Please tell me which build is the strongest and powerful,thx!

Well, I do type a lot of offensive and aggressive things like “learn English and learn what racism is” xD

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It is what gets nerfed asap by Zantai :stuck_out_tongue:

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so, we should not post the strongest build in this forum then.

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yes i just want to see one of them



Yup, one should have a time machine seeing into the next patch’s patch-notes and then decide what to play now xD

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Nope, don’t do that. Otherwise they will be nerfed and the world will be deprived from happiness :smile:


They were deleted because Crate is run by a bunch of racists according to @Jason_Huang

i still dont understand what nerfed is xD

hmmmmmmm oké



Like if build is outperforming, cut from it’s power. For example remove damage or offensive ability, resist reduction, stuff like that.

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thx a lot <3

Nerf is the opposite of Buff, and Buff is the opposite of Nerf

so if some one post build like insane damage etc… crate will do something to balance that build with the game ?

Which has a domino effect, lesser powerful builds will also fall when nerfs hit the OP broken version of the build where the nerfs were supposed to hit.

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Just like non-cyclone and budget vindicators when cyclone set was introduced…

Yup, instead of nerfing the sets and items, nerf the skills instead… in that way EVERYBODY get’s punished

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Yes, basically. But more importantly if build is stronger, than it’s supposed to be. For example in early FG days Octavius Warlord have crazy killing speed on top of being mega tanky. So Crate strip some of the offensive power. If you want Slaughterhouse build , you need DPS oriented build, which should be more or less glassy.

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And my Birbs just a bit after FG was released…

Ravenclaw remembers!