Menhir's Will, Arcane Will and Prismatic Rage - bad devotion proccers compared to Blast Shield, Serenity and Resilience

If we dont know the formula this doesnt really matter.

But I still think if were suggesting changes we should figure out what the formula is and how this stuff functions officially, so that if Zantai read it it’s not discounted as a whimsical request, and is clear we are putting lots of legitimate thought into finding a solution for an element of game mechanics some players aren’t satisfied with.

Would also be important to maybe get a tally of how many players actually have a problem with these proc chances as they are right now. That data would help support your request if it goes up to Zantai and is found that most players have an issue with it.

I dont, but I do support communicating these concerns because anything that will make this game more enjoyable for others is generally something I can get behind.

I don’t see how anyone can have an issue with buffing proc chances on some skills when on others such functionality already exists.

The issue I can see coming to light in that scenario is balancing issues. It may create a situation where some mechanics interactions might be easily exploitable and thus OP, which could potentially result in nerfs, and then were back at square one or even worse, other things get changed to counteract.

43 posts into a thread and no one has opened up the Asset Manager?

ProcChance = BaseProcChance * (1 + (Cooldown * 81)/100 * (1 - (Duration * 11)/100)


Thank you! I dont even know what the asset manager is but at least someone who does shared it.

If it is OK with Blast Shield and Resilience. It should be OK everywhere else as well.

Would need the above formula to be re-written, which looks as though it’d affect things overall and not just those interactions specifically so I’m not sure it can be done

Man, you want too much. Not just for this topic’s issue, with every topic you have a demand. This is a game forum, not customer representative and even they are still updating the game; it doesn’t mean they just change as gamers requests. I’m sure lots of people want something like put +1 all skills to final march right? They don’t have to do it. It’s their judgment based on the game’s general balance. Giving %100 chance to proc heal devotions to menhir’s will give a lot of players too much bonus skill points and that makes so much build improved more then they should. Hell if that’s the case, I even choose soldier class as secondary to just use menhir’s will. Or let’s say deadly aim, let’s give a chance to proc %100 too, no one ever dies…


Of course it can be done. Just Blast Shield and resilience will go up from 90 % or 88 % or you can add some hard base to it like at least 50 % proc chance and correct the rest that it doesn’t go too high.

Imagine criticizing someone for posting Ideas and Feedback in an Ideas and Feedback subforum.



Again if it is ok with Blast Shield and Resilience, why not with others?

Think of algebra man, remember variables?

That’s why

I’m criticizing his attitude not his ideas. I’m talking about how persistent is he to say like my suggestion is right and should be changed as my regards…

Ideally in algebra you also learned about coefficients.

It can be done. It probably should be done because in practice this creates a much larger inconsistency than the average of putting these buffs on permanent buffs (which don’t scale the proc rate).


You can make formula that satisfies what I am saying. Think of algebra, like infinite amount of functions?

Ok you don’t want it changed. Others may. Just don’t read my posts or threads if you are so offended by suggestions.

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Thank you, I am glad someone is giving some strong feedback. This is what’s needed to make the change a reality.

This is why I felt it might be worth getting a tally of who wants the change vs who doesnt

Mate,I respect that. I’m not offended, I may have written assertively and sorry for that everyone. I just think that it’s too much survivability for soldier builds. And the reason behind that low chance is it’s duration 10 sec duration will be proc almost everything in a long combat without %60+ chance.

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OK then not for Menhir’s Will. And Resilience has 88 % chance is that OK for oathkeeper which is strong as well? What about Arcane Will? It should definitely have higher % chance.