Quitting for other ARPGs but still here drama

It will be interesting to see how you can incorporate all players ideas, considering they are contradictory to one another. But it’s our duty as community to speak our mind. If you find something useful in the vast sea of rants, implement it. If not, we move along to next matter.

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D3 season 18 first, then PoE Blight.

True. players themselves don’t always know what’s best for them. That’s why most foods you buy contain GMO corn starch in them, that is one of the leading causes of various types of cancer worldwide. So food producers know best, heh? It’s all about money, even in this particular case.

Chitchat achieved. Now I get it why they ragequit.

This basically the same as the 6 yr old that says “I’m taking my ball and going home!” if he doesn’t get his way. Plus in this case it’s not your ball.

There is nothing wrong with feedback and it’s actually a good thing. But there is constructive and then there is drama.


We are obviously cutting corners on quality buff products to save on our bottom line and the poor players are getting cancer because of our lack of moral compass.

Lol…yeah, it totally equates!

I don't know about you but I think we took a wrong turn somewhere in this thread.

Look at all these verbally abusive people, see what video games do to people?

Drama can be useful too. At least I expressed it here, while all my friends simply uninstalled the game and are now rifting happily ever after.

I did it for Zantai. He can’t see what’s not flagged. At least not real-time. This isn’t my drama. It’s my friendly message, piece of information. At least it won’t come as a surprise in the future. It’s his business what to do with this drama.

Damn, they are already doing GRs. Argh!

This was clearly the best turn we could hope for.

Holy moly
That’s hot :smile:

You didn’t flag anything. :rofl: It was already clear he’d seen the thread and responded.

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Funny you say this when diablo 3 and POE have the exact same problem with one shots and character explodes for no reason.

But plz do keep trolling.

Infact just one recent right here https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/c7tn3y/i_can_withstand_shapers_slam_but_white_legion/

and here

and here

heres another thats like SR

etc etc etc. POE has even worse problems than grim dawn where your char has to ask for carry lol.

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I flagged the fact that 8 people have just quit GD because of what’s been going here in the last couple of months. Some of these people were GD supporters from the start. They didn’t stop playing because of boredom. They didn’t enjoy the constant class/item changes as well extreme randomness of SRs. They also hated instability of MP in SRs. That’s my point. I hope you get it now.

Goodbye, I guess. :thinking:

we have an influx of angry players for some reason even though dev is actively listening to community feedback.

Set transmutation, auto pick ups, infinite dungeons, piercing AAR, final boss tone down, crucible tone down, new expansions, teleportation runes, SR tone down, SR combo tone down, better MI for builds, buffing niche items, buffing useless legendaries.

Seriously thats some outstanding work here and is vastly underappreciated.


i really dont see how saying going back to diablo 3 and POE will help when both games suffer from exact same problem and worse, when you cant even go offline…

Example please? Empty words for the sake of commenting? Outside of real bugs, there are very few mechanics that can oneshot you in D3. Reflect mobs would be #1 reason, but they are easily avoided. Incoming damage is easily one of least spiky from all other games in its genre.

The game has been changing constantly since day one, it’s nothing recent - more like 10 years. Or 7 if you want to count from the point Medierra was able to hire full time staff after the Kickstarter. Every changelog has brought tweaks/improvements/buffs/nerfs to the game. It’s never been static, though there have been times I suppose when changes haven’t happened for a few months.


True that. And, until recently, it was well received. Most changes were great, at least according to all my friends. Even those who hate arpgs got it and played for hundreds of hours. Please don’t say there’s a lack of appreciation, as it’s not true.

It’s the recent events, such as multiple consecutive changes to classes/builds/sets what made people worry.

If you look back through the changelogs, you’d see that items/classes have been tuned since before even I bought into the game in 2014.

But bitching and fear-mongering is eternal too. Only as of late has the toxicity therein increased for “unknown reasons”.


Well back in our days we use to farm SOT and be happy to kill final boss. Natural progression of power creep made people have way too much expectation of what builds should do. Before it was running crucible for 150, then 170, then 170 at 10min, then 170 at 6min, then theres SR, then theres SR 75 loop.

We have to stop at some point.

Once deathly wayward point gets released i fear people might expect to finish SR 80+ solo for those celestial chests, even though the legendary spam from these farming are already in my opinion ridiculous and made the rest of the game pretty much obsolete (other than couple of components?).