Next Thing Discussion

↑↑ That right there. I remember what it was like trying to farm a Groble Sky Effigy with Vitality damage on it for transmuted Storm Totems. Or Mogara’s Fangs with Vitality damage on it for Howl of the Wendigo. Or Warden’s Fortress with Aether damage on it for Krieg. Given how many conversions we can get on various skills, going strict on the bias could clash pretty bad with the freedom we have in building our chars. If anything I’d be for widening the bias a bit so that at least the reasonably predictable conversions to skills (such as Vitality for Storm Totems which is right on the tree) are easier to farm for.


I find it odd that the physical and cunning of “of heroism” is 2-4% in the low lvl range, but fixed at 3% in the high lvl range.
Maybe it could be 4-6%…? too op?

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please add an option to enable music underground. i get it, the atmosphere it should create, but i enjoy the soundtrack more.
i could just play music outside the game you say ? no because i also like the music that’s playing in certain areas or fights.


how to make cthonic seal farming more exciting
it’s easy, which means boring

  1. create baseline, example 30min farming to get an average
  2. buy 9 tail
  3. use 9 tail on your back for 30 min
  4. add amount of chtonic seals from step 2 with stash to inventory

solution ? blooms for example are good, you could farm like seals, or do rouge like dungeon
maybe add seals to chtonic rouge like ? i know seals are dropped by cultists but i would favor game play.

It has been a dark couple of years and things will get worse still most likely (plague, war, economy, climate disasters etc)

But seeing Zantai still trolling and playing with words… stirring some old forgotten hopes maybe (however impossible they might be)… makes my heart fill with joy.

And for that, good sir, thank you :grin:

Hi Zantai, while i understand that major redesigns are not going to happen, I have a humble request. Can you please redesign Ragrathar’s Horn MI? This MI is basically not used at all in levelling and end game builds. May i suggest removing the Ring of Steel modifier and instead, convert either Sigil of Consumption to cold damage for Warlock/Witch Hunter levelling OR 100% Rune of Kalastor conversion to cold damage for infiltrator / mage hunter.

Also, the Fleshwarped Tome is always being outperformed by Pulshing Shard MI. May i suggest removing the modifiers for AAR and instead get a conversion to Aether Doom bolt. The Sigil of consumption modifiers can be kept.


pretty sure fleshwarped is sold in terms of endgame build utility where you can get lifesteal “enough” via other sources
stripping it for AAR would remove the BiS? dmg offhand in terms of AAR dmg builds i think, so might not be that good

  • Yellow mastery prefixes on off-hands, drop way too frequently, dont bring anything to the table, a total waste of prefix.
  • Yellow resistance prefixes that provide one or two of elemental res.
  • Rare mastery prefixes on chests and medals, most of them are very underwhelming stat-wise and hitting right skill points is basically a pipe dream.
  • Of Corruption suffix on off-hands is rather underwhelming compared to the rest suffixes with %cs, even the ones with proc.
  • Some shield affixes are just horrible compared to the others, you can get +23% phys res Durable (which for some reason exists in 2 variants, although im not entierly sure the worse one drops) or you can get Adamant with mighty 15% shield damage blocked, or a straight up res prefix from armor like Ordered and stuff. Some rare damage prefixes have flat but dont have %damage, like of Hurricane. Then all rare acid affixes on shields are scewed towards retall, and i mean all one of them, theres no suffix. Generally speaking, shield affixes seem to be kinda forgotten.
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doesn’t have conversion, so you lose entirety of disintegration to clairvoyant making the flat the same, and has no native crit dmg, so is less overall

Will there be more items supported in the future regarding some retributions? Cold, vitality, chaos, and aether can be forced to be created by transforming attributes, but they are memes.

For the “Witchblade’s” affix on medals, it feels like pet damage is a complete waste. Not only is Witchblade a meme class for pet builds, 2/3 of the possible rolls on the affix don’t even boost any pet skills. At least something like % physique or % armor would be way more relevant to the class.

On the flip side, you also have “Witch Hunter’s”, which seems to stand out among the dual-class affixes. It has the usual 20% damage, 23% chaos res, and 3% OA. Compare it to something like “Trickster’s” or “Infiltrator’s”, which trade 23% of a rarer resist for 20% of an off-type damage.

You leave my Ragrathar Trickster alone! He does quite well for himself, thank you kindly. There are already tons of items which support Sigil builds, and the cold + bleed combo was rather fun to theorycraft. Admittedly, i did end up modding that offhand a bit, so i could have more fun with the build after pushing into endgame.

Zanboi, my good sir, we need more color changes to accompany a targeted 100% conversion, and inclusion of modifier nodes in damage conversions e.g. Wind Devil damage from 2nd and 3rd node. Not sure if this falls within the scope of the Next Thing, but that’s my two red cents.

Thanks for your continued dedication to the project <3

Of course it is Grim Internals that is ‘dying’, but my suggestion would be to have something like the rainbow filter toggleable in the game, because it’s a thing I see so many players use.

Medea will possibly frown on me if I don’t mention bloat, so I would also say that it may be a good idea to do a review on the usefulness of some early game components, in my experience some of them are nothing but crafting fodder.

I’m specifically talking about:

  • Bristly Fur
  • Conversion on components like Chilled Steel , Cracked Lodestone and such (who needs conversion at level 5)
  • Frozen Heart
  • Mutated Scales
  • Roiling Blood (may need a more noticeable impact on damage)
  • Scaled Hide

Others may come to mind.

A little pet peave of mine is the Manticore Venom augment as a quest reward.
It fits the lore of the quest like a glove but is useless for anything but poison/acid builds.


these are actually good. frozen heart has its place in some builds, and scaled hide is mostly a must-have pants component for any build.


Tbh I like the idea of even the ‘weaker’ components, as early game player you start to take notice of the usefullness of components, which are not only craft mats. And as said above, Scales Hide and Frozen Heart are components I frequently use on end game builds

Fair enough, also @afanasenkov26
It’s a good thing to hear that you both find these useful
To be clear, I’m not pleading for removal or something, I’m saying that these could maybe use a review

At any rate it can be a good thing to be able to add 10% cold resistance, I do stand corrected on this one.
Resistance should be a priority at any level.
I also see the usefulness of freeze and petrify resist for endgame builds, on such level 10% resistance may actually kind of be scraping the barrell, and at this point the HP bonus is basically meaningless

The Armor Absorption is a great thing to have on an endgame build, the armor is ok I guess.
Maybe the level requirement for this component is a bit of a mismatch.

I’m not completely against it as most comps you mentioned are just useless in endgame like at all. FH is taken due to cc res (hp and cold res are w/e) and scaled hide is a cheap way to fix armor absorb by a lot.
others may use a bump, may not.

but speaking about comps, I’d like to mention Titan Plating, as it’s among the most expensive ones in the game yet is almost never used even by bleed/trauma builds that should suffer the most from reflect. and then recently buffed Prismatic or racial components are just plain better.

yes… lets “remove” call one of the main demand/meta components for endgame, and one of the best levelling components, for “bloat” :sweat_smile:

most weapons have base phys dmg, so if you’re an ele build, it’s actually useful believe it or not

Maybe you have read this

Relatively(?) useful. You say that most weapons have base phys damage, which is correct.
The base damage of a weapon is however weapon damage.
However, in most cases you will not be dealing elemental weapon damage on low levels, very few skills in fact do weapon damage and usually they are physical in nature.
When weapon damage is converted it will not benefit caster skills, so in effect it will not be of much use to you.

i invite you to look at the very skill granted by the component, ice spike, fireblast, let me know if you notice something
then ofc we also have mastery spells with weapon dmg, callidor, bone harvest, or ofc elemental weapon dmg oriented skills like fire strike, savagery, righteous Fervor, shadow strike, ring of steel, amarasta’s blade burst, etc, etc etc etc…
“lots of stuff that still can benefit from converting base weapon dmg to the aimed at dmg type” -also even if it’s just 10%