Hi guys and girls!
I was thinking about making another SSF-ish play journal(s) for making one or several builds. I just did shield throw paladin here and will make some kind of guide for it. Here is the “final” result of the paladin so to say.
I have made some plans and wanna see what interest is for which to make next!
The journals will cook down to guides, but also there can be interest to follow along?
You can vote for up to 3 alternatives, further down you can read a bit more what I was thinking more in particular with each option.
Note I will never in my life have time to make all of these, but perhaps 2 or 3 of them Preferably some variation like one melee and one caster
I was thinking about starting this around next weekend, so like 13th November. I start with which one that got most votes
REMEMBER: you can vote for three alternatives Vote by clicking in boxes below.
- Option 1: two-handed aether cadence battlemage (melee)
- Option 2: two-handed physical cadence warder (melee)
- Option 3: “sword and shield” tank warlord (melee)
- Option 4: ranged lightning primal strike vindicator (ranged)
- Option 5: rune deceiver (caster)
- Option 6: fire caster demolitionist based (caster)
- Option 7: two-handed bone harvest cabalist (caster)
- Option 8: drain essence build apostate or cabalist (caster)
- Option 9: electrocute stun jacks demolitionist based (caster)
0 voters
More information about each option (click to open text):
Option 1: two-handed aether cadence battlemage (melee)
Battlemage is soldier + arcanist. Farming Krieg set and getting good Lucios weapon.
- it will basically be a Battlemage variant of stupid dragons deathknight [] Beginner's Apex Death Knight but with arcanist instead of necro, and cadence instead of blade arc
- it will be like budget version of nerys end-game build - [] Lucius/Krieg deadly tag team! 2H Melee Aether Battlemage
Option 2: two-handed physical cadence warder (melee)
Warder is soldier + shaman.
two handed physical cadence warder with some nice healt regenerations. Farming some nice monster infrecent items and weapon. Also using some blue epic items. Thanks @fordprefect to for original idea!
- it will be lika a budget version of avenger set warder [] (2H Melee) You wanna Crush? Let's Crush! - Avenger Warder [c+] [sr+]
Option 3: "sword and shield" tank warlord (melee)
Warlord is soldier + oathkeeper.
Goal could be to kill ravager and callagadra on normal and then try ultimate versions of them!
- will basically be warlord version of stupid dragons krieg build [shield melee] Beginner's pre-Krieg Death Knight
- Will not be leveling with sword and shield all the time though because that is just too slow. We can also try to transition into a budget retaliation build as another goal or just stick with cadence.
Option 4: ranged lightning primal strike vindicator (ranged)
Vindicator is shaman + inquisitor.
It will basically be to follow @Nery 's guide [] Beginners/Budget Vindicator,lightning Caster/2h Ranged versions
and perhaps make an update of that wonderful build and guide!
Option 5: rune deceiver (caster)
Deceiver is Inquisitor + occultist.
It will basically become a budget version of my (not yet “published”) vitality rune deceiver, which in turn is a deceiver variant of @RektbyProtoss apostate build [] [HC] Starfish Apostate - vitality Rune of Hagarrad + FoI (SR 65+, Mog, Rava)
Leveling and gearing up will mainly be done with cold rune.
Option 6: fire caster demolitionist based (caster)
Most likely coupled with inquistor to make purifier, but also with oathkeeper (to make shieldbreaker) or arcanist (to make sorcerer) is viable options.
Goal would be to make a build that focus on fire and burn damage, like blackwater cocktail, canister bomb and mines. Perhaps we can try to make a budget version of my build [] Fenix – Health Regen focused Mortar Purifier (SR80 and some celestial bosses)
Option 7: two-handed bone harvest cabalist (caster)
Cabalist is necromancer + occultist.
You have heard about vitality builds being good (best?) for beginners but think ravenous earth skill looks like shit? Then this will be the build for you!
Option 8: drain essence build apostate or cabalist (caster)
Apostate = necromancer + inquisitor & Cabalist is Necromancer + cabalist.
Drain essence is a channeling skill that leeches life.
Apostate will be aether damage and cabalist will be vitality focus. My preference is apostate because that is more hipster and non-meta. Spellbinder (necromancer + arcanist) is probably strongest, but apostate is fun too!
Option 9: electrocute stun jacks demolitionist based (caster)
Stun Jacks and possibly grenado will be main skills.
Either purifier (+inquisitor) and storm box as second skill or Elementalist (+shaman) and maelstrom as second skill.
My preference would be purifier actually because storm box has interesting monster infrequent items as support.
Goal could be to totem farm stormrend weapon and maybe also get blue epic set stormserpent and see what it can do!
Let me know what you think and remember to vote!