Menhir's Will, Arcane Will and Prismatic Rage - bad devotion proccers compared to Blast Shield, Serenity and Resilience

To do this you would have to change the actual skill parameters not the devotion proc formula and that would be a Pandora’s box of cock ups so I don’t think that’s ever gonna happen. You can certainly ask and have an opinion but i doubt it gets thru.

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I don’t see why? Yes to affect the change you can change numbers on skills or the function itself. Why not the function?

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Why do you believe that changing the formula in question isn’t an option?


This is exactly where we need to be hammering away at! Yes, why is it not an option? And to take it further, if it can be changed without affecting the proc chances on all Devotions across the board (IE; reducing some to increase others due to formula changing), why would anyone be against this change?

My concern is that this kind of change to the formula would reduce the proc chances on some devotion/skill bind combos, while making these ones higher. Would that occur? Is there a way to change it which ensures that does not occur?

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If the function can be changed (I don’t see why not) then of course there is a way to change it that way.

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IF that can be guaranteed, then I support this request. If not, then I do not.

I don’t want current proc chances on skills to suffer either.

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Right, we are in agreeance there.

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To be clear, I’d personally LOVE it if the base proc chances on Giants Blood and Healing Rain got an increase- putting it at over 90% proc chance on hit whenever I use Apothecarys Touch? Shoot! Push it up to 100% please and thank you, would be awesome.

Is there a reason why anyone would not want this? Does anyone think this would be OP?

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Finally some math in this thread!

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What does base proc chance in that formula mean exactly? And what is an asset manager?

I’m not. But I also have no idea what the formula is nor the math that goes into it. The Devs do for certain. I was stating that they’re may be a parameter in the formula that we don’t know and changing it would break everything. In the same way monkeying with the skills after 4+ years of balancing numbers. No clue here. Absolutely nothing wrong with asking for an adjustment but I’m not gone to assume it’s a simple fix in the formula.

I literally wrote the formula like 5 posts (ok maybe 15) above your post, my guy:

Sorry, missed this. Now, I’m not asking to be snarky but do you know this is it defintively? I have seen several instants where someone has posted the math and Zantai has come back and says that’s not everything.

If you know it definitively is certain, then the variables seem to be 81 and 11 on cooldown and duration? so it’d be changing those to get something more akin to what Duchy is asking correct?

I’m as confident in it as people are confident in the way Armor or RR works. :stuck_out_tongue:


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Is it possible to have case statements for ProcChance? like: if skill = abc, then ProcChance = x%

I…think I know what you’re asking and I think the answer is ‘no’, but I’m not 100% sure so I’m just gonna link the actual block in the game files:

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I’m pretty horrible at math and am trying to comprehend this formula. Does anyone know where the 81 and 11 comes from? Like why these values specifically? They’re the same no matter what the devotion/skill is, correct?

Problem is we don’t know what base proc chance is.

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Lol I think the base proc chance is just that- the default proc chance before you bind any skills to the ability.

I could be wrong though.