You, Sir (Miss?), are a hero and a gentleman (gentlewoman?
)! Please enjoy an internet cookie 
Your reply goes beyond my wildest dreams :). Thank you very much for the detailed reply. I was NOT expecting anything more than a short answer to my question, probably just saying this or that class and not much else. The fact that you spent time to actually put together 2 (!!!) builds with gear, skill distribution AND devotions (some of which seem oriented towards levelling and campain) let me basically speechless. Don’t worry, the “speechless state” did not last long, as you can see from the wall before you
My highest character is a cold/frostburn S&B Blademaster that I enjoy playing very much, as well as a Sentinel and an Infiltrator that kind of stagnated around lvl 55.
With the update in difficulty I wanted to start fresh, so that I could experience the new challenge the game would pose. True to my initial post, the new character was of course an(other) Occultist, with the intent of focusing on SoC, since I did not try to play a build focused on it before. Therefore, I took 2-3 points in Bloody pox and rushed to get SoC.
I do like the increase in difficulty. I noticed my hp dropping a lot more, and the Reanimator was a bit of a challenge, especially since most of my points were in the mastery bar, trying to get SoC quickly, and the bosses have more hp and do a lot more (that guy summoned a ton of extra zombies!). However, once I started putting points in SoC I was surprised how nice it works, both as direct dmg and dot, and the heal helps a lot. This is when I decided to search more builds focusing on SoC and I was disappointed to see that there were few and far between.
Initially I was prepared to go with this Deceiver build even if it was an older version, since I did not have a lot of options, and I was reasoning that the Inquisitor mastery would help my no-gear character with the extra heal and the defence granted by the inquisitor seal. And I saw that I can buy the recipe for the head from Vinelton made it even more appealing.
As far as levelling goes, I was thinking to just wing it and pick what seems to help more from the initial build (I absolutely love to level the same way the build is played in endgame, if possible).
I see that the conjurer has a lot more hp steal than the deceiver, so I guess it balances out in the end. This and I have not played Conjurer before (I always saw it as a summoner class, and I don’t particularly like playing pet classes) evens the scale in the Deceiver vs Conjurer debate.
The fact that you posted this build 2 days ago makes it so much better, since it has everything up to date. The fact that you also showed me how to level up is even better, tipping the scales completely in the Conjurer side of things. Thank you for that again, by the way.
I do have a question: in the two links you gave with beginner gear, what is the point softcapping Solael’s Witchfire on a caster? I think I read somewhere that it’s useless for a caster. Does it affect any of the skills?
Thanks again for the wonderful reply. I have something to keep me busy for the moment :).