New Forum Feedback

That badge is for external links.

I know it

the last badge was 7 days ago

I basically never post here. I just updated my account info to say that I hate the new forums, and will likely stop reading here entirely if you’re actually serious about using Discourse.

Infinite scrolling is completely inappropriate for a forum. It makes sense for temporary conversations where your position in the conversation doesn’t matter. It’s absolutely miserable for permanent conversations (which forums consist of) because it forces you to use HTML/JS “widgets” for navigation instead of the ones built into your browser.

I have other complaints about Discourse too, but I’m probably just going to start ranting about Jeff Atwood (I have some strong negative opinions about the man and nobody wants to read that) so I’ll stop myself here.

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Well, of course they’re serious about Discourse. They wouldn’t have moved the forum here in the first place if they weren’t.

I’m not a fan of infinite scrolling either, but will have to get used to it. The main thing about it that bugs me is when I reach the end of the scroll bar (not the blue the main one) instead of just moving a little bit more when I pull it, it leaps a whole “page” so I then have to scroll back up to get to where I want to be.

:slight_smile: I was originally gunna post something along the lines of, “Nah, you’re right. It was just a joke! They were waiting to pull your chain specifically and now that that’s out of the way everythings gunna be set back to the way it was. Fooled ya!”

It’s not practical joke,you say? Hmm :thinking:

I personally get used to the design,it’s less intuitive,but have cool new features and as long it’s load I am happy.

For person,that rarely read/write is more painful transition,since you need to learn new things for something you use 5 minutes a day.Most of the old forum veterans write in new forum as well.But they’re creating majority of the posts.


Sure. Such is life tho. I’m of the opinion tho that anyone who knows, and cares to know, who Jeff Atwood is (co-founder of Discourse and Stack Exchange and author of Coding Horror) should theoretically be “smart” enough to figure out how to use Discourse and navigate it effectively. It’s not overly complicated, really. The fact that he also has “strong negative opinions” about a person he likely has never met, tho, is weird and I can only imagine what logical curveballs ensued to lead a person to that point.

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Lots of people don’t like Trump and they’ve never met him either.

It’s very easy to criticize someone when they blog about themselves for over a decade. Don’t take my word for it though, there are plenty of people out there that have actually gone into detail about this (several as a result of interacting with him directly) and they’re just a google search away.

Edit: That said it’s much less stressful to just pretend he doesn’t exist and criticize Discourse specifically, since that’s actually what we’re dealing with on the forums now.

Personally I have my fingers crossed that some sort of paginated alternative (via plugins, external scripts, or whatever) pops up.

Edit 2: I just browsed the forums with JS disabled for a bit and it actually does look like pagination is supported. It should be possible to write a script that nukes the infinite-scrolling and forces pagination without actually disabling JS globally. Getting more than just a next/previous page button would take some effort though.

Dunno, I actually like reading his blog from time to time. I find it insightful. I suspect that if you go writing critical/insulting replies to someone and you get slammed back for it that’s going to make people salty and turn them into haters, such as yourself I suspect. If he wants to write about topics concerning himself and related to himself my thinking is that’s his right. As they say, write about what you know.

And yes I imagine pagination is possible if they really wanted to do it. By all accounts the D3 forums are Discourse and paginated. That’s up to Crate and how they feel about it and if they really feel like putting any time into doing it. You can tell anyway simply by scrolling down from the top of a topic it eventually auto-loads in more replies as you go, bit-by-bit. This function alone implies that pagination is possible and that in a sense they are “kinda” paginated to begin with except it is simply auto-loading in more once you reach the load point.

On a personal level, I don’t much mind it at all and it’s easy enough to find whatever I’m looking for and ignoring people’s complaints about “infinite scrolling” it is clear that Discourse is vastly superior in nearly every way compared to what we had prior with vBulletin. The only real complaint I have with it is that I wish color/size controls were built directly into the editor by default.

It’s not really fair to compare something that was cutting edge in 2004 to software that didn’t even exist until 2013.

vBulletin5 isn’t half bad in terms of features (it’s a lot more reasonable to compare with Discourse than vBulletin3 at least) but we never got to see it in action here.

I’ve used a lot of different forum software over the years (as both an admin and as a user) and I like Invision Community the most personally. It’s not perfect, but it’s pretty easy to adjust to your preferences. The Evernote Forums use it if you want to see a live example. Edit: Or you know: the actual official forums for Invision, not sure why I forgot about that.

Actually, we did, and it was so bad we rolled the forum back and lost several days of posts. Never touching vBulletin again.

Thank god you got a SSL certificate going. That was a HUGE security hole.

Thanks for the new forum.

No need to create new guides from scratch. Just need some time to update text formatting in existing ones like I done for this guide. :wink:

btw @Strannik, I was looking for your guide the other day, but could not find it with the forum search. I typed in Blacksmith completion bonus and it didn’t show up in the search results, although your guide contains all those words. Same when searching for blacksmith guide, your guide is nowhere to be seen in the results. Maybe you can fix this by adding these words as tags?

You mean this one?

Search Options for blacksmith completion and posted by Strannik.

Yes. I have bookmarked this guide a long time ago, I just wanted to point out that it doesn’t show in forum search results when searching for those words.

I know how to find his guide, but people who aren’t as involved in the community probably won’t even know the author’s name. They will just search for blacksmith completion bonus or blacksmith guide and won’t find anything useful.

I just want to give some feedback to help making this very useful guide more visible to the general public.

Yeah, it’s not so easy just using those words, though it does come up in the list - about number 13.

@medea_fleecestealer, are tags now available to mark threads to make it easy to search for?

Good point. Once I clarify tags support status on new forum I will try to add it.

Yes, there are tags. If you click on the three bars next to your user icon top right of the page you’ll see several different things in there, tags is one of them - bottom right. Click on that to see the tags and then just click on which ones you want to add.

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