[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Are you really asking that question on the game’s official forum? :rolleyes: Sorry, but pirates aren’t welcome here.

ill bet you for a free key you got pirated software on your computer so spare me the xxxxxxxx plz :wink:

I guess, it’s a jo(e)ke :rolleyes:

nope why would you even put that in there?

No, I don’t. So I suggest you leave the forum until you do have a legit copy of the game.

Man, buying a game time to time in a lifetime is not the end of world…

You won’t get what you want here sry dude

I want to use autopickup only. How to turn off infobox and other features entirely?

JFC you can buy the game for under $10 when it goes on sale.

Set “AutoPickupOnly” to True in the GrimInternals.ini file.

dont want anything, i didnt expect he would tell the truth haha.
the filesize check doesnt need to be in there imo,its prob the only reason it needs to be updated everytime a new patch gets released.

You’re wrong!

Who didn’t tell the truth? Me? Sorry to disappoint you if it was me, but I don’t have pirated software for anything on my PC. I prefer to support the people who made this great game for us to play. Since you won’t, goodbye. See you when you have a legit copy.

what did you use to code gi? i tried to dcp it and have a look myself but its not recognized by the tools i tried.

good for u.

I don’t seem to be getting through to you about leaving. So let’s see if another mod will make it clearer to you.

If I see another post from you you’ll be banned.

ban me? for asking questions? where does it say i need a legit copy to post here? im asking about a 3rd party free tool! not about the game itself.

if you don’t see the problem with using pirated software, then posting on the games official forums, I feel bad for you.

it would be like me coming to your house and stealing your computer then asking you how to use the software on it.

i see, so far i don’t use any other mod but now i decided to don’t use cloud storage and start it simple with GI. :slight_smile:

ok, thx for your answers and gj on the mod. :slight_smile:

  • I’ve gone so far as to buy copies of the base-game for friends when it goes on sale…

This is a small company, not EA/Ubisoft. You’re stealing from hard-working people; who frankly have gone above and beyond for us.

tips hat once again to the creators of this wonderful tool

Thanks a lot! :slight_smile: