V1.1.9.1 Discussion suggests Reap Spirit pet"proc" being able to proc effects/devotions on its attacks, because Reap Spirit feels kinda not strong in that regard :woozy_face:

That set has simply been forgotten just like Iskandra/Clairvoyant/Ulzuin in the past

Huh. Okay cool. That actually gives me an idea. I’ll be back in a week after play test. :laughing:.

It would be nice to have physical to fire conversion on Desolator plus maybe
some RR modifier for markovian’s advantage or zolhan’s technique to give 2h rannged commandos a fighting chance against iron maiden. Not sure if the physical to fire conversion would make purifier’s OP but there should be an incentive to play 2H ranged fire commando instead of purifier.

I did try to use Reap Spirit before the patch : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/DV9EJkWV
It’s not that bad, but kinda mediocre. It nukes about as much as Doom Bolt but without the double hit on the main target and with no aoe. Still, a decent single target dps boost so I’d say it’s worth it. I can’t say if the spirits are useful though.

On a side note, you can already add aether sigils to a Clairvoyant build if you really want : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/w26rnRA2 and they’re fantastic.

Anyway, to stay in topic, attempt number 3 to get the warlock side of clairvoyant buffed, it’s still seriously inferior to spellbinders in every regard.


Nothing special. I made my own version from the banana_peel build, last post

i tried the cataclysm set mostly for the procs ( amy+set procs) because i want to only use BWC, and stormfire if i need to sustain, as spell. The other damage come from aura of censure, vindicative flame and proc.
I should continue these tests but i would be surprise that the loss of %damage, vindicative flame cd reduc and +skill would be compensate by cataclysm set and his proc. Especially with the set proc from critical hit and not normal hit

i didnt try the build with ember calling set which has VF reduc cd as a set bonus. That might replace the VF reduc cd from agrivix off-hand/MI shield. When i think about it, that could be worth it !

Also, what about buffing Shard of Belgothian? Make it useable at lvl 90+ and buff its base stats by quite a bit, as I feel there is almost no reason to use it.

My thoughts on cata set based on my most recent build using it

Build link and small description on video.
It uses full conversion to cold for the following damage types; lightning and fire, then almost 100% on chaos and aether to cold. The damage feels pretty good, but the build feels pretty squishy. (Even more noticeable in Sr) I crafted with a % armor bonus to try to offset the lowish physical resist. Outside of inq seal you can die very easily, and sometimes even inside of it.

My thoughts would be to add some of the following;

  • Add small 4-6% phys resist to the offhand or 3 piece
  • Give the full set proc build in adcth 8-10%
  • Bonus casting speed on the 2 or 3 piece bonus.

It is a situation where it feels almost there. The other time I used the set was on trozan druid for the access to % dr. But that build is better served by filling other options. Doing some of the above would make cata set a more appealing option to choose from. The idea of adding another skill point to the 3 piece bonus would be neat as well since you do give up a lot of potential skill points/skill mods by using those three slots.


i feel like “in general” there is too few AAreplacers not depending on mastery, and too little access to them at lower lvls, Mistborn yaaaay…
then you have the issue of something like Shard screwing over some builds, because it’s the only one available, and far from powerful enough to make up for its downside of converting into elemental(for non ele builds)
most obvious example could be trying to make a non belgo pierce infiltrator especially as ranged.
you are basically forced to pair inqusitor and ex nb with an AAreplacer Mastery, or pray yourself lucky that a “fixed” AAreplacer existed for 1 specific purpose ex runebinder/rahzin

This one was requested before, but I’ll try anyway: Darkblaze Source misses % fire and burn damages while providing vitality to fire conversion. This makes it more strange considering every other Darkblaze piece has % fire and burn. This amulet can be used with Ember’s Calling for example, on fire Saboteur, or some fire + chaos hybrids.

Also want to point out that Ember’s Calling shoulders miss % burn damage =)


Cough Runebinder’s Gem cough

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Hm, what about it? Missing % pierce damage? Runebinder’s chest “lost” % burn damage too. It’s a weird set to be honest. But at least it doesn’t have conversions to damage type it doesn’t support XD

Yeah I cant do SR 150 anymore garbage spell


https://www.grimtools.com/calc/qNYpvbeZ this is the build… i tried making it as balanced and realistic as possible without sacrificing all of its damage. the problems are as follows:

  • terrible casting speed makes it awkward and annoying to cast devouring swarm
  • you get CC`ed by trash mobs because you don’t really have CC excepting trap and slow res.
  • i really wanted to try and make brutallax version work hoping that it will solve survivability issues for trickster but sadly it doesn’t
    Conclusion: it really needs CC res (freeze and petrify) along the devo board. I couldn’t finish an 151-170 run with it from 10 tries, despite having the decent stats seen in the GT link.

Honestly most builds can do SR 75- 76 and i think it’s quite balance when it you think about the total experience the game is providing you (ie. able to kill Lokkar + farming SR 75+76 is enough to enjoy Grim Dawn as you can level up your alt’s faster and get legendaries).

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Do you even lift?


AAR pretty much useless after nerfs :pensive:
srs, how many acid AAR do we see sub 4 now? or sr125+?,
piercing AAR basically got gutted with all the arcanist nerfs, and no amount of clayvoyant buffing is gonna fix that
and bleed AAR is just in the most hopeless state it’s ever been since bleed relies on crit and that was canned…
i think it’s pretty obvious by now Z just don’t want AAR to be used endgame - otherwise surely we’d have have a black bubbly Yugol FX AAR transmuter :disappointed:


Albrecht’s atrocious ray?


Roll back all AAR damage nerfs since at least 1.1.5.

Revert piercing ray change.

Call game complete, final patch.


Gaining the ability to pierce targets was the thing that finally caused people to stop complaining that AAR sucked. Do we really want to go back to the time that AAR kepts getting buffs over and over, but still sucked?