[Mod] Grim Armory

2.5% from basic enemies (White/Yellow).
5% from heroes.
10% from bosses.

Edit: I can look to add the drop ratios to the spoiler-cheatsheet for next release.

Up to you, I’m just being my overly busy body self. I also have notoriously atrocious luck and after getting to the higher levels haven’t seen the gemling in a while vs getting it a lot in the leveling up to that point. (I completed the gemling card set 3 or 4 times while leveling through normal/elite and then haven’t found a single gemling again despite killing many of the dropping enemies (I think). So like I said before either the loot percentage dropping has normalized to where it should be since I’m leveled or I just have my consistent bad luck. (Or there’s a small chance I installed something incorrectly as well but have no idea what or how.))

Thank you!

Grim Armory’s largest update ever has now been released! See below for the major new features, or see the first post in the thread for updated download links and more information on bugfixes/changes to the mod.

Version 1.5


  • Added 9 Variant Sets, one for each of the 5pc Mastery sets (Markovian, Ulzuin, Dreeg, etc.) that attempt to remain loreful while providing alternate ways of using their masteries. Each Variant set piece can be obtained 1:1 from its non-Variant Mythical form (e.g., a non-Variant Mythical Ulzuin’s Pyroclasm can be traded for a Variant Mythical Ulzuin’s Pyroclasm). Variant set pieces are incompatible with non-Variant set pieces (they do not contribute to each others’ set bonuses).
  • Added 81 “Conversion Components”. These Components can be slotted on your rings to provide 15% X → Y conversion for all damage combinations in the game (except Elemental; mono-elements like Fire are supported individually). Alternatively, ‘Purity’ versions of these Components exist that convert 25% X → X to help “purify” a damage type if you want X in your build but have conversions that may take away from it elsewhere.
  • Added the BountiesUnlocked mod to GrimArmory. BountiesUnlocked will continue to be supported as a standalone mod as well, for those that do not wish to engage with GrimArmory features.
  • It seems Inusat, the Augur, is now capable of melting down Stacks of Premium Iron Bars into a Glob of Iron. For what purpose he is doing this is anyone’s guess.


  • Temporarily removed drop sources for Augury cards of the Twisted set.
    • The Twisted set is one I’ve never been particularly fond of, and I am taking it back into the shop for further work. Existing Augury cards that lead to the set will not be destroyed, nor will existing set pieces. All that is being removed is the ability to get additional Augury cards for the set. When the set is reintroduced, Augury cards that craft into it will be compatible with existing cards.

At long last, a simple, modular, and elegant way to purge the green fart clouds from my glorious ice storms

A non-critical update to Grim Armory has been released. This update adds no new features and changes no gameplay/balance of the mod. It therefore does not need to be downloaded for individuals/modpacks on the previous version of the mod.


  • Merged DeathHooks functionality with Grim Armory enemies/scripts.

In addition, download links for GrimArmory have updated from dropbox downloads to mediafire downloads.

A significant bugfix to GrimArmory has been released, along with two new Augury cards:

Version 1.5 Hotfix 1


  • Fixed an issue in which all Augury cards could not drop as of the implementation of the DeathHooks system. Oops!


  • Changed drop sources and chances of The Sailor. Changed The Sailor to only require two Augury cards to complete.


  • Added two new Augury cards, The Herald and The Praetor. Together alongside The Sailor, these cards allow lower-level characters to more actively engage with the Augury card system as they progress naturally through the campaign.

I have few mods merged (Grim Armory and Shattered affixes merged together, and New_Caravan & Inventory as baseline mod since i don’t have mod sources). That was 1st time i was merging mods and launching 3 mods at once, but since they all do different things, there were no conflicts. Even GDStash has no issues with this modded game (only some warnings about duplicate items, but everything is fine, it works with all modded items and has bigger stash size). And still, i had to replace warden01.dbr (from this mod) with original game .dbr file, cause something (may be related to DeathHooks?) made boss unable to revive for 2nd phase. As i noticed, modded .dbr had 1st row with template name skipped and missing quite a lot of attributes (most or all of them are 0.0 tho). Could DeathHooks cause issue and is it possible there will be more issues with DeathHooks later?

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@ASYLUM101 - FYI for grimarillion, GrimArmory has a progression blocker. Working on addressing. Fixed. Please redownload above.

@faraddox Good catch!

This is not caused by DeathHooks. It took me some doing to identify the culprit, but it comes from a process I run to minimize source file size through my GrimDawn Modding Suite (GDMS).

As you saw, this process removes most ‘0’ values from all files in a mod. Most of the time, these values are not necessary. However, in this particular case, it seems that the zero that corresponds to whether an entity ragdolls on death was required here:

Essentially, the Warden is supposed to play his respawn animation on death, but if he ragdolls, he cannot do so and just dies (which is actually kinda funny). If one reinserts a 0 into this field to set his ragdollPhysics to False, this issue should be resolved without changes to DeathHooks.

This is a little strange to me, as most things default to False when empty, but it makes some sense in this case as most enemies in the game ragdoll on death so it seems appropriate for Crate to make that be the default.

I suspect this issue will be present with other entities throughout the game - virtually anything that has multiple phases. I’ll work on a hotfix for this in the coming days, in both GrimArmory itself and in GDMS so that my tool does not cause this issue for others in the future.

Thanks for your help in identifying this issue!


It took quite some time to find out it is caused by changes in warden01.dbr since i never look inside Grim Dawn’s mods before, so that was quite fun day (except time spent for building mod again and again) :smiley:
And yeah, the issue spread to all enemies that have phases. Swarm Queen Ravna died after 1st phase too, unable to start 2nd phase. Does it even worth to save on attributes in .dbr files? Who knows what else might break by removing attribute completely, even if it’s 0.0 or False.

The process cuts down on filesize quite significantly. Overall, the source data for GrimArmory would be about 70-80MB without this process, as opposed to its current 18.2MB. It also makes editing a bit cleaner/faster if opening files in Notepad++, as they would be without extraneous info.

A quick fix would be to remove any non-final phases of enemies involved. Korvaak may still bug out in that case (as I believe his third phase has an on-death animation even still) but the reason this issue hasn’t appeared sooner is because only recently did DeathHooks add earlier phases of enemies to the mod. This suggests that the pruning process does not typically create too many issues on its own.

A critical update to Grim Armory has been released:

Version 1.5 Hotfix 2


  • Fixed a progression blocker involving multi-phase enemies. (Which is most main-campaign required bosses)
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@faraddox Please redownload above and let me know if you encounter any issues. I was able to see the Warden phase transition successfully with the above hotfix and believe I have fixed this issue for most enemies it affected.

Yeah, downloading it already (very slow, have to use vpn to even access mediafire), will check Ravna again as soon as i’ll rebuild database with all enemies from this hotfix (takes some time too, thanks to huge amount of .dbr’s in Shattered Affixes :D). Doubt i’ll be able to test that much since i’m just playing normally, just killing time before tomorrow’s 2nd Cycle in Last Epoch.

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For future patches, would dropbox be any faster for you? I moved to mediafire recently because another user encountered the opposite problem (needing to vpn to dropbox but being able to access mediafire normally), but I’m not opposed to hosting a mirror on both sites in the future.

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Thanks, but don’t bother, my ISP is absolutely unpredictable. Few days ago i didn’t have to use vpn for mediafire and downloaded mod almost instantly :slight_smile:

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Ravna is fine now, Karroz transitioned to 2nd phase too, so no more problems, i hope.

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Afaik these Ugdenbog Mushrooms shouldn’t have life bar (tested withoud mod, they don’t have life bar). Similar thing with Vine Clusters. Since out of 3 mods i’m using only Grim Armory affects enemies, i’ll probably leave it here. I’d suggest it is something similar to previous issue, flag for disabled life bar is lost. At least this issue doesn’t affect gameplay.
Still sure that it’s worth saving on game stability over memory? :smiley: And how much exactly do you save on removing attributes for enemies (not whole mod data, just enemies)?

This I’d chalk up as a DeathHooks bug as DeathHooks was never intended to be attached to traps. For regular enemies, GDMS’s data trimming behaves otherwise normally.

I’ve corrected this in DeathHooks’s generative code and removed the traps from it and GrimArmory, but do not intend to release a Hotfix solely for this issue as it’s fairly non-invasive (and doesn’t even occur for those that do not have enemy healthbars always enabled, which was the case for me).

This will be resolved whenever GA’s next release occurs.

Another issue here, and now it’s gamebreaking again. Path doesn’t open after killing boss in Void’s Edge.
Are DeathHooks used right now? I checked deathhooks.lua, and saw only onDie events moved from .dbr files. Will i break my game by removing all enemies folder? xD As i understood, you just added onDie events for DeathHooks and compressed files after, nothing else?

You won’t break your game, but you will remove the main reason to be running GrimArmory. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve confirmed the presence of this issue. Working on identifying why it occurred - to see if anything else might be affected.

For now, if you’d like to ‘patch’ this yourself, adding the following to the end of the DeathHooks script file (and rebuilding your mod) should resolve this issue:

function gd.DeathHooks.chthonianrylok_ekketzul(objectID)
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