Occultist+Shaman beginners build

Hi there,

I’m kinda new to Grim Dawn (have played 50 hours in the past though), but I wanna start over again.
I always loved Shaman and Occultist and I’m gonna start a Shaman again.
I currently only own the Crucible Mode DLC, but i’m planning on buying the DLC’s when they get on sale.

I have a question though, i’m aiming for this build, can anyone tell me is this build is still viable/relevant?
If not, are there any other fun builds for Shaman+Occultist? I am not really into the Pet builds though, so anything which is Bleed/Vitality/DoTs-based should be fun!

Going to start off with a Shaman and then pick Occultist as a second class.
Looking forward for your replies. Thnx!

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Requnix claims another soul…Welcome mate :slight_smile:

Here’s a good guide for Conjurer caster:


Welcome to the forum and back to the game. :slightly_smiling_face:

There are also some Conjurer pet builds here if that’s your thing.

And no need to wait - the game/expansions are on sale on Humble Bundle atm for the next couple of weeks.

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@Foehammer Thnx! I’ll check it out.

@medea_fleecestealer I edited my post a bit later and added that I don’t really like the Pet builds, so imma skip this one sorry.

I have Grim Dawn on Steam, so if I buy them on that Humble Bundle thingy, will they work on Steam?

EDIT: Nvm, I overlooked the Steam icon.

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Yes, Humble does Steam keys so you’re fine.

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As of a few days later, I still haven’t decided what to level up.I started out with the Sir Bloodydots Conjurer build, but got bored around level 30.
After that I’ve tried several builds now up to 50-ish:

But I still can’t seem to decide… I would love to make something around an Occultist that uses DEE, Pox’s, and BoD.
Maybe a mix between melee/caster with a lot of Lifesteal/Health regen or something. I’m so lost in the many builds :roll_eyes:

Could someone help me out? Or give any tips?
Maybe Occultist+Nightblade? But I also want it to be tanky

[] SSF Dreeg's Evil Eye Sentinel - leveling and beginner build
It’s for Occultist + Oathkeeper but I think I even wrote that Nightblade as a support class is fine too.


@Foehammer alluded to it already, but I’ll say it outright: try to avoid Requnix’s guides if you can. They look very pretty on the website, but their content is often… bad. Trust me, as someone who fell into the same trap when I was a beginner.

Would definitely recommend following one of the links in the replies above. There is also a full collection of beginner guides here you can look through:


Thnx for the great guide, definitely gonna try that out! :smiley:

@Torzini Thnx for the tip. I didn’t quite understand Foehammer’s first reply, but as you mentioned it also, now I do.
I’ll try to avoid those guides and start looking more in the forums here!

If I take a look at the Beginners build guide I have loads te read, thnx for that! :heart:

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