Skulls & Bones - Pet Ritualist

Hi Miya, do you have a faction gear GT link as a stepping stone? Thank you for your time.

Not for a Skeleton build, no.

I do have faction gear GT link for non Skeleton Pet Cabalist in my guide, however

Heya Maya, newcomer here. Thanks for your work in creating guides and builds.

About the Skeletons build (wich i realy love), i have a question about damage and attack power converted to health that i can’t seem to find INFO anywhere…

  • For example, the Wendigo constelation, with the summon skeletons added as the ability that procs it.
    AFAIK it should work as everytime a skeleton does damage and procs it (with a low proc rate, i know, but multiplied by 12 skeletons or so), it should proc the vitality damage on the ability, and the player should get the life regen proc, right? or does it only procs on player-based attacks and in this case as the pets do most of the damage, it will almoust never proc?

It’s realy kinda confusing what abilities can proc from pet-based attacks and others can’t, and then the attack power based health regen aswel. Can you please elaborate and help out a little with some hint on how to spot the devotions/abilities that can proc from pets?


Unfortunately, it needs to be bound to a player based attack like you guessed for it to heal the player.

Also, welcome to the forums and glad to hear that you like the builds and guide :blush:

Thanks for answering. If I may ask another question… the Toad constelation has a node that specificaly states:

“Bonus to All Pets: +4% of Attack Damage converted to Health”

Hopefuly that means that every pet will self heal for 4% of each attack. Or the heal is for the player instead? Also, does that include “extra” damage like for example Huntress “REND” proc ability or “Bonus to All Pets: 18 Bleeding Damage over 3 Second”, or that self heal is only based on the pet’s basic attack ?

Thanks for your time!

When anything says “bonus to all pets” it affects the pets and not the player.

What Medea said. And flat dmg gets added to pet’s basic attack dmg.

Ay, @Maya fluffy look cooler with the new pair of sunglasses :cool: :sunglasses:

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Hey there. I was wondering, with a build doggo & skeleton oriented, wouldn’t we need some chaos/fire/vitality RR ? I’m playing Cabalist right now, it has a good burst however some bosses have too much res that I can reduce with Vulnerability. It’s even worse against the Ravager; with its 135% or so vitality res, I have a 10th or a 15th of my initial damage which make the fight unbearable.
I’m lacking skill points for ravenous earth, and lacking devotion points.

Maybe I should take Manticore or that ravenous earth trading defensive stats and other spells ? What do you think about it, have you tried ?

Ravenous Earth’s RR only works if the spell gets a kill first. So it won’t help.

Manticore might, but the trade off is a bit too much for me personally.

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Been leveling up with this build and it’s realy fun. Having loads of skellies wrecking everything is oddly satisfying. It has an average uptime work with cursing and reaping souls and buffing but i wish i had another button to press as the playstyle sometimes is mostly running away/avoiding stuff and making sure your pets are alive and min/max buffed.

Nothing wrong with this playstyle, is as valid as all the rest as long as you are having fun, but i suspect that i’ll need to change something to acomodate another active skill. Problem is i’m not realy finding anything that fits here unless you heavily invest points in it, kinda negating the flavour and strenghts of the rest of the build.

I’ll try blight fiend explosion-on-a-cooldown extra ability and having 3 explding around, but i don’t see any build using it so i expect it not to be all that great…

The builds below use Blightfiends, but they are Blightfiend focused builds with no skeletons:

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Hi, Skulls & Bones Master ! (or Mistress ?.. Anyway…)

Still enjoying this amazing build :slight_smile:
But… Just to clarify : “raise spirit” on the Bonescavenger’s Deathgrip is nearly useless, right ?
I mean : pets kill enemies so fast I just can’t even try to kill one to proc the skill :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Hi, could you please add screenshots of gear/skills/devotions as grimtools seems to be offline for long?

Been trying Dying God Devotion path instead of Mogdrogen and it “feels” more damage, the Life regen delay penalty is kinda funky tough. Not sure if it’s realy all that bad, or it’s just a matter of getting used to it.

But it does make the fights a little bit more engaging, kinda like a risk vs reward cookie.

Correct. It is just for show, more or less. If you are wondering why, blame the devs for trying to make pet hybrids work.

PS: Hybrids don’t work. Not without a major overhaul to the system.

Grimtools should be back up now. Sorry, I couldn’t get back to you sooner

Yeah, you need to get used to the negative regen, especially with enemies that have strong DoT skills. But it does give a huge boost to the damage. So if you don’t mind the risk, it will be worth the trouble.


Been using this setup (the more defensive one with Healing Rain and Nature’s Guardian) and it’s realy smooth to play. I come from a retaliation Sentinel so i enjoy the more defensive “hardy” style of this build.

Made a few changes to get a few more sustainable HP regen (with points in bat with skeletons proccing it), and wendigo (on COF procs) and realy works well, it’s even more defensive. The pets are less buffed but Hp is constantly coming up with the added devotion procs. Not sure if it’s end-game viable for the pets’ survival, but it’s fun now. Oh and i got some points for staff of rattosh with this diferent path - Very good devotion for pets’ stats.

Hi, thanks for the build. Curious how long it takes for it to do a crucible run?

I haven’t checked in the current patch, but should be less than 12 mins on a blessings+banner run.
I don’t really bother with the crucible anymore, so my builds don’t get optimized for it any more.

kind of necro post, but since necromancer is one of masteries, hope same will be forgiven :slight_smile:

if you drop Crane and put 4 poitns in Lion + yellow crossroad, you can put 6 points in Light of Empyrion and get that 6th devotion point for +3% max aether/chaos for player and +5% max res for pets.
The loss is res from Crane (not so significant) and you have to invest 22 points in spirit to equip Cataclysm Eye, so DA is 2823 instead of 2867, though hp is 20500 instead of 19500.
Not sure which one is better.

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