It’s actually super easy to do, I’ll post in Miscellaneous (give me some min) some versions for you.
EDIT: Done and done. Oh, I am not sure how the game will “react” to this version if you just overwrite the old mod, please test and report back. Worst case scenario and you have to start a new game. Please do post what happens.
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doesn’t work on the latest update
Is this mod compatible with the latest version?
This mod looks AMAZING, will it be updated/re-released anytime soon? I have limited modding experience but will try to help if it helps you.
I doubt it since the OP hasn’t been around since August last year.
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Thats heartbreaking, this looks like it would be EPIC. Maybe the dev’s will pick it up as the next DLC…
There won’t be any more expanisons for the game so I doubt that as well. Some smaller content updates still to come, but that’s it.
Best thing probably is to play either Grimarillion or Dawn of Masteries mods as they add more masteries, some of which are fairly heavy on pets.
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Hello again,
No more DLC’s? Is Crate moving on to another project or are they just done in general?
Other projects. This has been in the works for a few years now so hopefully we’ll be hearing more about it soon.
I remember quite some time ago, when Crate released a teaser image of what appeared to be a medieval town builder game. But, I never ran across anything about it since. Anyone know what’s up?
The game is probably set in an all-new world, but I thought how cool it would be if it was set in the Grim Dawn universe—trying to build your own Devil’s Crossing type town. Dealing with cultists, even striking forbidden pacts with Chthonics etc, etc.
Any more recent news or have they gone totally dark?
and Zantai revealed this recently on the GD discord
Zantai joined us briefly on the GD discord today and had a few interesting - if vague as usual - things to say.
Zantai: My primary task is not gd these days. It’s also not the town builder.
powbam: so what yer really saying is that you are working on a new unknown game and you aren’t going to tell us what it is even tho its GD2.
Zantai: Gd2 would require significant ramp up by programmers before I even touch it.
I imagine gd fans will be interested in what I’m working on.
I’d be up f…
So the town builder and a couple of other projects as well.
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Good to know, on the plus side if someone picks up the pet mod and gets it working no mod breaking changes will be made…
Well, mods don’t tend to break when a new update drops, but tools like Grim Internals and Rainbow Filter do.
You can always learn to mod the game yourself.
Welcome to the Grim Dawn Modding Section.
This is the place to post your tutorials, or ask questions when you get stuck.
The best place to get started is with the Modding Tools Guide, which comes in the game’s installation folder, but can also be downloaded from the game guide . That is where you can also download the latest version of the Modding Tutorial.
Modding can be a very rewarding, but also challenging, experience. It is a stepping stone for many a professional game developer. But that…
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can someone pls share this mod with me?
You get this message if you try and download it.
" Hidden at 22 Sep 2019, 10:51PM by Avalonica for the following reason:
Mod needs a major update to function with latest version of game. Will get on this when I have the required free time. "
It’s not up to date so not really any point atm.
July 19, 2023, 5:53pm
The mod works for me with the latest version of the game (updated 12 Jul 2023).
Medea if you have this mod downloaded if you can put it here for us please.
I don’t. Can only suggest trying this one instead if you want a lot of pets to play with.
All summon skills in the game are modified, allowing them to reach their full potential of 69 summon limit.
Cooldowns, # of summons and pet life time adjusted across the board and scale with skill level.
I would mention the one exception with skeletons, but no one reads isntructions anyway.
Up to date for GD 1.2 , but will work on any version.
More Enemy Summons: - Google Drive
No Extra Enemy Summons Version: - Google Drive
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Thanks for the help, I will test.