Oddly enough this is a somewhat popular request. I even asked for it way back. If you want to browser the recent discussions, see these threads from March, April and May.
This reminds me of GRifts from Diablo 3.
That being said PLEASE DO NOT! DO NOT! Make it like the skeleton dungeons where you cannot come back to it. Itās a good challenge but man it makes things frustrating.
I would like it that you can come back.
The expulsion should be done only AND ONLY IF the timer is out. Like a crucible thing but with the time limit being the only expulsion mechanism. If you die before the timer expires then you should be able to make a rift to come back to that spot.
That being mentioned. Another mod to fill in the other mods of the new expansion culminating logically into a new long play of Grim Dawn.
You will be able to re-enter an active dungeon. Missing the timer does not kick you out either.
You will also have the option of abandoning a dungeon and starting over if you find yourself overwhelmed (at the cost of all that sweet sweet loot!).
Nice nod to the Neverending Story!
Falkor is the final boss
Final boss is obviously gonna be Artax.
Will enemies still drop loot or will we only get the loot from the reward chests?
(Iām used to not being honored with a reply from you, but maybe it helps if I just keep throwing questions at you. )
I feel like that is the missing part hereā¦ Anyways still looking 4wardā¦ FG hope its not the last
So basically, randomized dungeons using āfamiliar but notā parts of areas? Just wanting to know for sure if its that, or going to be from a set pool of generated areasā¦ hoping for randomized layouts each time is all, as opposed to the same crucible layouts, etc(not bashing at all, it fits for that mode ). Just hoping for lots of variety.
Beating a dead horse? :eek:
The puns are real
That would be awesome, and the fight will take place in the swamp, where ironically Artax will try to push you toward sinking muddy pools of death.
Artax lives forever!!!
looks promising!
Race against the clock for more loot? Feel bad for those playing with super tanky builds that donāt one-shot everything and anything ;/
Otherwise, a really cool and welcome and wanted addition
- Skipping trash and running to the boss? hurah for mobility augments with lowest cd?
- Shard? Chunk? So chunks have set/random amount of shards/zones and upon completing a chunk/all chunks something happens? Or is it an indicator for difficulty? Or both?
- Is the timer really needed? same for mutatorsā¦ We have a crucible already.
- Please no dynamic blockades
the thought of blood grove 2.0 makes me cry
Iām just itching to learn more and feel like more than half details were left out:D
Reading it once again iām a bit worried about this " clocking" thing. Iām not a big fan of those rushy modes where you have to skip everything and just strife ahead. Hope it wonāt be too pushy.
Niiiice, I was really hoping there would be more endgame content added. Looking forward to this.
Hear hear :D:D
Itād take some work but I could see something like a Borderlands 2 Digistruct Peak type area being fairly doable in a mod. Basically something like a new roguelike dungeon where the final boss drops an augment that reduces the level requirement of items by X% that increases with each time you beat it, and then the items that drop in the dungeon would require character levels of over 100 (so the whole thing roughly corresponds to Overpower levels).
edit: To make the dungeon a higher level every time you beat it youād get a soulbound key/macguffin of some sort from the final boss as well, which would then open the area at the next level.
New class confirmed*
oh, nice
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