Questioning the v1.2.1.0 change

Have any of you actually read the latest changes?

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idono, imo they are not increasing difficulty this patch, so far :sweat_smile: - the chars i’ve taken through 75-76 either does it the same as before; or better
^i’ve chars that didn’t do 75-76 well before that does it nicely now
i have low hp, low sustain, low phys res chars going through 75-76 - and i’m not on the updated PTR yet, so sunder still increased, no phys res on stoneplates
celestial fights are harder tho, but i’m fine with that/always thought they were generally too easy

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Yep. Inspiring. Better if a bit more Physical Resist’s retained.

hmm well. hope so.

made a couple posts here on the more “extreme” so far, 1.2.1 Physical Resistance Testing Feedback - #4 by Gnomish_Inquisition
*extreme judging purely by sheet stats not actual build layers
the way many perceive the changelog these char GT/sheet stats should scare people now, yet they work in play fine

Cool build. That low health ought to be risky in SR. Our builds usually have over 16000 health, unless they have really high damage.

that’s why i’m making special mention of them, because by everyone’s fear they should get insta killed right? but they don’t, because the enemy phys dmg reduct is pretty balanced despite the initial phys res nerf
*celestials are worse atm sure, but (regular) SR is not worse, and seems a bit easier for me now
i have 1 build so far that’s worse off than before, but it’s more from 1.2 lifesteal nerf than the 1.2.1 phys res nerf (ultra low healing now)

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Maybe our more aggressive playstyle is also a factor. Our top build complete SR75-76 in less than 5 mins, usually making the most of their survivability to handle more enemies. So reduced phy res and increased sunder could affect them more. Probably the playstyle also reflect culture difference, lol.

Anyway 13000 health farming SR and facetanking Iron Maiden is too amazing.

yep, playstyle definitely factors in, i do bosses 1v1, and i’m definitely not clearing in 5mins :smile:
more like 6 on the faster side and 8 on the bit slower side, with somewhere inbetween now on avg
prior to 1.2 my avg was around 8, slightly over, with 10 considered on the slower side

The problem is complexity of variables and at times the randomness, why I feel a more elegant solution would be to change to physical resist ceiling to somewhere between 40-45% with some items-skills changed and balance around it rather than changing so many other aspects as we currently see.

Physical res debuff’s can be a nightmare as you can stack Miasma -15%, Curse of Frailty -30%, and then specific skill from certain other enemies/Nemesis, additionally you then have enemies with strong armour shred (Iron Maiden) or strong DA debuff.
Its a horrific combo (more likely CoF/Miasma) that can and does happen.

oh snap, you mean like target priority, paying attention to nemesis spawns, not dicking around with certain nemesis in a clusterfuck unless you’re super comfy with your char - and if the char isnt’ comfy you adjust and play safer? :scream:
it’s almost like the game gives you options to not gangbang 4 bosses in the boss room, doesn’t force you into a piledriver in chunks of trash+nemesis combos, and you can move around…
unsure if this needs to be mentioned once more: i’m not some god-like player/pilot - i play scared, i play safe, and yes i’m like 2-3 mins slower than the fast players because of it

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To be fairl CoF+Miasma isnt dicking around to end up being hit with -45% physical res.
And if HC SR your going to see that at times or similar combined with Nemesis or other skill stacking on top.
And that is just off the top off my head, broad experience rather than niche situations.

Aside from that is when your a fresh char without the use of solid stash items, its a combo that is going to hurt a lot more now and one that can be challenging to be prepared for.

aaand yet none of my chars i’ve run since playtest has anywhere close to that… and i’ll state it again: SR didn’t get harder for me, if anything it feels better/more chars can handle it now
Celestials however is an entirely different matter

And I will say again, this is a complex variable relying upon RNG, and the build one plays; this game has huge build diversity.
Furthermore changes are not just SR; Miasma+CoF or similar stacking happens in the main game, while in SR that combo+Nemesis or some other boss happens as well.

oh please, MC content has a tickle scaling compared to SR so getting debuffed there doesn’t matter, much less since most builds didn’t have much meaningful phys res there until endgame…
*i might not play much HC, but i level extensively with 0 deaths on softcore

cool beans, and i’ve been running SR for like 8 hours or so testing tonight, without issue, so either it’s niche; or it’s “a bit” about playstyle…

Yeah Git Gud you say without knowing how long I have played the game or how well I do with moderate builds (more common gear SSF) rather than best MIs/best sets lol.
I guess the streamers who die in HC Ulti to Chthonic combos in campaign are just terrible players, oh wait its the combo that happens at times.
I assume one solution you suggest for these as well is also not to click monster totems anymore.
Anyway we both made our points.

need i repeat it another time?

i click monster totems all the time, and still end up with 0 deaths without worrying; because i either know my build can stand there, or i piss the fck off 0.01 sec after clicking it…
all classes have 2 movements freely available too them now, the game has never been safer in terms of totem spawns
cant’ emphasize enough how much the “run scared” strat works really well these days, outside Maiden/fabius

This video and the build it shows can prove. Finish SR90-91 in less than 8mins. Foreigners seem never to fight in this style😶‍🌫️

(BTW, I’m not sure if I misunderstood. It seems that you don’t farm SR80-81, but only single SR80, and cost 6mins? Isn’t that too ineffencient? Single shard means less chests.)

Of course, Markovian’s Bastion, especially with Warlord, is too OP now. Almost no other builds can do so.

And what’s funny is that it’s hardly weakened in v1.2.1.0.:face_with_spiral_eyes:

We are going in a circle,
but I am coming from the perspective of not dying at all for those that play HC while I think your fine with the occasional death going by your SR test comments.
That said I think it was mentioned in the past GD is not balanced for HC, but this is a big change for those that do play it, because of the random nature of said enemy combos and complexity of builds with their items.

aeh, i note deaths if they are there, because unlike HC, it means you get something to learn from
i basically confirmed, individual Maiden blitz not directly lethal; Maiden blitz if already sundered = lethal “with these stats”
^the former a HC player might never notice because by default aiming to be 50% more defensive/tanky than that, but now i have a floor to go from “this is the absolute minimum, in optimal conditions” or something like that, showcasing a change/part of the change doesn’t have the 1:1 impact there might be perceived - that’s the specific point, that by all perceptions these builds shouldn’t even be able to succeed “at all” in 75-76 on 1.2.1 now “because big bad update”, but they can even if the vindi require better care to do so it still can when it “shouldn’t”

no, i farm 75-76, i just do 80 for quick testing since decently higher scaling (and if able to clear it means such chars could use eternal waystone skip for checkpoints, if unable means have to uprun from 65-66) - i wont build/aim for 80-81 because i personally don’t see the need to, so even doing 80 is like “special” clear confirmation for myself