 to Shattering Smash and no modifiers for Upheaval.

+6 to Shattering Smash is kinda awesome, but I’m guessing this is unintentional? (P.S. this page shows what I mean: )

What about this one? Shameless self promotion :stuck_out_tongue:

Still working on getting a Gaze (though short on spare time) but it should be stronger than it was in, last patch it was already able to kill Lokarr without any major issues.

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I just checked, and it’s only the Terrify transmuter in the mastery that changes its color. Thanks for all the screenshots.

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